
Chapter two

Amber pov 

 When I got to the police station I remembered magnum did not tell me the name of the guy he talked to.

I stood in front of the police station for a while before going back home.

It was the night was cold and nostalgic tickling old sweet memories that our parents spent with me and Carl.

On cold nights like this dad would read stories from one of the books in his study while mum prepared dinner, how I have missed her cooking.

Carl would drift into a short slumber only to be awakened to eat dinner and we would watch movies together 

Dad loved to watch the "godfather" as he knew the lines word for word.

We would listen I and mum to hear him say parts of the movie lines he was well acquainted with.

As l drove off the freeway to my house, my phone rang cutting my thoughts short.

"Hello," Dante said.

"Are you still coming over for dinner he added"?

"Yes, I am uncle" I answered.

"Carl has been asking you should come to see your brother often".

"Yes, I will uncle am on my way".

With all that happened today, I forgot about dinner.

Most times I ate dinner with my uncle and his wife and Carl, my uncle said it would be good for Carl so I tried to,  even tho I am almost late just like today.

I got there at eight-thirty the table was set had been waiting for me for  fifteen minutes 

As I walked into The house and sat on the dining auntie motioned Carl to hold hands, and as we all did Dante said grace before we started eating.

Auntie started " dear your birthday is tomorrow would you like to go shopping with me?

Let's get some drinks and a cake and yes we could have a few friends over ".

"I said  no celebrations "

"Please I would like to eat my meal in peace" I added.

Dante *groans *

Clears his throat as if trying to clarify some invincible mystery

As his eye shifts from his wife to me.

The food immediately tastes bland in my mouth as my stomach 

Was full of anger forming from the fact I could not do anything then

And I still cannot do anything now, tears run down my cheeks.

I push the plate forward as I stood to leave.

"You have not finished your food amber, ", Dante said.

"I am okay" I replied, my voice sinking into slow sobs.

Carl stood and hugged me, as my tears increased, I held my brother closely

Then I said, "I will avenge the,m Carlo will".

Carl was almost indifferent to the matter, he focused all his love on me

And always tried to cheer me up.

It was as if he was the elder as he was calm and composed about it 

But I knew deep down he missed them too

As my birthday was always there to remind us we were orphans because someone thought our parents did not deserve to be alive.

The next morning I woke up, I have slept off on uncle Dante's sofa.

I stood up still sleepy and as the early morning breeze cooled the air my body  could not resist

But  I struggled up and went through the front door and drove to my place

After napping for a short while I went for a run,  then to my usual training with Antonio.

I have to train to ease my mind and keep myself busy.

My phone rang a couple of times, I took it watched the screen as it rang, and dropped it back.

I arrived at my apartment some minutes later 

I needed a warm shower to ease my stress and it worked,  the warm water ran from my head down to my feet making me feel relaxed a bit.

I had no idea I have been in there for long till I heard my phone ringing  I quickly turned off the shower and stepped out  with a towel wrapped around my chest 

I picked up the phone and saw it was like mike from the training group, I looked at the time  and cursed under my breath

I was late again today Antonio would have my head 

I threw on some sweatpants and  a  T-shirt, I rushed out of my apartment after locking it up  and began driving at speed, I’m definitely going to get pullover by a cop for over-speeding but right now I don’t care 

“Shit” I cursed under my breath as I stared at the traffic in front of me 

I stopped my car and turned around deciding to follow another route was longer but at least better than staying in the traffic all-day

Increasing the speed of my car, I arrived earlier than I imagined 

I quickly rushed down packing my hair in a messy bun because it was still wet and I didn’t have time to blow dry it 

I rushed underground and saw everyone fighting in pairs and Antonio instructing them 

His eyes met mine and I swallowed hard, the look on his face is not good 

He is really mad at me 

this is not good at all

The thoughts alone were making my palm all sweaty but I stood firm as he approached me 

“You’re late “AGAIN “ he half yelled emphasizing  again because it’s not the first time 

 “I had issues taking care of some things and lost track of time “I replied boldly 

 “You’re going to be punished, he said sternly and I nodded 

Antonio usually punished people and it is not good,  most of them come back with lots of stitches

“Lisa” he yelled and Lisa answered rushing toward him 

“You’re going to duel with Lisa, he said and my jaw dropped ,I turned to look at Lisa , and my heart sank more and more.

Lisa was the strongest among us females she has been with her master for a long time and always acts like they’re a couple or something.

FYI she hates my guts and I feel the same way about her 

But going on a duel with her is something I never really imagined or planned for, well not yet at least.

I could see Lisa's lips curl up into a mischievous smile, she was happy and ready to beat me up, I don't think the fight was fair, what is ever fair , life is never fair.... “Begin, “ he said and everyone circled us watching 

Lisa threw me a punch which I dogged but the second one landed right at my jaw 

She smiled happily as she missed the punches I threw at her 

She sent me another blow that threw me to the ground and everyone started laughing 

I could hear her insulting me and urging me to stand up until one word came out of her mouth “ORPHAN “

Adrenaline  rushed through my body and I launched at her 

She wasn’t expecting it and I gave her no time to defend herself 

I kept hitting her till she collapsed on the floor that didn’t stop me l I was feeling  and anger, I couldn't stop myself 

I felt someone lift me off her and that was when it hit me 

I looked around and saw everyone staring at me, I looked at Lisa and saw blood all over her face, I can’t believe I did that 

I looked at Antonio and he was staring right at me with no emotions on his face, I couldn't tell  what he was thinking or if his disappointed in me or not 

“Come with me, “ he said  and I followed behind him 

I could hear the mummers from everyone and how they watched me.

The tension was rising even tho the fight was over as the indiscriminate Noise from all the different groups guessed my fate.

I followed Antonio as he had instructed we walked to his office in the training center 

He sat as I stood in front of his table as a cold gaze swept through me

I could feel the cold seep into my bones as he watched with his brown eyes 

That searched and stripped whatever anger I had instantly.

I could not say anything as I had given her what she deserved,

next time she would think it twice before saying whatever she thought.

I looked back at the floor anxiously waiting for him to speak.

Finally, he said"well done".

Then he added, "but you will have to serve time and train extra hours in the basement."

Shocked I grew more speechless but still waited and then he said "you can go".

I have just been caught in the lion's grip and then let go, this was easy compared to other kinds he was known to give his students.

I guessed beating Lisa had impressed him so he had made the punishment easy

As I turned to leave his office he said in an audible yet calm tone that filled the room 

"You will begin  tomorrow."

I knew it, his punishments are always swift and he always gave harder ones if you scaled or bailed.