
A collection of stories

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON FANFICTION. COM 1-4 story dropped by author next 1-10 Harry Potter 1(one) story dropped by me, because I don't like it going forward 2nd volume another story, (complete) from website 3RD VOLUME: Home is Where You Are by a fisch Volume 4: Stay by HannahFranziska 5: Prophetic Intervention by Harmonious Cannons 6:First Hope by LeafRose 7: The Grey Lord 1: Potterverse Lichdom by nobodez 8:Three to Triumph by HermiHugs

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 21: wedding

The day of the wedding was hectic. Everyone moving around and getting ready.

Harry, Rigel, Daphne, and Astoria were on their last legs. They had been running around since Gabby had woken them up at six that morning. They didn't know how they were going to make it through the ceremony with how tired they were.

"Kids, i need your help again," Gabby screamed and Harry stood up.

"Come on, there's no sense in making her wait. It'll only make it worse."

They followed him upstairs and they helped Gabby set up the flowers for what seemed like the millionth time.

The wedding began at one. Gabby's bridesmaids, which included two people, Tonks and Ginny. Her maid of honor was Amelia, who had been helping her set this up. Sirius's had chosen Remus as his best man and Fred and Georges as his best men.

Since only family and friends were invited, the whole wedding consisted of about thirty or forty people. The Weasley's, Longbottom's, and Susan came. It was a very nice and well thought family.

The backyard, next to the Quidditch Pitch, was where the wedding was being held. The tents and path for the bride to come down had been set up that morning. The reception was in the ball room, which was already set up thanks to the house elves. Everything was white with light pink rose petals along the path and the chairs set on either side of the path.

Harry and Rigel were the ring bearers and Daphne and Astoria were the flower girls.

The wedding music began and Daphne and Astoria began to walk down the aisle. They tossed the rose petals on to the path and someone cued the birds. The magic that had been spread to put up the tent was sparkling and lingering making everything look like a firework had gone off and the sparkles didn't disappear.

Harry and Rigel followed Daphne and Astoria and, to be funny, were levitating the rings in front of them with their wandless magic.

People were gasping and trying not to laugh at the same time as they watched the two boys. Sirius was staring at them, not sure whether he should laugh or scold them, but in the end, his eyes were laughing.

Ron and Ginny followed Harry and Rigel and after them, Tonks and Remus. Tonks was staring at Remus, not paying much attention to where she was walking, and couldn't seem to stop. She seemed mesmerized and Remus was just staring straight ahead like he didn't notice.

The music changed to bride's music and Gabby began walking down the aisle. Sirius's eyes went from laughing to shock. It looked like he'd been Stunned.

Remus was smiling as he watched his best friend. Harry and Rigel were smiling as they watched their adopted dad. Daphne and Astoria were happy to see the smile on their mum's face.

Gabby was watching Sirius the whole walk down. Her eyes never left his and she stopped in front of him.

The bonder that was going to bond the ceremony for them asked them to speak their vows.

Sirius looked into her eyes and said, "Gabby, I've loved since we started dating in Hogwarts. I can admit it wasn't love at first sight, but I do love you. I love you forever, Gabby."

Gabby looked like she was trying not to cry and said, "Sirius, I was so happy when you asked me out our sixth year of Hogwarts. I thought you didn't know I existed because I was just another Slytherin, but you ignored that. I was another person and I was so in love with you. When you lost James, I knew you didn't kill that man. You were innocent, you were my Siri and I knew my Siri would never kill without a reason. I love you, Sirius. Always."

Everyone under the tent had tears in their eyes or was crying. Sirius was grinning and Gabby was smiling.

They were pronounced husband and wife and the wizard bonded them for life. The fireworks that erupted were perfect and somehow Fred and George had managed to get them to spell out Sirius and Gabby 4ever in Love.

Sirius and Gabby hugged Fred and George and walked back the aisle to lead everyone to the reception.

The appetizers that were set up on each table and the families started finding seats. Harry, Rigel, Daphne, and Astoria were sitting with Remus, Sirius, Ron, Ginny, Gabriella, and Tonks at the head table.

Remus and Ginny made their toasts, which were really awkward and a little funny. Harry and Ginny sat next to each other and so did Remus and Tonks, which made Tonks drool a bit. She was falling head over heels for the man and the man didn't even notice her.

