
A collection of stories

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON FANFICTION. COM 1-4 story dropped by author next 1-10 Harry Potter 1(one) story dropped by me, because I don't like it going forward 2nd volume another story, (complete) from website 3RD VOLUME: Home is Where You Are by a fisch Volume 4: Stay by HannahFranziska 5: Prophetic Intervention by Harmonious Cannons 6:First Hope by LeafRose 7: The Grey Lord 1: Potterverse Lichdom by nobodez 8:Three to Triumph by HermiHugs

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1: Mistakes Have Consequences

"But, sir,-" the nine-year old boy with jet black hair and bright green eyes said as he was cut off once again.

"No, you have caused too many problems this time I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your family," Principal Lucas said.

"Please," the boy pleaded, fear emanating from his voice and eyes.

He almost looked like he was going to let him off, but then, a man burst through the door. The man was holding a stick in the air and was pointing at the man.

"Obliviate!" the man said. Principal Lucas's face went blank and the boy stared at him in awe.

"Okay, you're free to go back to class now. Oh, sorry, I mean you're free to go with your uncle, Harry."

"Sorry, kid, didn't mean to spring this on you, but you need to come with me, okay?" the man asked as he bent down in front of him.

"Am I in trouble? Because I promise I didn't do anything, I was just running away from my cousin and his friends' who were trying to beat me up and I just landed on the roof."

"I know, Harry, and you aren't in trouble," the man replied, but looked him over like he was really sad or in pain. "Who did this to you?"

"Did what? I'm fine," Harry said, defensively. He knew that if he talked bad about his family in anyway he was going to beat even more and he wouldn't get to eat for the next week.

"Son, it's okay to tell me. You aren't going back to that place," he said. He shook his head and he sighed. "Well, my name is Remus Lupin, Harry. I was best friends' with you're dad and mum when we were in school."

His eyes widened in shock and he said, "But my mum and dad died."

Remus nodded and looked at the Principal concerned.

"Will you come with me, Harry?" he asked. "It isn't exactly safe to talk about the stuff we need to talk about here."

Harry nodded and asked, "Are you going to take me home?"

Remus shook his head with a glare. "Harry, if I have my way, you will never have to go there again. No, we're going to a place called Hogwarts and we're going to get you healthy so you can be safe."

He nodded and asked, "Sir, what did you do to that man?"

Remus laughed and said, "Harry, call me Remus, I would like to think that I could be your friend like I was to your parents." Harry nodded and he replied, "I made your principal forget that we were ever here."

"But how?"

"With magic, of course."

"Magic doesn't exist," Harry said. "Uncle Vernon says that magic is wrong and that he won't have any talk of that nonsense."

"Harry, you can't believe everything people tell you, especially a pair of muggles like your Aunt and Uncle. Harry, you're a wizard. Your parents were two of the greatest wizards I've ever known and they went to a school called Hogwarts where students go when they turn eleven years old for training and knowledge."

Harry nodded and tried to absorb this, but he said, "I'm not a wizard, I can't be."

"We'll see, Harry," Remus said. "Are you ready?"

Harry looked at this man, Remus, that he had just met and nodded. He didn't know why, but he trusted him and Harry wanted to know about his parents.

Remus led him to the front entrance of the school and they walked out the door.

"Harry," Remus said as he looked down at him. "Will you hold on to my arm very tightly please and don't let go?"

Harry nodded and gripped Remus's right arm as tight as he could. They started spinning really fast and then, the school and everything else wasn't visible anymore. Harry closed his eyes tightly as he felt his body feel like it had been sucked through a vortex.

When he felt his feet were firmly on the ground, Harry opened his eyes and saw a whole bunch of shops around us.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"We're in Hogsmeade, Harry."

Harry nodded and Remus led them to what looked like a gate that seemed to lead up to a huge castle. Remus stood at the gate for a second, but it wouldn't budge.

"Well, looks like I'll have to send for us to be led up to the castle."

Harry nodded, confused, but interested as Remus took out his wand again.

"Expecto Patronum," he said as a silvery wolf erupted from his wand. It stood in front of them and Remus said. "Find someone to let us through, but it cannot be Professor Snape or Filch." The wolf ran away and Remus said, "Well, it'll take a few minutes for someone to get that so would you like anything, Harry?"

He was parched and starved, but he was used to it so he shook his head and they sat down to wait.

It didn't take as long as he thought for someone to come down and let them through. Remus seemed to let out a sigh of relief as he saw the huge man.

"Hagrid, good it's you, I need you to let me through. Dumbledore is expecting me and I need to discuss something with him."

"Sure thing, Professor Lupin," the man named Hagrid said. "Who's this with you?"

"I can't tell you, Hagrid. It's up to Dumbledore to do that." Hagrid nodded and let them through. Harry followed them up to the now huge castle and they walked up to huge door and they walked through.

Remus led him upstairs as Hagrid said, "I'll catch up with you guys at dinner if you're staying, Remus."

"I don't know yet," he replied as he led him further. "Harry, this castle moves a lot so you need to follow me very closely, understand?"

Harry nodded and they walked up several sets of stairs and when they stopped, they were standing in front of a huge opening.

"Looks like he's expecting us," Remus muttered and they walked up the stairs and he stopped and knocked on a door.

An old voice called, "Come in."

Remus went in and Harry followed behind him.

"Headmaster," he said.

"Remus, what have you done?" the Headmaster asked, seriously.

"I know you only asked for me to go and look, but I couldn't leave him there. He was getting ready to get in trouble for something that wasn't his fault and then, well, Harry step forward."

He did and the older man gasped. Harry felt the two gazes on him, but he couldn't look up and see the pity and sympathy in them.

"You poor boy," the older man muttered. "Harry, look up please."

He did and saw the Headmasters' face for the first time. It was calm, but he could sense the anger underneath that he was hiding. He nodded as he looked him over and he noticed that he kept looking at Remus.

"Sir," Harry whispered.

"Yes, Harry."

"I don't mean to be any trouble, but could I please use a restroom?" he asked.

"Harry, never be afraid to ask anything that concerns your health or discomfort." He nodded and Remus led him to a side room that led to a bathroom. He was quick, but only for fear that he would miss something.

Harry walked back out to see two ladies in the room along with Remus and Professor Dumbledore, he was thinking that was who the old man was. Feeling shy with the gazes on me, he went and stood next to Remus.

"Harry, this is Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey."

"Hi," he tried to say, but it came out as a whisper.

They smiled at him and Dumbledore sighed.

"Harry, would you like to stay for dinner?" he asked.

"That would be nice, sir, if it isn't too much of burden."

"Never, Harry, we'll all meet in the Great Hall. Would you mind following Professor McGonagall down?"

He shook his head and followed her down the stairs and out of the office.

"You seem afraid, Mr. Potter."

"I am, ma'am, I've never seen someplace this big and I've never had so many people paying attention to me at one time without it meaning I was getting ready to be beat for being in trouble," Harry said, but then realized what he had said and looked down.

He heard the Professor gasp and then, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Harry, you will never have to face those people again, you're safe now."

He nodded and followed her the rest of the way down the stairs. They walked down a hall that led to a pair of doors. She opened them and led the way inside the biggest room he had ever seen. It had four tables long enough to seat a lot more people than he could possibly think and then, sitting at the top of the table with Professor McGonagall and the rest of the teachers was Dumbledore.

