
Chapter 1

The bright sunny day couldn't reach the dark doom of the basement where lived a boy, as he felt the warmth of the sun through the little window above the main door, he got up, did a few stretches and gulped down some glass of water. Still half asleep, he managed to open the door and as a beam of light striked onto his face, for a moment he forgot everything and fell down, holding the door he stood and went to his bathroom. Got freshed and called his classmate less friend, asked if there were any class to attend that day. His friend said no, with an enthusasm he fell down on his bed and without knowing he eyes got closed, he sleeped soundedly. As he forgot to close his main door, some guys came, probably of a gang and hid inside his small room. Behind them, some more came looking here and there and started their search. The boy's sleep was broken with the footsteps and looked around him. Suddenly, he was blindfolde. He panicked and started resisting. He showed some good punches and throws but the guys were large in number. One big guy managed to escape his punches and throws and told the other guy to give him to him. The big guy was everyone's boss thus he order everyone to leave the room. The boy recognised him as soon as he heard his voice, seemed like he was no longer afraid of him. Soon the big guy hugged the boy and started smouching on his face.