

Rachel woke up from a coma After four years...she was happy that she finally meet with her mother and her boyfriend Raymond. but things did not go the same way she remembered... her best friend is engaged to her boyfriend.... Rachel feels heart broken as she decide to go into a contract marriage with her arrogant boss. Did Rachel make a right decision??? will she succeed in her new relationship... will her relationship work with Nelson...the business tycoon .....

Deborah_Gabriel_8307 · Fantasy
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14 Chs


I always had this feeling of pains that continually keep me lock up in my small corner...

But I never made this pain overwhelmed my confidence to stand out and be the girl I was wanted to be.

I am not from a wealthy family of Fame, rather I found my self with my mother....

We are not wealthy but still i can't still say that we are poor....

The rich describe us as middle class.. meaning we are neither rich or poor...

Am twenty one years old, I just rounded up with my college...

And I had the zeal to look for a job that can help me in assisting my mom...

Mom told me not to bother, but she also knows her daughter very well that I do what my mind instruct me.

I woke up on a faithful Tuesday .....that Tuesday that my heart keep pounding for....

The day of my job interview. I was waiting for this day encouraging myself, that I can make it...

I woke up immediately and sat on my reading table as I put on my glasses.

It helps me concentrate I took my diary as I began to write down my schedule for the day....

This is how I live my life....I plan it out...

As an economist I was thought this ... Planing.

After I was done writing in the diary ..... I closed it and put it back in my drawer..

Close to my bed rest.

It was time to get my lazy body to the bathroom " my interview will be on in the next two hours ..."

I reminded myself not to get caught up in traffic.

I ran into the bathroom and I had a quick bath.

I sat down in my dressing mirror as I took my body lotion cream and apply...

After which I took my comb out ....my hair was really messy ....

I had a good growth of hair which falls to my shoulder level.

But still I love it when I tie it into ponytail...I had a thick brown hair which matches with my brown eyes.

I was done arranging my hair...and it was time to apply some makeup ...I apply a little makeup which made my face glow.

I took my purple flare gown and wore with my black glass heel.

Which made me look representable.

" Mom am going now " I shouted as I

Walk down the stairs to the door knob.

" Rachel come have breakfast with your mom first " my mom said.

" Mom am late for the interview I will call you later".

" Are you sure Rachel ....ok come back safe."

" Yes mom I promise to be careful in the road... don't worry about me am no longer a kid."

I said as I open the door and ran out....

" Good morning neighbor" I greeted our next neighbor .

" Morning Rachel " I heard her response but I was in a hurry to start a conversation.

" Beep ....beep" I heard my phone vibrate.

I wonder who is calling right now.

I took my hand To my hand back as I took out my phone .

It Helen my best friend since I enter college.

" Hello Helen " I said as I pick the call.

" Yes ... Rachel are you with Raymond right now." She asked

Mentioning of Raymond he is my college boyfriend....we dated after Raymond help me out when I feel into a deep pit.

We had some many things in common that brought us too.

But after college I noticed Raymond sudden change..he doesn't pick my call.

And he always come up with silly excuses.

" Why are you asking Helen"

" Rachel are you suspecting me with your boyfriend, I can't believe this...."

" Helen I did not say that am just asking why you need him"

" Ok I will let that slide ....I have some work to do with him." She answered.

" Ok but he is not with me ....you call him up ...let me send his contact to you " I told her...

" Ok that will be better "

" Ok bye I said as I ended the call"

Focus Rachel .... Helen is your best friend....

She can't stood too low to having something to do with your boyfriend.

I keep using this word to encourage myself ....

Anytime I see Raymond and Helen together....

I assumed it to be work related.....

I took my hands to my face as I wipe the thought of me breaking up with Raymond.

I took my interview and I was able to convince them on my ability as an economist.

I was given the job .....I was a very excited day.

I have to share this joy with Raymond I told myself.

I dial his number severally but he did not pick...

Maybe he is busy.....work related

I tried Helen number but Even her number was busy.

Wow it better to go home and celebrate with mom Instead.

I walked out of the building as I stood at the road to take a cap.

" Look out young lady...." I heard a deep manly voice spoke....

I turned to check that when I realized what he was warning me off.

I tried run from that location but it was too late...

The car came in a high speed as I was  knock down.


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