"Come, Harry, I do believe you can sit wherever you like." He nodded and looked at the tables. Of all of them, the one right next to him on the right felt the most right. He sat down and plates of food appeared in front of him.

He looked up at Professor Dumbledore and he nodded for him to eat.

Harry looked at all the foreign food and took a little bit of everything and started with what he knew. When he finished, the food disappeared and was replaced with dessert. He felt that he hadn't done anything to deserve dessert, so he let it sit there until everyone else was finished. When the dessert disappeared, Remus walked over to him.

"Harry, could you follow me? I'm going to show you where you're going to sleep tonight and then, we are going to figure out where you are going to go tomorrow."

"Can't I just stay here?" he asked in a stage whisper.

"I'm sorry, but Hogwarts is closed to students until term starts and then, you won't be starting for another two years." He nodded, but Remus said, "Hey, don't look so down, you're going to probably end up with someone that is going to take care of you very well, okay?"

"Yes, but why is no one in school now? It's August 20 and I started school a week ago and so did Dudley."

"Yes, Harry, but Hogwarts term doesn't begin until September 1."

He nodded and followed Remus the rest of the way. They stopped in front of a portrait that had a fat lady in it.

"The password is Quidditch, Harry." He nodded and Remus repeated it to the fat lady and the portrait opened to reveal an open room.

"This is where you'll stay tonight, Harry, the facilities are behind that door on the right and we have already had the couch set up for you."

Harry nodded and said, "Remus, I don't have any clothes other than these."

Remus nodded and called, "Jigsaw."

A small something appeared and said, "Ahh, Mr. Lupin, what is it that Jigsaw can do for you."

"Could you look in the lost and found to see if there are any pajamas and clothing, Mr. Potter here can where tomorrow?"

"Yes, Mr. Lupin. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter, if you ever need anything just call my name and I shall come."

"Thank you, Jigsaw," Harry said.

"Now, while we wait for Jigsaw to come back, Harry, how much do you know about the night your parents died."

"I don't know anything except that they died in a car crash," he replied.

Remus laughed a little at that and said, "I'm sorry, Harry, but your parents didn't die in a car crash."

"Oh," Harry said. "How did they die?"

"I'm sorry, Harry, but I can't tell you," he said. "But I believe Dumbledore is going to tell you some tomorrow."

Harry nodded and sat down on the comfortable couch.

Jigsaw appeared with a pop holding several articles of clothing.

"Thank you, Jigsaw," Harry said and Jigsaw bowed. He disappeared with a pop. "Remus, my parents died happily, didn't they? I mean, I've had dreams before and it's always the same thing, but I can never tell if it's my mum and dad or not."

"Harry," Remus said. "Your parents died the most bravest and happiest people ever and I'm sure they are proud of how strong you've been."

He smiled a little and walked back to the bathroom, as he changed he saw the scars and bruises and the bad coloring on his skin. The smile faded until he thought, 'no family is ever going to want me.' He left the bathroom and walked out to the room.

"Harry, I'm afraid I must go for the night, but I promise I will be back tomorrow and perhaps I could give you a tour of the castle."

"That would be really nice, Remus," Harry said as Remus smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Harry," he said as he left.

Harry sighed and laid down on the couch. It was, by far, the most comfortable couch he had ever slept on, but he didn't have much to compare to except his cot under the stairs. After thinking that he was so full, probably the most full he'd ever been, he fell asleep with no dreams at all for the first time in his life.

When he woke up the next morning, Harry was sure all of it had been a dream, but when he opened his eyes, he saw the red and gold room with the fire place and comfy chairs and the best couch in the world.

He sat up. He noticed now that someone was sitting in one of those arm chairs.

"Good morning, Mr. Potter," the small man said. "My name is Professor Flitwick, I was sent up hear to make sure you made it to the Great Hall safely."

"Okay, sir, I'll just change real quick," he said and practically ran to the bathroom with the thought of food guiding him. When he came out, the small man led him down from the room and back down to the large room.

Harry sat down at the same table he had yesterday and breakfast food appeared. He, once again took a little of everything and ate slowly so the food would last longer. When he finished, he looked up at the table and saw Professor Dumbledore looking at him.

"Harry, would you please follow Professor McGonagall to see Madame Pomfrey?" Dumbledore asked politely.

He nodded and Professor McGonagall stood and led him back up the stairs. This time they stopped on what he thought was the fourth floor, but he couldn't be sure because the stairs changed so much.

"Come along, Mr. Potter," she said and Harry followed inside a room that said Hospital Wing.

He stopped right inside the doors and said, "I'm sorry, Professor, I didn't know this is where we were going. I can't be checked on or given a physical or anything. If it gets back to my family, I'll be in serious trouble."

"Harry," said Professor McGonagall. She bent down slightly. "Don't be afraid. You are never going back to those people. You are safe."

Harry nodded and Professor McGonagall stood up, but Harry still looked down. He didn't like doctors. He hadn't been to one since he was five, when he started school. He followed the Professor and they were met by Madame Pomfrey.

"Hello, Mr. Potter, would mind taking a seat on one of the cots, please?" she asked. He shook his head and sat down gingerly on to the bed. "Now, you're going to feel a slight tingling from head to toe, but that's normal. This is a diagnostics test to see how healthy you are." He wanted to protest, but he knew that he had to have this done.

The tingling happened and he knew immediately something was wrong as Madame Pomfrey started writing stuff down with a frown upon her face. He kept his head down and she looked at him.

"Mr. Potter, could you please remove your shirt?" Harry shook his head no and she asked, "Why not?"

"I cannot ever do that to another person. No one deserves to see what they did to me," he said, sullenly.

"Mr. Potter, Harry, I already know that the damage has been done, I just need to know how bad it is and what I can do to treat it."

Harry nodded and removed his shirt.

Professor McGonagall gasped and Harry felt his face as it burned with shame. Madame Pomfrey was trying to keep a straight face as she wrote everything down, but even he could see the pity and anger in her eyes.

Harry put his shirt back on and jumped off the bed.

"If you don't mind, Professor, I think I'll find my way back to Great Hall by myself."

"If that is what you want, then I will tell Professor Dumbledore and we will meet you in the Great Hall for lunch."

Harry only nodded as he left.

He walked down the stairs slowly and stopped suddenly as the steps started moving. He sat down and decided that it was best to just think while he was alone.

'Why me?' he thought. 'I didn't do anything to deserve this.' Silent tears ran down his face as he thought about everything he had learned today and yesterday. He tried to wipe his eyes fast as he heard footsteps on the stairs, but it was too late.

"Harry," a voice said. "Harry, what happened? Are you hurt?"

He looked up at the voice and saw it was Remus. He shook his head and Remus met him.

"Are you alright, Harry?"

"I'm fine," he replied. "It's nothing."

"It doesn't seem like nothing. How about we talk as we go to lunch?" Remus asked. Harry nodded and followed Remus down the stairs. "So what happened, Harry?"

