
A Contract of Love

Amelia is a single mother who struggles to raise her daughter while paying off her late husband's debts. Jackson is a billionaire mogul who is searching for a way to save his mother, who needs a liver transplant. When Amelia is diagnosed with inoperable brain tumors, she proposes a marriage contract deal to Jackson In a way to save his mother and donate part of her liver to her, in exchange for enough money to provide for her daughter until she reaches adulthood.

oyindamolaaduke352 · Urban
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Chapter 5

As they entered the hospital, Jackson and Amelia went straight to Dr. Hayes's office and greeted him. 

Dr. Hayes acknowledged Jackson with respect, aware of his status as a well-known billionaire.

Dr. Hayes asked Jackson if he knew Amelia, the most compatible donor they had found for Mrs. Reed.

 Jackson smiled and affirmed that he did know her.

 Dr. Hayes was surprised by this connection but kept his curiosity to himself.

While they were talking, Dr. Lucas, the doctor responsible for Jackson's mother, entered the room to discuss the operation. 

She saw Amelia for the first time, tapped her on the shoulder, and told her she was a strong woman and a loving mother. 

Amelia thanked her with a small gesture, though her expression showed the sadness of leaving her daughter behind.

Jackson, eager to proceed without delay, asked about the next steps. However, Amelia interjected, saying she had a condition before they moved forward. 

Everyone looked at each other, puzzled, and asked what her request was. 

Facing Jackson, Amelia asked, "Will you consider my first proposal to you?"

The doctors exchanged confused glances, not knowing what proposal she was referring to. 

Jackson sighed and asked, "Are you still on that?"

 Amelia nodded and said yes. 

Jackson, speaking softly, offered her more money, but Amelia insisted that her original proposal was the only option she wanted.

After Amelia insisted on entering into a contract marriage with Jackson as the only condition under which she would agree to donate her liver, Jackson was speechless.

 He knew that agreeing to this would jeopardize his relationship with Victoria, his girlfriend who was studying abroad. 

If Victoria didn't agree, he would also risk losing his mother. 

After thinking it through, Jackson decided he would explain the situation to Victoria and convince her why this sudden marriage had to happen. 

After a while, he gave Amelia a response, carefully stating that they couldn't conclude anything without a formal agreement in place. 

Amelia agreed without hesitation. 

Jackson then invited her to his office so that his lawyer could start drafting the necessary documentation.

Jackson and Amelia left the hospital and drove to Jackson's office. 

Sitting across from Jackson in his luxurious penthouse office, Amelia felt out of place. 

The contract lay between them, a thick stack of papers that spelled out every detail of their arrangement. 

Jackson explained each clause with the precision of a lawyer, but Amelia's mind kept drifting to Ella

"What happens after..." she hesitated, "after I'm gone?"

Jackson's expression softened. "I'll make sure Ella is taken care of. She'll have the best education and the best life. You have my word."

Amelia picked up the pen with a trembling hand, signing her name to a future she wouldn't see but hoped she made the right decision for her daughter.

Despite the cold legal language, Jackson couldn't help but admire Amelia's strength and determination. 

For her, the contract was more than just a legal agreement; it was a lifeline, a way to secure a future for her daughter even after she was gone.

They signed the papers, their fates sealed together in a bond forged by desperation and necessity.

Amelia left Jackson's office and went home, her mind a tumultuous whirl of doubts and regrets. 

She replayed their conversation over and over again, trying to convince herself that she had made the right decision.

 But deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her heart.

A man she didn't love, a man who saw her as little status than him, a man she barely knew anything aboutâ€"could she really subject Ella to a life devoid of genuine warmth and affection?

 As her cab drove through the familiar streets, tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the road ahead. 

She wiped them away angrily, frustrated at her own weakness.

"But what choice did I have?" she muttered to herself, her voice barely audible over the hum of the engine.

 "My medical bills were mounting, and my health was deteriorating rapidly. 

