
Chapter sixty one

Hello it's Hashim 

How are you doing Hendrix?

I am fine, why are you calling he said promptly

I wanted to talk to you, it's been a long while since you left for London you did not call and I waited, you ought to

Hendrix clenched his fist, he was listening to this brat and he could not believe his ears


Call me, why should I Hashim?

You are the reason why I am here in the first place, you are the bloody reason why.

And still, you demand a call from me, you are the one in comfort, you are the chosen one, you should have made time from your busy day to call like you just did.

Hashim knew Hendrix was angry but he was not to blame for the choice of their family made and besides he is not the legitimate son of the family, they sire grew up together but how is it right if they chose Hendrix over him,

But still, he missed his brother and wanted a glimpse of the old life back where their family had not interfered.

"Hendrix why are you shouting at me, I get it you are angry but I just wanted to check up on you and..........



Hendrix had the phone hung up.

Hashim did not know whether to call his brother back or let him be, he did not know what to do, his mother had told him to let Hendrix be, she always referred to him as a bastard, which has did not understand why as his mother had raised them both, 

He did not understand the sudden change in attitude Hendrix got from everyone and why they had sent him to London, 

There were still better places in Berlin to send him to, 




Hello, tell your father I don't want to marry you!

The voice on the other end let out, 

My father won't listen maybe yours will.

Hashim was silent for a while he did not know what to say,

He could not talk to his father no one could 

And he did not tell Hendrix about this, he was going to but now he could not say a word.

Hendrix did not want to talk to him, he was all alone just as Mira who was at the other end of the phone, she had been chosen to be his bride to unite their two families.

He knew she was in love with Hendrix but the rest he wasn't sure they knew, even if they did 

No one cared.

He was in the middle of a storm and all he wanted was for it to pass, 

"Mira I can't "

He said as he sat frozen in his chair, it was all he could muster to say as anxiety drenched him whole.

He knew it was better he told her he had his limits, if he told his father Abdul salam he would be in big trouble, his father never listened to others , if he did Hendrix would have been home.