Sirius and Gabby made their toasts to each other and cut their cake, which Molly Weasley had made beautifully.

It was six cakes high and all white with a rose pink trim that had real miniature roses on the edges.

"To Molly, thank you for the most wonderful cake," Sirius said.

Molly blushed and looked down in embarrassment.

With the food finished, the tables flew to the sides and a stage was pulled out by magic. The Weird Sisters stepped up and on to the stage and began playing.

The night was full of dancing and drinking and fun.

The kids were all past out by midnight, so the parents let them stay the night, which they didn't have much choice because a lot of the parents were to drunk themselves and were staying also.

Harry carried Ginny up to her room and Rigel carried Astoria as Daphne and Ron followed closely behind.

Harry and Rigel bid Daphne and Ron good night and went to bed.

The next morning, much to Harry's delight, was peaceful. The house elves had picked up the mess in the ballroom and most of the parents had gone home by the time Harry, Rigel, Daphne, Ginny, Astoria, and Ron came down for breakfast.

The house elves made them breakfast because Sirius and Gabriella weren't there. They had left for their honeymoon last night. They were only staying a week in Europe and while they were there, Harry, Rigel, Daphne, and Astoria were staying with the Weasley's. They were going to be back the day before Harry's birthday because that was the day they were having Harry and Ginny's birthday party.

Harry helped Rigel, Daphne, and Astoria pack their stuff into his trunk, where they would be staying while they were at the Weasley's, and Ginny and Ron helped too.

After they finished, Tinker and the others made them some lunch to go and they flooed to the Weasley's.

Mrs. Weasley met them and smiled.

"Okay, now, Ginny and Ron, you both know you have chores to do. The rest of you are welcome to do whatever you want."

Ginny and Ron groaned, but smiled after Harry, Rigel, and Astoria offered to help. Daphne was staying inside and helping Mrs. Weasley make lunch.

They began cleaning up the chicken coop, which Rigel and Harry did with their magic to make it go quicker, then they had to degnome the garden, which they all made a competition out of seeing who could throw the gnome the farthest.

They finished and ate lunch, which Daphne and Mrs. Weasley made. It was chicken soup with toasted sandwiches.

Mrs. Weasley let them go the rest of the day and let them do what they wanted.

Rigel, Daphne, Ron, and Astoria decided to have a chess tournament and Harry and Ginny took a walk out to the meadow.

"Hey, Harry."

"Yeah, Gin," he replied.

"Have you thought about what we talked about?"

"Yeah, I have no idea what to do, Gin. I guess we'll have to figure out when we get there."

She nodded and Harry saw the tears well up in her eyes. He hugged her and said, "Gin, please, don't cry. I will see you when I get to Hogwarts, if I have to sneak out I will."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Ginny, I don't think this bond will let us stay away from each other that long."

She nodded and they continued their walk. They made it to the meadow and sat down on the grass.

"Harry, what's it like?"

"What's what like, Gin?"

"What's it like...not to have your mum and dad?"

Harry felt a slight pain in his chest at the thought of his parents.

"It's like being alone in the world with no one and nothing. It's like going out to call for your mum or dad when you have a nightmare and then you realized they aren't there."

She nodded and said, "I'm sorry, Harry, you didn't deserve what happened to you."

Harry nodded and they began their trek back to the Burrow.

Mrs. Weasley didn't look at them weird or say anything. She had made dinner, steak and kidney pie, and everyone at peacefully.

That night, the kids went to sleep early and gave Molly and Arthur a night to have dinner to themselves, since Arthur had come home late.




Chapter 22: Birthday's and Wands

Harry, Daphne, Rigel, and Astoria ran downstairs the day of Harry's birthday. They were all happy and looking forward to the birthday party that was going to be held at Potter Manor this afternoon.

The house elves had made an awesome breakfast for Harry's birthday. Rigel, Harry, and Astoria dug in, while Daphne looked at them in disgust.

"Boys, come on, use the manners we worked so hard to drill in your brain," Gabby said.

Harry, Rigel, and Astoria stopped eating, swallowed and said, "Sorry."

They ate slower after that and Sirius came down.

"Guys, why don't we have a Quidditch game before everyone gets here?"

"Okay," everyone said, but Harry.

