
A Colorful World

In a world divide by the color of your eyes. Vi has to battle to save the kingdom from its power hungry self. Will she succeed in the Color Games? This is a futuristic version of my book Liquid X!!

NoneOfTheAbovel · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

I woke up, sitting up right on Dad's leather couch. I looked around for the noise, but there was nothing. No more sounds, no lights, no movements.

What had woken me up, you ask?

I don't know either, and that scared me.

Maybe I was just hungry.

I slipped out from underneath the blanket my Dad gave me. The floor felt cold underneath my bare feet.

I stood up from the couch, walked out of the archway to the kitchen. As I went to flick on the light switch I noticed there was a strange shadow.

It looked like a man.


No way. Is it just my mind playing tricks on me.

My hand slides around the wall searching for the light switch. My fingers bumped against it and I flicked the little nob up.


I flipped it back down and then up again.

Still nothing.

Then I realized that the normal buzz of electricity wasn't there.

I don't know why, but I looked back at the strange shadow. Everything happened slowly as the shadow's hand raised up and mockingly waved at me.

Someone was in the house.

I should've called on my lightning, but something stopped me from doing so. It was just a feeling, but I felt that it would only make things worse.

The shadow's hand went back to its side, and I could feel the smile radiating off of it.

I gathered all my strength and said, "Come into the light."

"Alright, alright." The shadow responded. Apparently this shadow was a young boy.

The boy stepped out into the light of the window. The moonlight revealed his features. He had a mop of brown hair, silvery eyes that seemed to glow green in the moonlight, and a sturdy build.

Something about him was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Who are you? What are you doing here!?" I demanded.

"Wow" the boy exclaimed. "You don't even recognize your best friend, I mean I know it's been 6 years and all but still!"

Best friend...?

Oh my god! It's Bera...

I'd never thought I'd ever see him again.

He looks so different! 6 years... The weight of those 6 years finally sat on my shoulders as I remembered saying my goodbyes to my friends. Well friend, no one wanted to be friends with a freak.

That's what I was, a freak.

A little bark caught my attention. I looked around for the source of the sound only to find a small wolf pup coming out from behind Bera's leg. The moonlight reflected off its metal fur.

A living creature made out of metal...

It was beautiful yet scary.

At the sight of me the pup hid behind its master's leg.

"You...you made him?" I said looking back up at Bera.

"She," Bera corrected. "Her name is Ayienna!"

He smiled proudly down at the pup who stuck her tongue out as her mouth stretched into a big wolfie smile. I could hear her tail wagging, knocking up against the wall.

Suddenly Bera was serious as he looked back up at me. "I hear you're participating in the Ruby arena tournament tomorrow. I know a few strong people participating there too. Be careful and watch yourself out there."

"Why do you care?"

"What do you mean "Why!?" You're my friend. And plus I want to participate with you in the actual Color Games!"

"Wait, you're participating too? What arena?"

"Blood," he said with a smirk.

"B-but that's where most of the dangerous people will be!" I couldn't stop the worry that flushed through my body.

How can he still be friends with someone he hasn't seen in years? Especially one from the Outlands!

"Ha! You haven't seen me in a while, Vi. I changed a lot, so don't worry about me, worry about yourself."

Idiot. I'll still worry even if you say that.

"Well I better get going," Bera turned to go out the window.

"Oh! And good luck my little lighting Queen." He leaped out of the window. He was gone.

How the hell did he know!?

He had to be watching me, but why would he be watching me?

Soon I felt the light buzz of electricity return to its rightful place.

I yawned. I was too tired to do all this thinking right now. I needed rest, and I needed it soon or I couldn't perform my best tomorrow.

The calming buzz of electricity smoothed the worry from my mind, relaxing both my mind and body, drifting me off to sleep when I finally found my way back to the couch.

My dreams filled with those shining silver eyes, but instead of Bera's face, it was his eyes on Ayienna.


Today was the day. Today will be my first steps at becoming Queen. I will pass. No matter who or what stood in my way.

It was a good thing Bera was in a different arena, I didn't want to face him.

I wonder, what is Bera's reason for trying to become King?

What has he been doing while I was gone?

He seemed to be practicing a lot. I'd never even heard of anything like Ayienna. Bera always kept to himself, but even though he was only two years older, he always took care of me.

Why does he do this?

I laid on the couch, my eyes still closed, but I wasn't asleep. My thoughts wandered through the many possibilities of my opponents to thoughts of Bera.

I could hear my father's footsteps coming down the stairs. We needed to be at the arena by 9:00 am. I peeled my eyes open to look at the clock on the wall across from me.


Dad walked into the kitchen, and started the stove. He was making breakfast.

I tried to go take a quick nap, but that didn't work so I laid there, staring at the clock as time passed by.


Why can't it hurry up and be 8 already! I couldn't wait eat and get ready to leave.


I couldn't wait to put the uniform on. It was an all black tracksuit, it was made for speed and agility, but not for armor or protection. There wasn't a hint of metal in the outfit, perfect.


5 more minutes! I could smell the bacon and eggs Dad was making. The aroma must have woken Amel because I could hear the footsteps upstairs as she danced. Or what sounded like it was dancing. I have no clue what that girl was doing.


Amel came running down the stairs, slowing down when she saw my still form on the couch. She walked silently as she could to the dining room just outside the kitchen.

"Morning, Dad." She whispered.


Time for me to get up. I sighed as I left the warmth of my blanket. The morning air was cold against my bare skin.

I headed into the dinning room, looked to my left and saw that Dad was about done making breakfast. It was time to start my day. This day will make or break me.

Heyo!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I left you all hanging there didn’t I? Anyways have fun reading! :)

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