"Have you seen my examination papers yet?" Harry asked and Remus shook his head no. "Well, basically, here," he said as they found a bathroom. Harry walked in and Remus followed him. "This is why I was crying." He removed his shirt and Remus gasped at the scars that covered his back and chest, also his bones were showing through his skin. "I saw the way Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey were looking at me and I couldn't take it." He put his shirt back on.

"Harry, who did this to you?" Remus asked, calmly, but Harry could feel the underlined fury.

"I can't tell you or Dumbledore because if I go back there and they find out no one can help me."

"Harry, you aren't going back there," Remus said. "Now, please, tell me exactly who did to you?"

"My cousin and my Uncle Vernon," Harry replied.

Remus nodded and they walked back out the door and into the Great Hall.

"Harry, will you please come to my office after you have finished eating?" Dumbledore called from the High Table.

"Yes, Professor," Harry replied and sat down. As usual, he ate his fill, which was always little and waited through dessert.

After everyone finished eating, Harry followed Remus to Professor Dumbledore's office.

Harry sat down and Remus next to him.

"Harry, I have read Madame Pomfrey's examination and I'm truly sorry for what you had to face while you lived in that house."

"It's okay, Professor, it isn't your fault."

"I'm afraid it is, Harry, for I was the one that left you there all those years ago."




Chapter 2: A New Feeling

Harry had never felt so much anger at once before, but he did now. He stood up and screamed, "YOU LEFT ME THERE! I HAVE BEEN BEATEN, STARVED, AND YOU TRY TO TAKE CARE OF ME NOW!"

"Harry, calm down," Remus said and Harry looked at him. He saw the fear in Remus's eyes and nodded. He sat down.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but at the time, we had no where else to take you. We still don't. It is said that your parents' had a will, but we still have yet to find it." Harry nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Dumbledore sighed and said, "Until we find your parents' will, you will have to choose a place in which you wish to stay."

"Can I stay here?"

"No, Harry, I'm sorry, but Hogwarts is a school and term will be starting soon."

Harry nodded and asked Remus, "Can I live with you?"

"I'm sorry, Harry, but I'm afraid I travel too much and I wouldn't be a good, safe place to live for you."

Harry nodded, sad, but asked, "What if I knew someone that would take me in?"

"Who would this be, Harry?"

"He comes over and talks to me when I work in the yard and when my aunt and uncle are away. He said his name is Sirius."

Remus gasped and mumbled, "Sirius."

"Harry, did this man have black hair and gray eyes?" He nodded and Dumbledore said, "Do you think if you called him, he would come?"

"He said so, but, Professor, he said he could get in a lot trouble for seeing me. Do you know what he meant?"

"Sirius Black, Harry, was the one that betrayed your parents."

"No, he didn't, Sirius told me what happened that night. How he wasn't their secret something anymore because they had switched it to someone named Peter Pettigrew because someone had said he could do it. He didn't do it, Professor, I know it. Sirius is my godfather and he loves me," Harry said.

"I know," Dumbledore said. "All of this is true, but, Harry, you can't live with him until we have proof."

"Okay," Harry said. "I want to live with him though. If I find proof, do you think I can live with him then?"

"I don't see why it would be problem."

Harry nodded and smiled.

"But, for now, I picked out some people that have volunteered to take care of you for the time being."

Harry nodded and Dumbledore had three people walk in.

"Okay, Harry, I'll let these people introduce themselves and then, you may choose."

Harry nodded and the first one stepped up.

"Hello, Harry, my name is Andromeda Tonks. I have a daughter myself, but she is on her seventh year of Hogwarts. I have no doubt you would be comfortable and happy with me."

Harry nodded and the next person walked up.

"Hi, Harry, my name is Arthur Weasley. My wife, Molly, and I have seven kids. My oldest, Bill, graduated, Charlie is on is seventh year, Percy is on fourth year, Fred and George, twins, are on their second year, Ron is the same age as you, and Ginny is a year younger than you."

"Wow," Harry said. "So do you think they'd like me?"

"Oh, yes, Harry," Arthur replied. "They would enjoy having a new friend."

Harry smiled and the next person walked up.

"Hello, Harry, my name is Amelia Bones. I have a daughter a year younger than you and I think you'd like my house."

Harry nodded and asked, "Professor, can I have a minute to think this over?"

"Of course, Harry," Dumbledore said and Harry waited while everyone cleared out. "So, Harry, have you thought about this?"

"Yes, sir. I'd like to go with Mr. Weasley. He seems to know what he's doing and I think I'd like having some new people around my age to talk to."

"If that's your choice, Harry, also Madame Pomfrey wants me to give you two things and I have two things to give you."

"Okay," Harry said.

"Alright, first is your examination papers, second is a prescription of medicines you need to take and I'm sure Molly will get them for you."

"Uh, sir, how am I supposed to afford this? I don't have any money or clothes."

Dumbledore chuckled and said, "Harry, patience. Next, this was your fathers' and I'm sure he'd want you to have it." Harry took the traveling cloak from Dumbledore and nodded. "And this," he gave him a key, "Is to your vault at Gringott's."

Harry nodded and looked at everything.

"Why don't you read over your papers?"

Harry nodded and opened the papers

Mr. Harry James Potter, Son of Lily (Evans) Potter and James Potter: Examined August 20th, 1990

Birthday: July 31st, 1980

General Health:

Weight: 50 lbs (at least 11.6 lbs under)

Height: 3'7 (4 inches shorter than average)

Needs Glasses

Neglect,severe malnourishment, and dehydration

Signs of severe insomnia

Past injuries:

Several concussions

Broken wrist (3 places)

Broken ribs (4 and 2 Re-broken)

Broken toes (2 on each foot)

Broken fingers (3, 1 on one hand and 2 on the other)

Broken Jaw (left side in 2 places)

Never taken care of for injuries, except magical core and magical core is in extended healing mode.

Also, spell still in place-dimittam libero

Harry looked up from the paper, rubbed his eyes, and asked, "What does spell still in place mean?"

"It means you, like every other underage child, still have a spell trapping your magical core from full power until you begin Hogwarts."

Harry nodded and said, "So, is Mr. Weasley ready?"

Mr. Weasley walked into the room and said, "Yes, I am, Harry. Is there any where you need to go?"

"Yes, sir. I need to get some money. I need clothes, shoes, my medicine, and a pair of glasses."

"I think we can manage to get all of that in Diagon Alley, don't you, Dumbledore?"

"I believe so, Arthur. Harry, I'll see you soon," Dumbledore said.

"Okay, sir," Harry replied and followed Mr. Weasley out of Dumbledore's office.

"Now, Harry, I heard you lived with Muggles before you came here," he said.

"Yes, sir," Harry replied.

"Can you tell me about there household applicants and eclectric outlets?"

Harry laughed at Mr. Weasley's wording and nodded.

As they talked, Harry realized he was really going to like having people to talk to and that wanted him around.

They walked out the Great Doors and on to the grounds. They took the path to Hogsmeade and out the gate.

"Harry, have you ever side-long apparated before?"

"Yes, sir. Remus did that when I had to be picked up from my old school."

Mr. Weasley nodded and gave Harry his arm. Harry gripped it tightly and as they disapparated away, he felt like he was being sucked through a tube again.

When his feet touched the ground, he was standing in front of what looked like a huge bank that said 'Gringott's'. They walked inside and to a desk where something was standing behind it.

