

Jieun rushes inside the building and comes across The chief secretary and his assistant and scolds her not to be late again. That moment the CEO of the company arrives walks pass by them and shortly pauses his steps and interferes talking ,looking back from his side of the broad shoulder by saying "I Hate people who comes late to work in his place " ,but actually it's his first day of office too .

Jieun apologises for being late and leaves for her work inside the office and looks for her table .

After finding her table she introduces herself to the co-workers and she excitedly give them big smiles.

Of all workers She meets 2 girls at her age where one of them address herself as Lily Kim who is cute and little clumsy and the other girl Cathy who is biracial and a spoiled brat judging by her appearance But they were friendly towards her and gave her a big welcoming smiles . From that day on They got attached to each other and spends most of the time together and shares their hard times to relief themselves .


Jieun gets a call from her mother that they are in much need of money and mentions her father condition which had gotten worse because of working restlessly which made him collapse many a times and her younger brother wanted to join a music school which were highly expensive for them ,

So inoder to save money She shifts into a Small apartment and begins to eat noodles and drink milk along with egg for some period of time which would cost her less and save money as much as possible.

One day in the office one of the co-worker informs about his birthday party and invites all of them including their Boss Mr Kim Yeong Bin , and tells them that they would be drinking indside the office which he bought from the shop .

So all of them Gets ready to celebrate his party after their work is over ,they prepares the drinks and all of them cheers and starts drinking .At first Mr Kim just sits in the corner and avoids to drink but the birthday boy and the workers too insists him to drink so he hesitantly drinks up his beer but later on starts to drink continuously one after another which make them to drop their mouth in surprise of seeing their Boss behaviour. Mr Kim stands up and leaves for washroom But their lift stopped working since morning he takes a turn to the stairs and looks for washroom . While inside their office the Workers were all tired and half drunk so they all leaves one by one .

jieun just drinks one beer and some shotsj of soju so she is sober and the thought of sending her parents the money which she couldn't save much makes her sad . Mr Kim while returning back from the washroom gets a bit dizzy because of the alcohol and he falls completely on the concrete floor outside the door before he could enter. Jieun prepares to leave for home and steps outside but before she leaves she notices Her Boss on the floor Unconscious ,both of them were the only remaining person on the building so she stops by .

" Sir?????"

" Sir! Wake up "

"No response"

Jieun thought :

"Shall I just leave him here"



"I'm not Even Close to him and I don't have any idea about him or where he lives "