"Actually, Dad, if it's alright I think I'm going to go back upstairs and look through the drawers in the trunk to see if any of them opened for my birthday."

"Okay, Harry," Sirius said as he led the other kids outside.

Harry walked back upstairs and into his and Rigel's room. He walked over to where is trunk lay enlarged, but not open.

He unlocked and walked down the stairs to the living room. He walked to the room with the drawers and stared at them for a minute.

He went over to the first one and pulled and, to his surprise, it opened. He pulled out two wands. He could feel the power in both of them. He stuck them in his back pocket and pulled on the next drawer. After that one, he pulled on the next and it didn't open.

He pulled on the fourth one and it opened. He found a bunch of papers bound together with ribbon. He read the curvy handwriting on the first page. It said: Charms, First Year, Lily Evans.

Harry set them aside and opened the next drawer. It was the same except the handwriting wasn't curvy, but still nice. It bound by string, not ribbon and he saw his dad's name.

He set them aside with his mum's and tried the next drawer, but it wouldn't open. The next one, he pulled and it opened.

It was a certificate to Quality Broomsticks. He could get the best broom out for free. He was giddy with happiness. It his Nimbus 2000 was awesome, but he had heard that, for a lot of money, he could get the Nimbus 2001 that wasn't coming out officially until next year.

He tried the last two drawers, but when they didn't open. He picked up the notes and certificate and walked back up to his room.

He locked his trunk and sat down on the bed. He set the notes and certificate on the bedside table along with the wands.

"Harry," James' picture said.

"Yeah, dad."

"Please, be careful with that stuff. The notes cannot be taken to Hogwarts because they aren't yours and you can't copy them, so you'll have to study them as best as you can these last couple of weeks before you go. Next, the wands, I want you to take them to Ollivanders when you go tomorrow to get the rest of your school stuff. Last, will you take my picture with you to Hogwarts so I can talk to you?"

"Of course, Dad, and I'll work on everything as hard as I can."

"I know you will, son, and now you might want to get downstairs. I believe just about everyone has arrived for your birthday party."

Harry nodded and ran downstairs. He ran into someone coming up the stairs and tumbled down with person right behind him.

He looked up and saw Ginny's brown eyes.

"Sorry, Harry. I was just coming upstairs to get you.'

"No problem, Gin."

He helped her up and led her outside where everyone was waiting.

"There's the birthday duo," Sirius shouted.

Everyone cheered and started singing happy birthday. Harry and Ginny blew out the candles on their cakes, which Harry's was a snitch and Ginny's was a yellow lily.

The cake and ice cream was eaten and since dinner was still being prepared by the house elves, Sirius, Gabby, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley decided to let Harry and Ginny open their presents early.

Harry and Ginny sat down like they had last year and Sirius and Mrs. Weasley separated the present into two piles.

Sirius handed Harry his first present.

He opened it to find a wooden box from Fred and George.

"Okay, guys, what does this do?"

"You see, Harry, whenever you put something in the box, it can only be opened by you. It also has an extension charm on it so it can hold a lot more than it looks."

"Thanks, guys," Harry said in awe.

Ginny was handed her first present from Gabby and opened it.

It was a small woven bracelet from Daphne and Astoria.

"It's pretty. Thanks, Daph, Astoria."

They nodded and Harry opened his next one. It was year subscription to the Quibbler.

"Thanks, Luna, Mr. Lovegood."

Luna smiled and Ginny opened her next present. It was a fiction book. It looked really interesting and she couldn't wait to find a quiet spot to read.

"Thanks, Rigel, I can't wait to read it."

Rigel smiled and Ginny set the present aside.

Harry opened the next present Sirius handed to him and saw it was an advance Transfiguration book from Minny.

"Thanks, Minny, am I allowed to practice?"

He saw her think about it, but she shook her head no. He sighed and set the book aside.

Ginny got her next present and opened it and found a symbolism book from Ron and Charlie.

"Thanks, can you show me some of the cool stuff?"

"Sure, Gin-Gin, but I forewarn: Bill sent us that to give to you from us. I don't know Ginny laughed and said, "I kinda figured. You like dragons and Ron wouldn't have thought of this without some help. Sorry, big brother."

Ron glared, but couldn't stay mad at her and Charlie nodded.