"What is that?" Harry asked, quietly.

"A goblin, Harry," Mr. Weasley replied.

"Next," the goblin said and they stepped forward. "How can I help you?"

"I need to go to my vault, sir," Harry said.

The goblin looked up at 'sir' and asked, "Name please."

"Harry Potter."

The goblins' eyes widened and he walked over to a door and came back with another goblin.

"Griphook will take you to your vault, Mr. Potter. Have a nice day."

"Thank you for help," Harry said as the goblin named Griphook led him away.

"Now, Mr. Potter, do you have your key?"

"Yes, sir, but please, call me 'Harry'," he said.

"Okay, Mr. Harry," Griphook said and Harry followed him to a cart. The ride didn't take long, but it was fast and exhilarating.

When they made it to his vault, Harry gave Griphook the key. The small goblin opened the door and Harry looked inside in awe.

"Here, Mr. Harry," Griphook handed Harry a medium-sized pouch and Harry thanked him.

He walked inside and gathered enough money to get plenty of things he'd need and then looked around. The first thing he saw, was a suitcase. He touch it and it opened.

"Wow, Harry, I didn't know you could do magic," Mr. Weasley stated.

"I can't, I think it was made to open at my touch." Mr. Weasley nodded and Harry asked, "Can I take it with me? It feels important."

"Of course, Harry, it's yours after all." Harry nodded and closed it. He looked at it trying to figure out how to carry it when Mr. Weasley said, "Why don't you try commanding it, Harry? Like ask it to shrink."

Harry nodded and placed his hand on the suitcase and said, "Shrink." The suitcase shrank until it could fit in Harry's pocket and he placed it in there.

"Well, Harry, we best be going. Lots of places to go and little time," Mr. Weasley said and Harry followed him out.

Griphook took them back and Harry stopped him.

"Thank you, Mr. Griphook, but I was wondering, is that all my parents' left me?" Harry asked.

"No, Mr. Harry, I do believe your parents' have another vault with heirlooms and other things you are supposed to inherit when you are of age."

Harry nodded and said, "Have a great day, Mr. Griphook, and thank you again for all your help." Harry bowed and followed Mr. Weasley while the small goblin looked after him in awe. Never before had anyone, creature or human, ever given a goblin such a compliment.

"That was a nice thing you did, Harry," Mr. Weasley said.

Harry nodded and followed Mr. Weasley out into the daylight.

"Where would you like to go first?"

"Umm, some new clothes and shoes would be good, sir," Harry said.

Mr. Weasley bent down in front of him and said, "Harry, if you don't mind, I'd like it if you would call me Arthur. It'd be a lot easier for the both of us, I think."

Harry nodded and Arthur led him over to a clothing store. He walked inside to find lots of clothes and he didn't know where to start. He ended up getting a lot more than he thought and just for two galleons.

He walked back out to Diagon Alley, as Mr. Weasley called it, and they walked to a shoe store. He got two pairs, one he changed into, and then they went to a place called the Leaky Cauldron to eat.

After they finished eating, which involved Harry getting a lot of stares, they went to get Harry's medicine and a pair of glasses. Once Harry found a pair that fit him right and his medicine was ready, they were ready to head to Mr. Weasley's home, what he called it was the Burrow.

"So, Harry, is there anything else you need?"

"No, sir, but I have question."

"Ask away, Harry," Mr. Weasley said.

"Do you think your kids are going to like me?"

"I don't see why they wouldn't, Harry. You seem like a smart, young man and I think you have a great personality, but it'll be up to you to convince them."

Harry nodded, a little less nervous and grabbed Mr. Weasley's arm as they apparated to the Burrow.




Chapter 3: Surprises

When Harry opened his eyes, they were at the edge of a small town.

"What are we doing here, Mr. Weasley?"

"Oh, sorry, Harry, we'll have to walk from here. I forgot that Dumbledore had to put some barriers up so that no one can apparate straight to the house."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a bother," Harry said.

"No, Harry, it's quite alright. Let's start walking."

They were about half way down the road when Harry heard something following them. He saw a great black dog and knew immediately who it was. Forgetting that Mr. Weasley was there, he ran up and hugged it.

He was half way there when the dog turned into a man. The man hugged Harry tightly and swung him around in his arms.

"Sirius!" Harry screamed.

"Hey, pup," Sirius greeted. He put Harry down and bent down in front of him. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Harry replied. "I thought you said you'd come see me for my birthday? Remus came and rescued me from the Dursley's and now Mr. Weasley is taking me to live with him until I can find proof that you are innocent because I want to live with you."

"I know, pup, but I had to go deeper into hiding than I thought on your birthday. I promise I'll bring your present and we'll find some proof while we're at it, but until then, will you be good for Arthur?"

"Yes, Sirius," Harry promised. "But only if you come and see me again."

"I'll try, pup, but that will be up to Molly and Arthur."

Harry turned to look at Mr. Weasley for the first time since he saw Sirius and asked, "Mr. Weasley, I promise to you that I know Sirius is innocent and Professor Dumbledore believes me too, do you think he can come and visit me sometimes? He's the only family I have besides Remus."

Arthur was staring at Sirius in anger and amazement, but when Harry had started talking, he'd given him his undivided attention.

"I'll have to discuss it with Molly, but I don't see it to be problem."

Harry jumped up and down and screamed, "Yay! Now you have to come see me."

Sirius smiled at him and said, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, pup." Harry smiled at him and Sirius hugged him tightly. Sirius looked at Arthur and mouthed, "Thank you."

Arthur only nodded and said, "Harry, we need to get going. Molly will start worrying because I didn't tell her that I was coming to get you today."

Harry nodded and said, "Bye, Sirius, I'll see soon."

"Of course, pup," Sirius said and transformed into his black dog. He went back into the woods that trailed the path.

Harry followed Mr. Weasley and said, "I'm sorry, Arthur, I didn't mean to spring that on you, but I didn't think I'd Uncle Siri so soon."

Arthur said, "That's fine, Harry and I believe you when you say he's innocent. You never know we might find something in that suitcase to help you figure this out."

Harry nodded in joy and followed him the rest of the way to the Burrow.

When they walked up to the door and into the house, a plump woman came and hugged Arthur.

"Welcome home and who is this?" she asked as she saw Harry.

"Molly, this is Harry Potter. Harry, this is my wife, Molly."

"Hi, Mrs. Weasley. It's nice of you guys to let me stay here and I promise not to intrude or do anything to get in the way."

Mrs. Weasley was looking at him in amazement and said, "Of course, dear, why don't you come inside? You look like you could use a good meal."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

"Molly, I think we need to talk first. There are a couple of things you need to know about Harry."

"Well, let's go to the family room. Ginny is upstairs and Fred, George, Percy, Charlie, and Ron went out to the Quidditch Pitch."

Mr. Weasley nodded and they led Harry to the family room. Harry sat in one of the arm chairs and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sat on the couch.

"Now, what do we need to know?" Molly asked.

"Well, first, you need to read this," Harry said and handed them Madame Pomfrey's evaluation.

Arthur read over and then, Molly and when she finished, she had tears and anger in his eyes.

"You poor boy," Molly said and Arthur shook his head.

Harry tried to ignore it, but it made him feel bad.

