
Chapter 7

'Just what in the hell happened yesterday...'

The brunette questioned her memory as she stared up at the clear sky. The clouds had covered the sun and now it seemed like the sun was hiding behind some distant horizon and so was her memory.

She sighed heavily, turning her attention back to the road as she head to her school. The ing air had grown colder by the minute and she could feel the chill starting to get to her bones.

"It seems that it's going to rain today. Tomoko murmur under her breath and crossed the pedestrian along with students and adults who were heading to their own respective school and schools.

She glanced down at her watch as it ticked by and saw that she'd just over half an hour until classes started, which made her a little relieved for not having to rush to get there.

There was still a lingering fear in her heart at the memory of last night. Although it's quite blurry in her head, she could still remember how tight their grip was on her as if not wanting to let her go.

After what felt like forever, the school came into view and she walked inside, trying her best to shake off the feeling of fear creeping inside her heart. There wasn't anything to be afraid of really and yet the thought of running away from them never really left her mind.

Tomoko shook her head to herself, brushing it off. She continued walking through the halls and tried to distract herself by diverting her attention to something else. But in the back of her mind, she's still scared that it might happen again.


"Hey, hey, have you heard?"

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard."

"We have a third-year transfer student."

"But is that even allowed? A second-year would've been fine, but a third-year?"

"You're right. And what's more, it's almost the end of firs-sem."

"I wonder how did they do that."

"Well, we'll just find out later anyway. Let's just wait she wait for the teacher's further announcement."

"You heard that. It seems we have a new student." Yoshito sighs while rubbing his forehead tiredly.

"Sounds more work for you. Good luck, president." Tomoko replied, her eyes never leaving her phone, she was playing a game to kill some time as they wait for their homeroom teacher.

"Yeah, thanks." Yoshito mumbled before a sigh escapes his lips again before turning his attention back to his seatmate.

"Since when did you just start calling me president? Why?" The blonde male mumbled with a small pout. Tomoko simply shrugs before replying.

"Since you became the president." Yoshito doesn't say anything and just stares at his female friend who seems to be distant from him. Opening his mouth, the blonde was about to ask him if everything is alright when the school chime interrupted him as he head back to his seat, the third seat of the row next to Tomoko's.

Yoshito watch as Tomoko put away her phone and returns it to her bag, the girl then turns her attention to the window beside her. For some reason, he feels like they haven't interacted much despite being in the same class and friends with each other.

He remembers how she acted towards him before and didn't know why, but for some reason, she became... cold.

Did something happen between them? Is she sick or something? Yoshito thought to himself, he couldn't help but glance towards Tomoko for a moment longer but soon tore his sight away when the teacher enter the room.

"So, I'm sure that everybody already knew that we have a new student, it makes things much easier. Come in." The teacher announced. Everybody immediately's eyes then focus on the black-haired boy that just entered the room.

Some people gasped at how tall this boy was and others were confused by how handsome the guy looked. Most people thought he looks rather attractive and that he could give a girl a run for her money in terms of looks.

He has curly black hair that reaches his nape and a pair of golden eyes that seem to hold kindness in them. Standing up straight, he flashes them a bright smile as he introduces himself.

"Good day, everyone. I'm Nishimoto Takeshi, nice to meet you."