Harry was handed his next present and, which he could tell from picking it up, it was clothing.

"Thanks, Mrs. and Mrs. Weasley. I needed a new outfit."

They smiled and Ginny was handed her next present, which was from Siri and Gabby.

She smiled at the gold chain.

"Thanks, Siri, Gabby. The old one, since I never take it off, was getting a little worn."

"No problem, Ginny."

Harry opened his present from Ron and Charlie to find a dragon book.

"Awesome, does it have pictures?"

"Of course, it wouldn't be a dragon book without them," Charlie said.

Harry grinned and set the book aside.

Ginny opened her present from Neville and Augusta, which was a plant book.

"Oh, this is cool. Do you think I could start garden, mum?"

"Sure, Ginny, but we might have to wait until Spring," her mum replied.

Ginny nodded and set it aside.

Harry opened his next present from Rigel and saw it was book like Ginny's. He set it aside to read later and thanked Rigel.

Ginny opened her present from her parents, which was two new outfits. She smiled and said, "Thanks, mum, dad."

They smiled and Harry opened his next one to find a woven bracelet like Ginny's.

"Thanks, Daph, Astoria."

They smiled and he set aside.

Ginny opened her next present to find an ankle bracelet from Bill.

"Wait, I thought he helped you pick out your present?"

"He did," Charlie replied. "He'd already bought that for you when he helped us."

Ginny nodded and set it aside.

Harry opened his next present from Amelia and Susan to find new dress robes. They were a dark emerald green.

"Thank you, Amelia, Susan."

They nodded and he set them aside.

Ginny opened her present from Luna to find a subscription to the Quibbler too.

"Thanks, Luna, I can't wait to read it."

"You're welcome, Ginny, I quite enjoy it myself."

Ginny nodded and Harry opened his next present from Tonks.

"Thanks, Tonks," he said when he saw the advanced metamorph book. "Can you help me later?"

"I would, Harry, but I still have homework to work on that I put off and my parents are making me do."

Harry nodded and set the book aside.

Ginny opened her present from Fred and George to find a wooden box like Harry's.

"It does the same thing, Gin-Gin. We knew you'd like it because we always pick on you and go through stuff you say is important."

Ginny laughed and set aside. She hugged her brothers and sat back down.

Harry opened his last package from Sirius and Gabby to find an old badge.

"It's your dad's old Quidditch Captain's badge. I thought you might like it, for good luck on your first year."

Harry set it down carefully before running Sirius.

"Thank you, Siri, I love it."

Sirius patted his back and Harry went back to his seat with tears not shed in his eyes.

Ginny opened her last present from Susan and Amelia to find dress robes like last years and they were royal blue.

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome, Ginny," Susan replied and Ginny set it aside.

Mr. Weasley sent Ginny's presents to the Burrow and Sirius had Tinker take Harry's upstairs.

Harry passed Ginny her present and she passed him his. They opened together and Harry smiled.

Ginny had given him a charm shaped like a broom to go along with his snitch.

Ginny smiled at the little lightning bolt charm he had given her.

"Thank you," they said at the same time. "Jinx, you owe me a soda."

They laughed and followed everyone inside for dinner.

When dinner was finished, Ginny and Ron stayed the night and Mrs. Weasley said she'd be over at eleven so they could begin shopping.

Everyone went to sleep pretty early, ready for the next day and Diagon Alley.




Chapter 23: Diagon Alley, Birthday, and the Train

Harry woke up the next morning and smiled. Today, he could get his wand and other books for school. He already had the potions, transfiguration, charms, and defense against the dark arts books, but he didn't have his A History of Magic or Astronomy. Sirius had been teaching the boys those classes by notes and other books.

He woke Rigel and they walked downstairs for breakfast.

Ron, Ginny, Daph, and Astoria were already down there.

"What took you slowpokes so long?" Daph teased.

"Nothing, just trying to look our best for our wonderful guests," Rigel replied with glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

Daph glared and Harry sat down before a war broke out.

Sirius came down with Gabby and felt the tension in the air.

"Okay, who started it this time?"

"He did," Daph said at the same time Rigel went, "She did."

Sirius looked Harry, who shook his head indicating he wasn't getting involved, and Sirius sighed.

"Fine, well, end it. We leave in an hour."