"Next, is this list of medicines Madame Pomfrey has asked me to take. One is a growth potion so my body can catch up, one is a, I think Madame Pomfrey said, salve for my chest and back, and the other is a potion so my energy will return."

"What do you need the salve for?" Molly asked.

Harry sighed and stood up. He unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off gingerly because they had started hurting. He turned around so they could see both his back and chest. He put his shirt on and sat back down.

Molly looked ready to cry and Arthur looked ready to kill.

"How did you survive that?"

"I don't know," Harry replied. "Madame Pomfrey said my magical core healed me."

Molly nodded and said, "Well, I'll make sure you can take your medicines when you need them and if you want, I can help you put on your salve."

"That would be nice, thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

She smiled and Arthur said, "There's one more thing, Molly." Arthur looked at Harry and nodded for him to tell her.

"Mrs. Weasley, I would like to know if someone can come and visit me, but you have to understand that Mr. Weasley, Professor Dumbledore, and I believe he is innocent."

"Who is it, dear?"

"My godfather, Sirius," He replied.

Mrs. Weasley gasped and looked Arthur to see if it was true. When he nodded, she took a deep breath.

"I don't see why that would be a problem, dear, did Dumbledore say it was alright?"

"I'll send him a letter, but he said if I proved Uncle Siri innocent that I can go live with him."

Molly nodded and said, "You don't need to bother Dumbledore, dear. I believe you. Why don't you go sit at the table? I have to start dinner and you seem like you'd be nice company."

"Okay, Mrs. Weasley. Do you need any help cooking?" Harry asked politely.

"Oh, no, dear," Mrs. Weasley said and Harry followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"I'm going to go upstairs, Molly, and expand Ron's room so that Harry can sleep in there."

"Alright, dear."

Harry sat quietly while Mrs. Weasley worked and he was surprised when what he thought was a few minutes later, Mrs. Weasley woke him up.

"Sorry, dear, but you need to take both your medicines and I figured it'd be easier to take them before you ate."

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said and down both of them. They both tasted icky, but Mrs. Weasley smiled at him.

"Don't worry, the food will wash it down."

Harry nodded and all the sudden, kids poured in from all directions and sat down at the table. Arthur walked in last and sat at the head of the table. Harry was on the chair to his right and was grateful that he had someone familiar near him.

Arthur smiled at Harry and Harry attempted to smile back, but it was more of grimace.

Once the food was set and everyone was sitting down, Arthur called attention to him at the table.

"Everyone, this is Harry Potter." Everyone at the table, except Molly and Arthur gasped. "He's coming to live with us for a little while so I want everyone to be on their best behavior. He's had a hard time and he's recovering from a couple of things, so no ruff housing until we say so, understand?"

"Yes, dad," said all the boys and the girl.

"Now why don't you guys introduce yourselves?"

"Hello, Harry, my name is Charlie and I'm the oldest right now besides Bill, but he's in Egypt," the guy named Charlie said.

Harry nodded and the next one said, "Hello, Harry, my name is Percy and it's really nice to meet you."

"Hello there, Harry," said two identical boys. "I'm Fred," said one and the other said. "I'm George."

Harry nodded and the youngest boy said, "Hi, Harry, my name's Ron and I'm guessing I'm the one you're sharing a room with."

"Yeah, if that's alright with you, Ron," Harry said.

Ron nodded and the girl looked up at him. Harry blushed and looked down. He'd never talked to a girl before and he wasn't sure how to.

"Hi, Harry," came a soft voice. "My name is Ginny and it's really nice to meet you."

Harry looked up and smiled at her.

"It's n-nice to meet you too, everyone," Harry mumbled and Ginny blushed when he talked to her. It was nice to not be the only one embarrassed, Harry thought.

"Well, now that that's done, let's eat."

Bowls were passed around and soon everyone was eating, but Harry kept sneaking glances at Ginny. Her eyes were a really pretty brown and he couldn't help, but smile when she looked at him. He didn't know what this feeling was either, so he decided to send a letter to Siri and ask him.

After dinner, Ron led Harry upstairs to their room. Arthur had put his clothes and shoes up there and there was a bed and dresser for him to use.

"So everything's over there for you and-," he didn't get to finish because Mrs. Weasley came in.

"Ron, dear, would you mind going downstairs until I come down? I have to talk to Harry about something."

Ron nodded and Mrs. Weasley shut the door and muttered something at it.

"Sorry, my sons, and I love them dearly though, but they are sneaks," she said and Harry nodded. "No need to be afraid, dear, I just thought you might want your salve before you go to bed."

"That would be great, Mrs. Weasley. It's been hurting pretty bad today," he said and Mrs. Weasley nodded.

"Well, I imagine you've been doing a lot more traveling than you're used to, am I right?"

"Yes," Harry said as he took his shirt off. He laid down on his stomach on his bed and Mrs. Weasley started to rub the salve in. Harry felt his muscles loosen until he felt like his whole back was relaxed.

"Here you go, just do what I did," Mrs. Weasley said as she handed him the salve to put on his chest. Harry nodded and started to rub it in. When he finished, he felt like he could run a hundred miles. "Do you feel better, dear?"

"Loads," Harry replied. "Mrs. Weasley, if you don't mind, can we not tell any of the others just yet? I don't want to scare them with how I look."

"Harry, dear, you wouldn't scare them or are you afraid of the looks they'd give you if they knew?" Harry nodded and Mrs. Weasley patted him shoulder. "It's up to you when we tell them, but just know this, my sons and daughter think more about others than themselves."

Harry nodded and Mrs. Weasley turned around so he could put on his pajamas. She left after she was sure his back and chest were covered and Ron came back in a few minutes later.

"So what was that about?" Ron asked.

"Oh, nothing," Harry said. "She was just telling me to take it easy for the next couple of days."

Ron nodded and said, "Lucky you, we have loads of chores to do."

Harry nodded and they went to sleep.

When Harry woke up the next morning, he had almost forgotten where he was, but then he looked over and saw Ron. Harry smiled at the thought having new friends and dressed quickly so that Ron didn't wake up and see him.

He then walked downstairs quietly and into the kitchen to find Mr. Weasley having a cup of coffee.

"Oh, good morning, Harry."

"Good morning," Harry said. "Is there any way I could send a letter to Sirius?"

"Of course, Harry, why don't you write and then I'll help you send it off?"

Harry nodded and Mr. Weasley grabbed some parchment and a quill. Harry wrote a short letter and handed it to Mr. Weasley. He brought an owl into the room and handed the letter to it. It flew away and Harry stared at it in awe.

"How does it know where to go?"

"It will find him if it can, Harry," Mr. Weasley said and Mrs. Weasley walked into the room.

"Good morning, Harry, would you like a spot of breakfast?" she asked.

"That would be nice, Mrs. Weasley and I'll take my medicine before, please," Harry said and Mrs. Weasley nodded.

They all sat together in silence until Mrs. Weasley served them breakfast after giving Harry his medicine.

Mr. Weasley ate semi-quickly, gave Mrs. Weasley a quick peck on the cheek and left for work, but what had caught Harry off guard was when Mrs. and Mr. Weasley were close they seemed to almost glow with happiness. Harry decided not to mention it and kept eating his breakfast.

