
The Unrequited Love of a Swain

Farewell, fair maid, who dost my heart ensnare,

Thou art, a vision, bright and passing fair.

Thy smile, doth light, the dullest of all days,

And kindle, in my breast, a love that ne'er decays.

Thy voice, doth sing, a song that ne'er shall fade,

A music, that doth fill, my heart with glee.

Thy touch, doth spark, the flame that doth upbraid,

A fire, that shall, consume my soul, for thee.

But I am but a swain, unknown to fame,

My love, a secret, hidden from thy view.

Yet still, I'll hold, these moments, in my name,

And hope, that thou, wilt see, my love, is true.

So let me bask, in this, unchanging light,

And cherish, every moment, day and night.

For though, my love, may ne'er, be returned,

Yet still, I'll love thee, till the day I'm burned.