
#9 Feelings Part-1

So the second day passes as usual and in the last day they decides to drink and play game , They all set up a sheet to sit and sat around the drinks .They began drinking and one of them suggests to play a game where each guy will carry each girl and they agrees except for mr kim.He is not into such games but does not deny to play along. So they pick one each to pair up, Mark quickly enterwines jieun's hand with his showing they are paired up . Mr kim is left with cathy . So basically the rule of the game is that The guy will carry the girl and the first one to give up will drink 3 shots by both the couples and the next one 2 and next 1 shots so the one who wins gets a kiss on the cheeks from his patner . Mr kim inorder to avoid drinking and avoid getting a kiss from a girl tries his best to be the second one to win .Mark carries jieun easily and jieun gives her best to cheer Mark not to give up which makes mark to stay strong and hold onto jieun. So the pairs gives up one by one and begins to take their shots as punishment. Mark and jieun and Cathy and mr Kim were the last remaining couples .Cathy pokes mr Kim arms to give up already as cathy and Lily pairs mark and wants them to win so she gives a signal to loose her but Mr kim after seeing how proud jieun is showing towards mark makes him to Show jieun and prove her that he too is strong.Lily on the other hand cheers mark and jieun and shouts"Go mark" "Go jieun" And Cathy being clever Loose her grip from his neck because mr Kim shows no sign of giving up . So Mr kim gives up ,Mark and jieun is declared as winners and they start to cheer them to give him a peck on the cheeks , Jieun confidently goes near his face and gives a peck on his cheeks and blushes away , which makes Mr kim give them a discusting looks and murmurs under his breath "Gross couples" .which proves his jealousy .