"Now, Harry, I don't mind what you do today, but try to take it easy. I think you need to relax."

Harry nodded and went back upstairs. When he got up to the second landing, he bumped into someone. He fell and so did the other person. He stood up fast and helped Ginny up.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's alright," Ginny whispered. They looked at each other for a second and then they both blushed and Harry continued upstairs to his and Ron's room. Ron was coming downstairs so when Harry walked into the room, he was alone.

He sat on the bed and was drifting off when he remembered his parents suitcase. He took it's miniature form out of his pants pocket from yesterday and said, "Grow."

It increased in size until Harry had to set it down because it was normal size.

"Open," Harry said. It opened and Harry looked inside. The inside of it was huge, not huge. It had a whole room inside it. He closed the trunk and said, "Lock." He could hear a clicking noise and he said, "Shrink." It shrank and he put in his pocket. He'd ask Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley about it later or maybe he'd just walk around by himself first, but he still wanted to tell them so they didn't think he'd disappeared.

He walked back downstairs and Mrs. Weasley said, "Harry, you have a letter."

Harry went over to the owl and took his letter. It had Sirius's print on it.

He went to the family room and opened it.

Dear Harry,

I'm glad to hear you're doing good and see if Molly and Arthur mind if I drop by before dinner. Like I said, I'm sorry I couldn't make it for your birthday, but I plan to get your present as soon as possible. As for your problem with the girl, well, pup, we all have that problem, but if it's really bothering you, we can talk about it when I get there.

Love ya, pup


Harry closed the letter and put it in his pocket. He went into the kitchen and saw everyone eating.

"Mrs. Weasley, can I talk to you for a minute?" Harry asked.

Mrs. Weasley nodded and led Harry to the family room. She muttered the same words she had last night and asked, "What do you need, Harry, dear?"

"I needed two things. One, I wanted to know if Sirius could come see me before dinner?"

Mrs. Weasley swallowed a little hard, but nodded. "That's fine, Harry, but let him know that he's welcome to stay for dinner if he wants."

"Okay, Mrs. Weasley and second, I wanted to let you know that I found a trunk in my vault at Gringott's that was my parent's and if you don't see me around, inside the trunk was what looked like a room."

"Alright, Harry, just let me or Arthur know before you go in," she said.

"Okay," Harry replied. "Can I use your owl to send one more letter to Uncle Siri?"

"Of course, Harry," she said and left. Harry wrote a letter saying yes and gave it to the owl. It flew away and Harry practically jumped with joy. He was about to go outside when he bumped into someone again.

"Oh, sorry," Harry said and looked down to see Ginny. She was about the same height as him and she was eight and he was nine. He sighed and held out his hand to help her up. She took it and stood up, but not before they both gasped. Where their hands touch, they tingled. She let go quickly and he coughed.

"Thanks, sorry I ran into you again," she said quietly.

"It's alright, I was just getting ready to go for a walk," he said and before he could stop himself, he asked, "Would you like to come with me? I'm still getting used to this place and I really don't know where to go."

She smiled and nodded. "Let me go tell mum." Harry nodded and she walked away. She came back a few minutes later and led him outside. "Now, we can go several places." Harry was surprised she was talking so much. She was usually quiet around him. He nodded and she started listing them off. "We can go to the meadow, down the road, over the hill, through the garden, or down to the Quidditch pitch."

"What's quidditch?" he asked.

She looked at him like he joking with her and when she figured out he wasn't joking, she replied, "It's a game played on broomsticks and you fly around tossing a ball around to get goals or you try to catch this thing that moves really fast to win the game."

Harry nodded and said, "It sounds fun." She nodded and he continued, "Let's go to the meadow."

She nodded and started toward it. He followed her, but every now and then, he had to stop. She looked at him weirdly, but didn't say anything until the fourth time they stopped.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm just not used to moving so much," he replied.

She nodded and they continued their walk. By the time they made it to the meadow, Harry was exhausted, but he was trying not to show it. It didn't help though because she seemed to know exactly what he was feeling. They sat down on the soft grass and she closed her eyes.

"Thanks," he said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For bringing me out here, I don't have anyone to talk to, but you and Ron have been really nice to me, so thanks."

She smiled a little and said, "You're welcome, but I want to know something."

He felt fear crawl up his spine and he asked, "What?"

"What's wrong that you have to take those medicines because I know one is a growth potion and the other is a healing solution. The other one I don't recognize, so you don't have to tell me, but I'd like it if you would."

He laughed a little and whispered, "I'm not perfect."

"No one is, silly," she said.

"No, umm, I'll tell you, but you have to pinkie swear on our new friendship not to tell anyone. You're parents already know." She nodded and they locked pinkies. Where they touched, the tingling happened again. They let go and Harry said quietly, "I was beaten and tortured by the people I used to live with. I have scars that might go away with that medicine, but some never will. That's why I had to stop a lot on the way here. I'm underweight from not eating for weeks or months in a row and then from dehydration. I'm also not growing properly because of it, but it's getting better. I feel stronger now than I did before and your mom's cooking is amazing."

Ginny smiled and said, "I'm not going to run away in fear, Harry, but I want you to know that I'm glad you told me." She hugged him and Harry was caught off guard, but then he hugged her back. They let go and she said, "We might want to start heading back. Mum will be starting dinner soon."

He hadn't realized it had gotten that late. Being here with her made him forget about time and everything else, he felt normal.

They walked back and Harry almost broke into a run when he remembered Sirius might be there already. They walked inside and Harry saw who he'd been wanting see all day.

He ran up and hugged him and Sirius swung him around.

"Sirius," Harry breathed. "I'm having so much fun and I have so much to tell you."

"Alright, pup, but it might have to wait until after dinner."

"Okay," Harry said and Sirius sat down with Harry in his lap.

"Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Siri asked amused.

"Oh, yeah. Ginny, this is my uncle Sirius. Siri, this is Ginny."

Sirius smiled at Ginny and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ginny, and happy late birthday to you and Harry. Lily was better with birthdays than I was, but I remember her talking about your first birthday with your mom."

Ginny smiled and helped her mum with dinner. Mrs. Weasley was watching Harry and Sirius with a close eye and couldn't help, but smile at the smile on the boy's face.

"Siri, I missed you," Harry whispered. "Do you have to go away again?"

Sirius looked at him, pained and Molly said, "Sirius, would you like to stay tonight? I'm sure Harry would love it."

"Please, Siri, please," Harry begged. Sirius smiled at the pup's antics and Harry kept going.

Finally, Sirius had enough and said, "Alright, pup. Thank you, Molly for the offer." Molly only nodded and looked at the grin on Harry's face. Sirius saw how much it made her happy to see him smile and he smiled too.

"Does that mean we can talk all night?"

"No, that means we can talk and then sleep and then talk some more in the morning," Sirius said.

Harry sighed because he knew Siri had to go in the morning and said, "Okay, Siri."

Sirius smiled and kissed Harry's forehead. Harry put his head in the crook of his neck. He fell asleep.

Sirius watched Harry sleep and sighed contentedly.

"So how have you been, Sirius?" Molly asked.

"I've been living, but I'm only doing it for him, Molly. If I had it my way, I would have gone with Lily and James."

