
A Cliché Multiverse Story (Naruto start)(Dropped)

Mc has a system in naruto and a few cheats from other animes

ParadoxicalTruth · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

003. Timeskip (edited)

Its the final day of ninja academy. It wasn't as boring as most said. It still got boring, but I liked hearing about the history of Sunagakure. They also had many more classes. We were taught the basics of stealth, Survival class, and how to properly gather information. There was a gym where you could go to improve your Taijutsu, as there was teachers there that you could spar against and they would look for flaws in your stance and attacks. Honestly, i had a good time. Gaara and I are the best of friends.

His brother and sister love him, and no longer fear him because they have seen how he acts when he is loved. Temari is like the anime, and Kankuro is a little more stoic than his anime counterpart but he is alright. He has opened up a bit. We took the final of Suna academy and (Obviously) passed with flying colors. I trained myself, and Gaara in everything i could. From identifying herbs in the wild, to being able to use a multitude of weapons. Chokuto all the way to kusarigama. Now he isn't so reliant on his sand. He is pretty good at Taijutsu if I do say so myself. Instead of using just large overpowering ranged jutsu (he can and still does) he incorporates the sand into his Taijutsu attacks. He was already really strong in the anime (boruto is trash and doesn't count.) Now I think I've created a little monster. As i'm deep in thought i hear my name called. "Yes Gaara?"

"Were on the same team. Baki is going to be our Jonin sensei."

'Really? i thought it would have been Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara.' "Who else is on the team?"

"We have Kankuro on our team aswell."

'So temari got the boot eh? i wonder what the Kazekage is thinking.' "Alrighty then. Lets go wait for Baki-sensei on the roof"

I also figured something out about myself. I love baking and cooking. And Gaara loves my food. I keep a small Fuinjutsu storage sealed jar on my person at all times because i have given Gaara a cookie addiction. Gaara lifts us up through the window with his sand onto the roof. As we sit down waiting for Kankuro and Baki-sensei i bust out the cookies and begin munching on a cookie.

"Hey gimme some!" Gaara says like a needy child as he reaches for the cookies.

I look at him, and back at the cookies, and back at him. "Ufufu, nope cant have any." I say as i i run to the other side of the roof.

"Rokuro, give me the cookies, now!" Gaara says as he chases me around the roof. He eventually catches and tackles me to the ground to get the cookies.

I look at him as he looks at me. We both bust out laughing as we thought the entire thing was hilarious. Meanwhile Kankuro has gotten used to it and Baki is a little conflustered having arrived a few minutes ago to see me and gaara playing around. They sat there waiting for us to finish playing around until i notice them sitting there.

"Oh shit gaara, we have company."

Baki has a tick mark on his forehead 'You just noticed??'

Me n' gaara get up, dust ourselves off and go sit down. Baki looks at us weirdly., and clears his throat.

"Mpghfm. Anyways lets all introduce ourselves shall we? Im your Jonin sensei Baki. Well not yet, you still must pass a test of mine before i decide if you are worthy of being genin or not. You, go first." he points to me.

"Ok i guess. My name is Rokuro. I'm 12 years old and i enjoy baking, training, and hanging out with Gaara. I dislike many things that i'm not too keen on saying.

"Gaara you next."

"You already know who i am and my age, but i like eating kuro's food and training. I dislike the people who call me names in the street and look at me like a freak for existing."

"Uh Ok, Kankuro you next."

"My name is Kankuro. i like my puppets, and learning new ways to use my puppets. I dislike brats."

"Interesting team, Alright i have two tests for you to meet. First is to make it to training grounds 42 on the other side of the village in less than 10 minutes. Ill tell you the second one later at the grounds."

Baki-sensei disappears after that. Kankuro doesn't say anything and waits to see what gaara and i will do.

I look at gaara and narrow my eyes. "Race yah!"

Gaara replies with "Oh its on! Kuro you cheater!"

Kankuro doesn't say anything and just starts running towards the training grounds. I'm having a great time running as hard as i can and i'm just a little ahead of gaara as his sand his helping him immensely in keeping up with me. I don't want to lose the race so i use my chakra rods as a sort of shoe sole on my foot to grip onto the sand better. The training grounds is in sight! I can taste the victory. I'm about to win until i feel a hand of sand grip around my ankle and yank me back. Gaara wins the race. "You little cheater!"

"You cheated first!"


We made good time though. A good six minutes of rest before the second test. We sit and wait for Kankuro to show up while i pull a couple water bottles from my bag. Kankuro shows up 3-4 minutes later and i hand him a water aswell. Baki-sensei shows up and says "Good job passing the first test!


A.n: my friend said the story was good but gaara's personality doesn't match at all. And i felt maybe some were confused if he was. I tried to make it so gaara was a happy cheerful kid because he met the mc and actually made a friend.


I decided to change it so kankuro was in the squad instead of temari. So now Kuro doesn't date temari because im bad at writing that stuff and people were upset with how i handled that situation.


Stats (Averages, Before, After)

Average Jounin Overall: 360.0 (45 in each stat)

Average Chunin Overall: 240.0 (30 in each stat)

Average Genin Overall: 170.0 (20 in each stat)

Average Fresh academy graduate Overall: 80.0(10 in each stat)

Average Adult Overall: 40.0(5 in each stat)



(Agi) 8.9

(Dex) 7.1

(Int) 8.8




(exp) 0.5

Overall: 55.7



(Agi) 19.9

(Dex) 13.1

(Int) 17.7




(exp) 5.0

Overall: 109.1



(Agi) 15.6

(Dex) 12.0

(Int) 16.6




(exp) 6.0

Overall: 107.5