I couldn't afford to be idealistic. I had to be practical, for Ella's sake."

The weight of her decision bore down on her like a heavy burden. She had always prided herself on being a strong, independent woman, capable of facing any challenge that life threw at her. 

But now, as she faced the prospect of marrying a man she didn't love, solely for financial security, she felt like she was betraying everything she believed in.

When she arrived home, Ella was waiting for her at the door, her face lighting up with a radiant smile as she threw herself into her mother's arms.

 "Mommy, you're home!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

Amelia held her daughter close, burying her face in Lily's hair and inhaling the scent of shampoo and innocence. 

She couldn't bear to think of the life that lay ahead of them, the compromises and sacrifices that she would have to make. But for Lily's sake, she had to stay strong.

As they sat together at the kitchen table, eating dinner in silence, Amelia couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her insides.

 She had always wanted to give Ella the best possible life, to protect her from harm and shield her from the harsh realities of the world. 

But now, she felt like she was failing her daughter, condemning her to a life of emptiness and unfulfilled dreams.

"What's wrong, Mommy?" Lily asked, her brow furrowed in concern.

Amelia forced a smile, pushing aside her own doubts and fears. "Nothing, sweetheart. 

Mommy's just a little tired, that's all."

But Ella wasn't fooled. She knew her mother better than anyone and could sense the turmoil that churned beneath her calm exterior.

 "Is it about the man that gives you money, Mommy?" she asked softly, her eyes searching Amelia's face.

Amelia's heart clenched at Ella's words. 

She had tried to shield her daughter from the truth, to spare her from the pain of knowing the sacrifices her mother was making. But Ella's was smart, too smart for her own good sometimes.

"Yes, sweetheart," Amelia admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's about the man."

Ella's face fell, her eyes welling up with tears. "But Mommy, why do you have to marry him?

 Can't we find another way?"

Amelia hugged Ella tightly, her own tears mingling with her daughter's. 

"I wish we could, honey. 

I wish there were another way. 

But Mommy's not feeling well, and I need to make sure you'll be taken care of, no matter what happens."

Lily sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. 

"I don't want you to marry someone you don't love, Mommy. It's not fair to you."

Amelia's heart broke at Ella's words. She knew her daughter deserved better, deserved a mother who could give her the world without compromising her own happiness. 

But life wasn't fair, and sometimes, sacrifices had to be made.

"I know, baby," she murmured, pressing a kiss to Ella's forehead. 

"But I promise you, I'll always love you, no matter what."

In the days that followed, Amelia tried to focus on the practicalities of her decision. 

She met with Jackson's lawyers to finalize the prenuptial agreement, ensuring that Ella's future would be secure in the event that their marriage didn't work out.

 She made arrangements for her medical bills to be taken care of, hoping that the burden would be lifted from her shoulders.

But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself that she was doing the right thing, doubts continued to plague her. 

The days that followed were a whirlwind. After they took their wedding vows, Amelia moved into Jackson's penthouse, a stark contrast to her modest apartment in Brooklyn. 

The transition was jarring for both her and Ella, who looked around wide-eyed at the luxurious surroundings. 

Jackson's staff tried to make them feel welcome, but Amelia felt out of place amidst the opulence.

The penthouse was spacious and impeccably furnished, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered panoramic views of the city skyline. 

The living room was decorated in shades of cream and gold, with plush sofas and elegant artwork adorning the walls. 

The kitchen was a chef's dream, with marble countertops and state-of-the-art appliances.

 Each room seemed to exude wealth and sophistication, a far cry from the cozy, cluttered charm of their old home.

Amelia tried her best to adjust to their new life.

 She explored the penthouse, trying to familiarize herself with its layout and amenities. 

Ella, on the other hand, was fascinated by everythingâ€"the grandeur of the place, the swimming pool on the rooftop terrace, and the expansive library stocked with books she had only seen in movies.

Jackson and Amelia stood at the beginning of their new life together, as their contract love began.