"Yes, but then Harry wouldn't have anyone," Ginny said as she watched Harry sleep. He looked kinda cute with his hair all over the place and his glasses askew.

Sirius looked at her and nodded.

Molly looked at her daughter and saw how she was looking at Harry. She sighed and hoped she wouldn't have to keep them apart, but then again, they were only children they wouldn't do anything that she need to worry about.

Harry started twitching in his sleep and moaned. Sirius shook him gently and said, "Pup."

Harry jerked awake and looked around frantically. He found Ginny and saw she was okay and then found Molly and Sirius and relaxed.

"Are you alright, pup?"

Harry nodded, but he still looked scared.

"You wanna tell me what happened?"

"Later," Harry mumbled as he put his head in the crook of Sirius's neck, but didn't fall asleep.

Sirius nodded and Molly had Ginny set the table.

Ginny tried to not touch Harry when she put his plate down, but she couldn't avoid it and they both jumped when their skin touched.

Sirius looked at them weirdly, but didn't say anything. Ginny blushed and finished setting the plates. She took her seat and the rest of the kids came in.

"Harry, would you like me to conjure you up another chair?"

Harry looked at Sirius to see if he minded if he stayed where he was and shook his head no. He was finally content to stay in Sirius's arms the rest of the night. Sirius smiled at him and Harry smiled back.

Molly set the food on the table, but looked at a clock that showed several names, but Arthur's said traveling.

"Alright, guys, we can eat in just a minute." Everyone sighed in relief and Arthur walked through the door and sat in his seat.

"Good evening," he said and everyone said hi or said good evening. "Ah, hello, Sirius."

Sirius smiled at Arthur and said, "Good evening, Arthur, if you don't mind, Molly asked me if I could stay the night."

Arthur nodded and said, "That's fine." Arthur looked at the smile on Harry's face and seemed to relax.

Everyone ate and held up a steady conversation.

After dinner, Molly said, "Everyone is to stay out of the family room tonight, I'll put a privacy ward up, but that's where Sirius is staying." Everyone nodded and went upstairs. Sirius carried Harry to the family room because he didn't want to let go of Sirius and was slowly falling asleep.

"Siri," Harry said, tiredly. "Can we still talk?"

Sirius nodded and Molly put up the privacy ward and said, "Good night."

"What do you want to talk about, son?"

"I don't know what to do, do you think they'd mind if I called you 'dad' cause that's what I'm used to calling you," Harry said.

"I don't think anyone would notice, pup, but what else did you wanna talk about?"

"Well, I found my parents' trunk," Harry said. "I want to look through it on my own and then maybe next time you can stay in there because I think there's a bedroom."

Sirius smiled at him and nodded.

"Also, I have these feelings for Ginny that I don't understand."

"Like what?"

"Well, when our skin touches, it tingles and I feel like I can tell her anything. I trust her completely and I just met her."

"Harry, I think we need to talk to Molly about this and Arthur because I think they noticed too, but I think you guys just have a strong bond."

Harry nodded and said, "Daddy, I'm tired."

Sirius smiled at 'daddy' and asked, "You ready to go to bed, pup?"

Harry nodded and Sirius conjured a bed. They laid down and Harry cuddled close to Sirius like any son would to their dad and promptly fell asleep. Sirius smiled at him and felt a pang in his heart. It was going to kill him to leave him tomorrow.




Chapter 4: Pain

Harry woke up in the morning screaming in pain. His back and chest hurt so bad that he couldn't feel anything, but the pain.

The privacy ward was still up, but what surprised Sirius, who was trying to help Harry, Ginny ran through it.

"Is he alright?" she asked.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. He just woke up and started screaming."

Ginny nodded and said, "Wait, take his shirt off. He told me about the medicines he had to take and he didn't have his salve for his back and chest last night. They're probably hurting."

Sirius helped Harry out of his shirt as gently as he could, but it still hurt him. Ginny ran and grabbed his medicine from the kitchen.

When she came back, she saw truly how bad his body was scarred. She looked at Sirius and saw the fury on his face.

"Sirius, you have to help me, he needs you and if you go after the people that did this to him, Harry won't get to live with you like he wants," Ginny whispered. Sirius calmed slightly and nodded.

Ginny rubbed the salve on to his back and Sirius rubbed it in on his chest.

Harry's screams turned to whimpers until he finally was able to breathe again. He looked at Sirius and then Ginny.

"Thank you for helping me," he croaked, his voice hoarse from screaming.

"No problem, pup," Sirius whispered as he took Harry into his arms and held him close.

Harry let go and hugged Ginny.

"Thank you for helping me, Ginny," he whispered as he felt the tingling from their skin touching slightly. He let go and Ginny smiled at him.

"No problem," she said as she left to take the medicine back.

Harry crawled back into Sirius's arms and whispered, "Do you have to leave yet, Daddy?"

Sirius looked down at the boy who he loved more than life itself and replied, "No, son, I'll stay for a little while longer."

Harry nodded and put his shirt back on.

"I'm going to go change," Harry said. "Will you be here when I come back?"

"Of course, pup," Sirius promised.

Harry walked upstairs and changed quickly in his and Ron's room so Ron didn't wake up. He walked back downstairs, after grabbing his miniature suitcase from his other pants pocket, to see the living room back to normal and Sirius gone.

He almost ran into the kitchen to find Sirius sitting in a chair. Harry sighed in relief as he climbed into his godfather's arms.

Sirius hugged him close and Harry ate breakfast in his lap.

When everyone had eaten breakfast, Sirius took Harry for a walk.

They were in the garden when they found a bench and sat down.

"Pup, you know I have to go," Sirius said. Harry nodded and Sirius said, "As soon as we find proof, pup, you'll have me to come home to, I promise."

"I will find proof, Siri," Harry whispered. "I won't stop until I have you there all the time."

Sirius looked down and smiled at him.

"It's time for me to go, kid," Sirius whispered as he bent down in front of him. Harry hugged him tightly and Sirius said, "I love you, Harry."

"I love you, too, Siri," Harry cried. They didn't let go for a while, but Sirius knew he had to go. He put Harry down and Harry whispered, "Come back, Daddy."

Sirius smiled at him and said, "I will, son, I promise." Sirius turned into the great black dog and ran away.

Harry sat on the bench for a long time after Sirius had disappeared from his view. He didn't move an inch until he heard footsteps coming his way.

Ron sat next to him and asked, "You alright there, Harry?"

"Yeah, Ron, it's just...he's the only dad I have and I can't even have him all the time because of something he didn't do."

"I know, mate, but at least you can stay here. I know you don't think it's much, but we've really grown to like you as a brother."

Harry smiled at him and said, "Thanks, Ron, I needed to hear that."

Ron nodded and said, "We better head back, Mum is making dinner and asked me to come out here get you."

Harry followed Ron back to the Burrow.

When they got there, Harry helped Ginny set the plates and fork for dinner. They bumped into each other once and Harry looked into her eyes. He was lost immediately and she was too. They broke apart when they heard the kitchen door open and Arthur walked in.

Ginny blushed and so did Harry, but they ducked their heads so they couldn't be seen.

Harry sat next to Mr. Weasley at the table again, but without Sirius Harry felt small.

He took his medicine and tried to not gag at the taste again.