Tinker served the food and everyone ate, so they could get showered and dressed.

Everyone stood at the floo, an hour later, with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who had just arrived with Fred, George, and Percy. Charlie's last year was last year, so now, mostly to Mrs. Weasley's displeasure, he was working with dragons in Romania.

Sirius and Gabby went through the floo first to make sure everyone arrived safely and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would be going last to make sure everyone went and didn't skip out, which basically meant they were watching Fred and George.

Everyone made it to the Leaky Cauldron safely and stepped out to passage to Diagon Alley.

"Okay, guys, where to first?" Sirius asked.

Everyone began talking at once and Sirius put his hand up for silence.

"We'll start at Gringott's and work from there, does everyone agree?"

Everyone nodded and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley nodded in agreement.

They walked together through Diagon Alley to Gringott's.

Harry smiled at the big, white place. It sort of looked like a beacon of hope in the dark, but he couldn't think of where he'd heard that.

Everyone followed Sirius in and people started going separate ways after promising to meet back at the front entrance. The younger kids went with their parents while the others who knew where they were going went alone. Harry, who had already been here, followed Griphook to the track that took him to his vault.

"Good afternoon, Griphook, I hope all your business has been going well," Harry spoke in the goblin language.

"So it has, Mr. Harry, and I hope all of yours has as well," Griphook replied.

Harry was happy he finally understood the language and followed Griphook.

At his vault, he took out his pouch and loaded it with galleons and sickles so he would be prepared for the rest of the year.

Griphook led him out and Harry went outside to wait for the rest of the group.

Ginny, Mr. Weasley, and Ron were already outside with Fred, George and Percy. Mrs. Weasley had gone down with Astoria and Daphne with Gabby so they could get out of here quicker.

Sirius was next with Rigel, who looked a little green.

"You okay, Rig," Harry asked.

"Yeah, just wasn't prepared for the ride," Rigel replied.

Harry grinned and they waited for Gabby and Mrs. Weasley.

They came out a few minutes later and Sirius asked, "Okay, now, how about we go to Madam Malkins, Eeylops, Flourish and Blotts, Magical Menagerie, Potage's, Quality Quidditch, Scribbulus, Gambol and Japes's, and last, but not least Ollivanders. In between, the Magical Menagerie and Potage's we can go back to the Leaky Cauldron and have lunch."

Everyone nodded in agreement headed to Madam Malkins.

It wasn't very packed, but there was another boy in there with his mother when they walked in.

Harry went first and after him, Rigel was going, then Daph, Ron, George, Fred, and Percy.

Madam Malkin greeted Harry with smile and started working on his school robes. Harry's and Rigel's were different than normal school robes only by the lordships on their robes on the right side instead of the left for their house.

The blond boy saw this and said, "Something's wrong with your robes."

"No, there isn't," Harry replied.

"How so?"

"They have my lordships on the right side and the left is open for my house."

The boy nodded and said, "My name is Draco Malfoy."

"Harry Potter, pleasure to meet you and you, Mrs. Malfoy," Harry greeted with a small bow.

Mrs. Malfoy blushed slightly as she returned the curtsy.

"Potter, why are you hanging out with these people? I understand the Blacks as we're related and the Greengrass's, but the Weasley's?"

"Don't judge people before you know them, Draco. I never had a family until I met these people and they have given me the life that I would have never known about if it hadn't been for their dad."

Draco nodded thoughtfully and said, "Well, it was pleasure to meet you, Harry, I'll see you on the train."

"Sure," Harry replied and shook his hand. "Have a good day, Mrs. Malfoy," Harry said with another small bow.

"And you, Mr. Potter," Mrs. Malfoy said and curtsied.

Rigel was finishing up and Sirius came over and clapped Harry on the back.

"Good job, Harry, I've never seen my dear old cousin look so in shock before and you definitely showed her son some manners."

"Thanks, Siri," Harry said and sat down next to Ginny outside.

"Thank you, Harry, for saying that about my family."

"You're welcome, Gin, but just so you know, you guys are my family."

Ginny smiled and Harry relaxed. Rigel came out a second later and they waited for the rest of them to finish.

About an hour later, they had their robes and were walking toward Eeylops Owl Emporium.

"Now, who wants an owl?" Sirius asked.

