

Rachel woke up from a coma After four years...she was happy that she finally meet with her mother and her boyfriend Raymond. but things did not go the same way she remembered... her best friend is engaged to her boyfriend.... Rachel feels heart broken as she decide to go into a contract marriage with her arrogant boss. Did Rachel make a right decision??? will she succeed in her new relationship... will her relationship work with Nelson...the business tycoon .....

Deborah_Gabriel_8307 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter Ten


        " What the heck get your hands off me what do you think your doing" Helen said as she let go of my hands.

   " What do you think am doing, am just trying to prevent you from breaking the news to Rachel" .

   " Shut the fuck up I know your dirty tricks you are never going to tell Rachel about our engagement".

   " Off course am going to give her the information but I don't think this is the right time for her to hear all this, for Goodness sake Helen she is your best friend.

   " Don't use that against me I love you and I can't stand seeing the both of you together knowing the relationship you both shared.

   And you know Rachel still thinks you guys are still in that silly relationship after four years, for the last time who will wait for that long for a patient in coma who has a fifty percent survival " Helen blurted out everything.

  " Helen I understand your pains and I love you back, I  know I was in relationship with Rachel but now everything is different and not just in relationship but am engaged to you.

    All am saying is that we give her some attention to recover there we can break the news we still have some month before our marriage.

   So think about this, if we break the news to her and she could not handle and she fall into another coma this could create a great diaster " I tried knocking some senses into her head.

  Sometimes I wonder what took me to Helen I could remember clearly that night ....the night that brought all this to me .

  I had convince myself several to keep it normal and safe but I can't do anything cause Helen keeps using it to threaten.

   " Okay I will let this one slide, but you also need to promise me something, I have decided to let you tell Rachel everything on your own

But you need to promise me to keep your distance away from her at least five steps away" Helen said as she glared at me .

  I was shock at her current behavior but what can I do, I had to nodd my head in obedience of what she said.


    But still she wasn't satisfy by my nodding off course I will have to answer this queen.

   " Off course I do promise you five steps away from Helen, we will never be intimate cause I have a possessive girlfriend over here" I told her as I pinched her cheek and she finally let that smile out of her face.

   " You look more better when you smile "

   " So what are you saying Raymond am ugly while been angry"

    " I think ugly is an understatement" I said while laughing.

     She stare at me and later took that pillow and started bouncing it on me, I did the same thing but I was careful not to let the pillow hit her hard.

   We played for a long time, laughing and sweating all through untill I got to hear my phone ringing, I immediately signal Helen to stop and luckily she did.

  I took my phone to see how was Calling and immediately I held my breath, why, and what is this person Calling me to do am tired of all their threat calls and I can't inform the police or my family.

     I was dumfounded looking at the unknown number on my screen, don't know weather to pick the call or let it just real to the end, and which immediately it ended and that when I realized that I was holding my breath all this time.

    " What is the problem Raymond, why are you looking so pale and bitten, why didn't you pick up the phone.

    Are you alright your sweating everyone " Helen said as she place her palm on my forehead and later my neck.

     " Am alright Helen I guess the room temperature is high can you increase your Ac ( air conditioner).

   I admit I was sweating and yes I was in Helen house inside the house and I needed to act cool, my coolness was going smoothly until I received a message sms and this time I was serious.

   " Will you love to have a cup of coffee I can make it for you it will help you calm down a little.

    " You don't need to do that am leaving now I have a business proposal to attend to I will definitely call you immediately I get there okay " I took my suit jacket and hang it on my shoulder as I took my phone and slide it into my pocket.

    I could see worried in her face but still I can't let her Know better she is safe and out of this page.

  " Okay I will see you at the office tomorrow okay we will have lunch together " Helen said as I walked closer to the door knob.

   " Okay I will, see you tomorrow then have a great there" I said with a bimb smile and left without turning back.

  I climbed into my car and zoom off .


  After I left the office I headed straight room took a bus to the nearest junction close to my house and later a bolt to my house, I had to go through all those stress because I left without taking mom car I thought she will go out so I don't want her to stress.

   I needed to rush back home and break the news to mom about my work, I know she will be very excited about all these.

     I took my phone texted Charlotte to come over this is going to be a celebration.

  I smile as I saw  the message  on my phone immediately the was a beep.

  Was she expecting my call all this while oh Charlotte I can never get used to you.

  I took the phone and use finger print to open and  read the message with a smile on my face.

    " I will be right there ❤️" she replied with a love emoji.

   After reading the message I thought of inviting Raymond to the celebration I resisted for a moment but my heart was too stubborn to listen as I dialed his number and it rang. I held my breath waiting for him to reply finally the call was pick and Raymond deep voice could be heard from the other side.

    " Hello Raymond hope am not disturbing a meeting " I said with a nervous voice

   " No your not I just rounded up so what's up why are you calling" he asked and it brought back the next discussion.

   " I called to inform if your going to have any chance to come over at my house ".

  " Are you celebrating anything or just want to spend some time with me ."

   " Come on Raymond you can't tease me anytime we talk I just got a job and am celebrating it with mom and Charlotte I just wanted to ask if you can come over.

   " I will just give me some time I will be there ".

  " Thanks again love ...let me hang off now ".

I said as I ended the call.