
A collection of Short Stories

Please enjoy a selection of short stories written by a sleep deprived writer on a sugar high! None of them are particularly NSFW but a few do have violence or descriptions of blood, disease and death. - Frodo xxx

Frodoughnut · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Final Change


The streets surrounding the palace were now filled with people, civilians ordered by the emperor to watch the execution. Order 9 of the final constitution had been broken. The young man had dared to speak his mind, had dared to tell the emperor of his flaws. He now stood, hands bound by chains and the hope drawn from his body long ago. The people were muttering and whispering to each other, careful not to let the guards surrounding the crowd overhear them. This continued for another half an hour before sharp clicks echoed through the air, as the guards loaded their weapons. The emperor stepped onto the stage, a small smile spread across his thin lips.

The emperor began to speak. The speech wasn't long, but it stung. The people of the kingdoms had long been at war and now it was time to end it. More blood would be spilled and lives sacrificed for 'the greater good'. Not a single person among the crowd agreed with this but didn't dare say it.

"Since people have decided the laws which protect us, which keep us from destruction, are not things they have to follow. From the thousands of brave guards, who protect our kingdoms, I have hand picked ten of the best to show you what happens to law breakers!" This was followed by a sharp clap of the emperor's hands.

A swift, meaningful footfall could be heard through the crowded streets. It drew nearer and the crowd began to part. Mothers pulled their children close to their bodies as the said ten figures emerged. Black helmets of carbon fibre metal covered the identities of the people walking towards the captive. Clutched in their hands were submachine guns. These people would later be known as 'Reapers' and correctly named at that.

You could taste the fear in the air, like blood on your tongue. Once the figures had made their way to the captive and one lifted the gun to the young man's head - the emperor spoke one last time. What passed his lips caused the people on the street to shout out in dismay.

"This is what happens to people who think they are more important than the nobility of my Kingdoms!"

A single shot was fired. It cut through the air and silence erupted through the streets, silencing the people of the kingdoms one last time as they witnessed the death of the young man who was soon to be known as The Change. What followed was nothing short of organised chaos.

Also you probably get this a lot but I would really appreciate constructive criticism or anything like that, I want to develop as a person and writer!

If you want to see more storys like this, follow my pinterest where i link my books!


Enjoy the rest of you day!

- Frodo


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