Harry, Rigel, and Daph raised their hands.

"I have Percy's rat," Ron said.

"Mum just got me an owl," Percy said.

"We'd love an owl, Sirius," Fred and George said before they got slapped upside the head by Mrs. Weasley.

"No, it's alright, Molly, if the boys want owls, they can get them. We don't mind," Sirius said.

Mrs. Weasley nodded and they walked inside.

Harry felt a pull and walked to the back. There were so many eyes looking at him that he felt a little off, but then he caught the gaze of a pair of amber eyes. He followed them and held his arm out.

The owl flew down and Harry smiled at it.

"Hello, aren't you pretty? Do you want to come home with me?"

The chirped affectionally and Harry walked back to the front of the store.

Everyone gasped at the snowy owl, even the store clerk.

"I didn't know we had one of those back there, hmm, nope it isn't on the list of owls we own."

"Can I still buy it? I'll pay ten instead of eight," Harry asked.

"Sure, son," the clerk replied and Harry paid for the owl, along with some food, treats, and a cage, which the pretty owl looked disdainfully.

Rigel was already outside with his new screech owl, Fred and George had each gotten a barn owl, and Daph had gotten a tawny owl.

Ginny looked at Harry's owl in awe.

"It's so pretty," Ginny said. Astoria nodded in agreement. Ginny pet her and the owl let her, but when Astoria went to pet her, she nipped at her.

"Hey, now, that wasn't nice, Hedwig."

Hedwig chirped and Ginny smiled.

"That's a pretty name," Ginny said.

"Yeah, I just thought of it."

Sirius and Gabby came out with a screech owl and Sirius said, "He's for the house. Now, do you want to take your new pets with you or send them home?"

"Hedwig, do you want to come with me or do you want to go to your new home with the other owls?"

Hedwig chirped and looked up at the sky.

"Okay, girl, you can go. It's Potter Manor, okay?"

Hedwig nodded and flew off.

"Tinker," Harry called. Tinker appeared and Harry asked, "Could you take my new owls stuff please and give an owl treat when she gets to Potter Manor?"

"Yes, Master Harry," he said and popped away.

Rigel did the same and Kreacher took his owls stuff. Daph called for her elf, Lizzie, and she took her owls stuff.

They continued on to Flourish and Blotts to buy their books. Harry bought his school books and several others to maybe help in his classes and so did Rigel. Daphne just bought her school books like Ron, Fred, George, and Percy.

They left Flourish and Blotts a little quicker and headed on to the Magical Menagerie. Since all they had to buy were school supplies here, they left quicker and headed back to the Leaky Cauldron for lunch.

They enjoyed a nice, relaxing lunch with laughs, butterbeer, and good food.

They left there around two and headed to Potage's, where they all bought new cauldrons. Harry couldn't wait to go to the Quality Quidditch shop and they were there soon enough.

Harry walked to the front and said, "Hi, my dad left me this and I didn't know what to do with it."

"Well, Mr. Potter, I knew your father and he didn't leave you just this one. He left with me enough money to set you up every year at Hogwarts with the newest broom."

Harry's eyes went wide and the guy laughed.

"What's the newest broom right now for a seeker?"

"I would say the Nimbus 2001. They're only selling them to professionals right now, but I do say you can have one now if you want."

Harry nodded and the guy grabbed one from the back. He wrapped it up and Harry carried it outside.

"What did you get, Harry?" Sirius asked.

"The new Nimbus 2001 and you can't blame me, blame my dad," Harry said when he saw Sirius's face.

"I will, let me send that home with the rest of the stuff."

Harry nodded and let him.

Fred and George had gotten new kits for their brooms, so did Ron. While Rigel had gotten the new Cleansweep for chaser or keepers.

They went to Scribbulus after that for some quills, ink, and parchment for their work.

After that trip, which was quick, they went to Gambol and Japes, where kids and Sirius spent an hour playing and buying new jokes and tricks.

After that, the kids head to Ollivanders.

They were all getting tired, but everyone perked up at the though of getting a wand.

Ron, Daph, and Rigel went first because Harry wanted to go last. He was both nervous and excited.

He walked in after Rigel came out and he looked around the small store.

