
Chapter 9

He smirked, leaning down until their noses almost touched, feeling the warm breath of the girl against his face. Tomoko was too shocked to react to what he just said, her eyes glued to the red orbs that are now mere inches from hers. Her breathing quickened and the blood rushed to her ears.

But before she could speak, the door slide open. The two teens whipped around to see who came in, but as soon as they saw who it was, the colour on Tomoko's face was drained.

'W-Why... Why a-are they here?!'

She thought to herself as she brought her hands to cover her face. Takeshi chuckles at her reaction before moving away, giving the brunette some space.

"Is there something I can help you with, student council officers?" Takeshi asks with his usual smile. Yoshito and Yuko stood in their place, the surprise still evident on their face at what they just witnessed.

The blond-haired male turns back to look at Tomoko and gives her a wink before going back to the black hair. Although he's wearing a smile, he could tell that he's anything but happy which brought confusion to him.

'Oh? Is he angry?'

He thought to himself before asking again.

"I asked you how can I help the student council." He repeats. Yoshito clears his throat and was ready to say something, but before he could, the white hair beside him interrupt her.

"What are you two doing here? This is supposedly off-limits and only accessible to the faculty members as the music club is non-existent as of the moment." Takeshi could tell the white hair was pissed but he could care less.

"Tomoko-san was showing me around and we stop by this place after I ask her if there was a music room since this school was a music school, to begin with, and she showed it to me. She enjoyed my performance, it seems." Tomoko's brow twitches before raising her foot and stamping on his feet but he manages to dodge it with a smile.

"And why did she show you around without telling me or anyone about it, Tomoko?" Tomoko looks up at the two student council officers and sees their eyebrows furrowed.

"I didn't think that I need your permission when the teacher give me one already." Tomoko says, her usually stoic face coming back.

"By the way, Tomoko-san, don't you have a club to attend?" Takeshi asks and shows his phone screen at the brunette.

"Yes, actually, I'll get going now." With she walked toward the door, but before she could take a step out of the room, she turned around to face them one last time.

"President, miss secretary, thank you for your concern and for doing your job properly." With that, she left, leaving the three alone. After a long moment of silence between all of them. Yoshito speaks first, breaking the silence.

"You seem to be close with Tomo, have you two known each other before?" Yoshito ask.

"Not quite well, honestly. She found me on the road and took me in." Takeshi smile. Yoshito didn't say anything else and just scorn him before turning around on his heels and leaving the room. But before they could, Yuko came to halt at Takeshi's words.

"You appear to be the type of thing whose victory will fall upon without even asking for it, but I guess you just lucked out. What an unfortunate child." Yuko turned her head around and glared daggers at the ravenette boy, their red eyes clashing against each other.

Takeshi smiled. It wasn't an ugly one, no. More like an expression of pure amusement while staring down at her. His smirk widened.

"Well, then, please excuse me, student council officers." And with that, Takeshi felt fully entertained, whispering something into Yuko's ear as he walked past her.

"She bears my mark and is mine. I suggest you back off, young lady."