Mr. Weasley kept Harry in with the conversation after seeing how sad he was and Harry ate a little happier with the Weasley family.

After dinner, Harry helped Mrs. Weasley clean up.

"Umm, I was wondering if you could set up the privacy ward in the family room again tonight, Mrs. Weasley?" Harry asked.

"Why is that, Harry?"

"I wanted to go inside my trunk and look through it. I was thinking if I found anything wrong, I could maybe show you or Mr. Weasley tomorrow."

Mrs. Weasley smiled at him and said, "That's fine, Harry. I'll set it up after everyone has gone to bed."

Harry nodded and went upstairs to his and Ron's room to get his pajamas and a change a clothes for the morning.

When he walked out of the bathroom, after getting changed, he bumped straight into someone.

Ginny looked at him with a mock-glare and asked, "Are we always going to meet like this?"

Harry laughed and help her up, ignoring the tingling feeling in his hand when he did.

"What do you think that is?" she whispered to him.

"I don't know, but Siri thinks we have a strong bond. Maybe it means we'll be really good friends."

Ginny nodded and asked, "How did I know you were in pain last night?"

Harry shrugged and answered, "I don't know."

Ginny thought about it, but shook her head.

"Why are you sleeping downstairs?" she inquired.

Harry smiled and said, "Ah, that's a secret that you'll have to find out tomorrow if I decide to tell you."

"'If' nothing, you will tell me, Harry or I promise you'll understand why all the boys in this house are afraid of me."

Harry grinned and went downstairs.

Mrs. Weasley smiled at him when he entered the family room and set up the privacy ward before heading upstairs.

Harry took the small suitcase out of his pocket and said, "Grow."

The suitcase grew and Harry set it in the middle of the floor. He said, "Open." It opened and Harry could hear each lock click as it did.

When he looked inside, it was the same way it was the first time. He stepped inside and closed it behind him. He took one look around and could tell this was the living room.

He walked over to the couch and saw a couple of pictures up on a mantle. He looked at them and tears sprang to his eyes. His mum and dad and were in and then, one with him, his mum and dad, and Siri. Remus was with them in a couple of them. Harry wanted to cry, but he knew he had more to find.

He walked around the living room and found more and more pictures. Finally, he opened one of the five doors.

The first one, was a bedroom. It looked like his mum and dad's, but he couldn't be sure. He walked inside and looked in the closet. He found several clothing, but silvery cloak caught his eye. He touch it and it felt like silk. He left it there and walked over to the bed. There were two notes. One on one side and one on the other.

He grabbed the one closest to him and opened it.

Dear Harry,

If you're reading this, it either means you are 11 and are getting ready to go to Hogwarts or something happened for you to get this sooner. Either way, I'm so proud of you. I love you, my sweet boy and I wanted nothing, but the best for you.

In this trunk, you'll find a lot of things, but some you won't reach until the locks believe you're ready, but know this, with knowledge comes more responsibility. I know when you find out some of these things that it will be hard for you, but just remember that your father and I love you so much.

I'm sorry, Harry, if you're reading this and we aren't with you because I know you have probably grown up believing someone else to be your parents, but that's okay.

I love you, my sweet boy.

Lily, mum

Harry closed the letter with tears in his eyes. He walked to the other side of the bed and opened the other letter while putting his mum's in his pocket.

Dear Harry,

Son, I'm sorry is the only thing I can think of to say to you. I'm sorry for everything. I love you more than the world and you did nothing to deserve what you've probably endured.

Harry, in my closet, there is a cloak. It will feel smooth as silk and I want you to take it with you and keep it close to you at all times. It's an invisibility cloak that my father gave to me and I'm giving it to you.

Also, Harry, you'll be inheriting a lot of things when you turn fifteen and I want you to remember that with power comes responsibility and it's probably bad for me to say that and I sound so much like your mum, but Harry, power can change people and I want you to be a great, strong man.

Be strong, son.

James, Dad.

Harry closed this letter and put it in his pocket with his other one. He walked back over to the closet and put the cloak in his pocket too.

He walked out of the room and opened the next door.

This one was his room. He was positive.

It had a crib and a rocking chair and Harry felt his own presence in the room along with his parents.

He walked around, observing the room that was once his and then left because there was nothing else there for him to see.

He walked to the next room and found a miniature library. He looked around for several minutes and enjoyed reading the titles of the books. He makes a promise to himself to come back and start reading them.

He left that room and walked into the next room to find a study. He saw a desk and some cabinets for something shiny and something that he didn't recognize behind a glass door, but what caught him off guard was there was a lot of papers on the desk.

He walked over to it and saw several letters. One to him, Siri, Remus, and Dumbledore.

Harry sat down at the read the one for him.


I have a feeling you're going to need these someday so the first paper after the letters is our will. The second one is note saying that we broke Siri from his position as secret keeper and made it Peter.

We love you.

Mum and Dad.

P.S. The thing behind the glass door is a pensive. Ask Siri or Remus to go with you when you use it because some the memories will be hard for you to see, but we hope some make you happy.

Love, mum

Harry put the letter in his pocket with the rest and put the ones for Siri, Remus, and Dumbledore with it.

Next, he looked at the will.

I, Lily Evans Potter and I, James Potter, hereby give custody of Harry James Potter in this order as some may be deceased or unable to take care of him.

Sirius Black (Godfather)

Remus Lupin

Andromeda Tonks

Frank and Alice Longbottom

Molly and Arthur Weasley

Albus Dumbledore

Minerva McGonagall (Godmother)

Under no circumstances is Harry James Potter ever to end up in the custody Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

Harry looked at the list in amazement. He never knew that Professor McGonagall was his Godmother.

Harry put the will in his pocket with everything else and looked at the note proving Sirius' innocence.

I, James Potter and I, Lily Evans Potter hereby release Sirius Black from his duties as Secret Keeper and pass them on to one Peter Pettigrew as told it was secure by Albus Percival Wilfred Brian Dumbledore.

Harry looked at the last name with anger in his eyes. He knew. He knew Pettigrew betrayed my parents and he didn't even try to help Sirius.

Harry pushed the anger away because he knew it would do him no good and put the letter with the rest of the things in his pockets.

Harry walked out of the room and locked it so that only he could open it. He walked over to the last door and took a deep breath. He opened and found an empty room except ten separate drawers.

He walked over to them and starts trying to pull them open one by one, but it isn't until he gets to the seventh drawer that it opened and Harry saw several picture albums. He took them all out and tried to open the rest of them. When he couldn't, he sighed and picked up the albums.

He took them to his parents' room and sat on the bed. He took everything out of his pockets and started going through everything again. After he finished looking through the things he already looked through, he started going through the photo albums. He smiled as he saw pictures of his dad, Siri, Remus, and another man Harry didn't recognize all laughing merrily and having fun. The first album consisted of photo's from his dad's first year to his sixth year. The second one consisted of pictures from his mum's first to her sixth year. The second to last one had photos of his mum and dad in their seventh year and the last one had photos of his mum and dad together after school and some pictures with him up until his first birthday.

He closed the photo albums and sighed. His heart was hurting so bad and all he could think about was Siri, Remus, and his mum and dad. He put everything he had found on the bedside table and curled up in his parents' bed cuddling one the pillows until he fell asleep.