"Hello, Mr. Potter. My, my, you do look like your father. He had a mahogany wand, 11', pliable, very good for Transfiguration. You have your mothers eyes though. Her wand was willow, 10 1/4, swishy, and very good for charms. I believe you will great in both."

Harry smiled and Mr. Ollivander handed him a wand. He waved it like he'd been shown and it didn't do anything.

He went through about seven wands before Mr. Ollivander went in the back and picked up one.

He brought it up to the counter and handed the wand to Harry.

Harry waved it and gold and red sparks came out, not very spectacular, but interesting.

"Interesting, that should have been a lot different."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I mean if this was the wand for you, it would have been a lot brighter, more extravagant."

"I have my parents wands, maybe they would help."

"Interesting, what is your animagus?"

"What do you mean? I'm underage."

"I don't care about that, Mr. Potter, what is your animagus?"

"A phoenix, sir."

"Have you mastered transformation?"

"Almost, sir, but what does this have to do with my wand?"

"I believe your wands core is not completely compatible with your phoenix."

"Would a feather from my phoenix help?"

Mr. Ollivander nodded and Harry concentrated as he already mastered the spell and a clump of red and light gold feathers appeared on his arm.

Mr. Ollivander plucked one gently off his arm and Harry relaxed so the feathers would go away.

They disappeared and Mr. Ollivander came back fifteen minutes later with the wand.

Harry waved it and it felt like a power surge went through his arm. The sparks that came out this time were silver, gold, red, blue, and yellow.

Harry was amazed and he paid the man for his wand.

"You take care, Mr. Potter, the other feather was bad luck, but you are off to a much better start now."

Harry wanted to ask what he meant, but he was tired from the long day of shopping. He put the wand in his pocket with his parents and set off with the rest of them to the floo in the Leaky Cauldron.

Harry hugged Ginny and shook the boys hands as they were leaving and they headed home.

Everyone went to sleep after the long day with nothing planned for the next day, no one was planning to wake early.

The two weeks after were quick. They were mostly spent packing, studying last minute notes or books, and practicing as much as they could. They still did their runs, which Sirius told them that the perfect place to do their runs at Hogwarts would be around the castle and close to Black Lake.

Gabby was doing laundry a lot and the kids thought she was doing it as a distraction to keep from thinking about her kids leaving.

The second to last week before they left for Hogwarts was Daphne and Astoria's birthday's. They didn't want parties and they just had a normal family dinner with cake and ice cream after. Daphne and Astoria opened their presents after and were surprisingly okay with not having anything big or extravagant.

The week after was Rigel's birthday and he was beyond happy. He didn't want a party, but he did invite Ron, Ginny, Susan, Luna, and Neville over for lunch, Quidditch, and presents.

The day was fun and spent laughing and playing all day.

The following Wednesday was when they were leaving for Hogwarts, so the night before, everyone packed. Harry was using his school trunk, but was carrying his parents trunk with him, along, with their wands in the trunk, notes, and pictures. He was going to carry his wand on him and he was taking his dad's picture in the trunk also. The invisibility cloak was going to be on him too, but other than that, most of it was in his parents trunk. His school trunk had his books, cauldrons, and other stuff to make it look like he was using it.

Hedwig was flying to the school and he was going to take her cage with him.

The morning they were leaving was long. They made it to King's Cross early, meaning about thirty minutes before the train left, they had side-along apparated and they went through the barrier. Sirius had told them what to expect and they stopped when they crossed through.

The train was huge. Sirius helped them find a compartment and put their stuff on board.

They climbed off and waited for the Weasley's. While they were waiting, they saw Susan, Neville, and Luna and showed them to the compartment.

The Weasley's came about ten minutes before the train was about to leave.

They showed Ron to their compartment, but Percy, Fred, and George were already planning to sit with other people.

Ginny looked at Harry and he knew what she was feeling. They hugged and he promised to write. He hugged Astoria too and promised to write.

Daph, Rigel, and Harry climbed into the train and walked to the compartment. Neville, Luna, and Susan were already there.

They all sat down and Harry sat next to the window. He looked out and saw Ginny waving. He waved back and as the train lurched and started to move away. He felt a pang in chest. Ginny looked like she felt it too and the next second, before she disappeared, she collapsed.

Harry made it a few more minutes before the world went black. As the train moved further and further away, the pain grew until he was screaming and no one knew what to do.