

They decided to start with the plan by spreading the rumor about jisung love life and like they assumed about mary telling his ex ,it was true it imidiately went in the ears of jisung's ex and her mother .

Jisung on the other hand started liking jieun and he would continuously peep from his window to see if he can see jieun on her room or not and would also visit the balcony oftenly to meet jieun because jieun always comes outside the room ,on the balcony to read books . Jieun too starts to get comfortable with jisung for opening up with her and she gets along with both jisung and mark and they both tried to win her heart. At the same time Mr kim was jealous of how they were growing close to each other and shall always interupt between their conversation and it seem so obvious to others except for jieun and mark who were clueless about mr kim change of behaviour ,it made mrs kim to ship jieun with mr kim because she wanted jieun to be apart of their family .

Then Soo hyun was facing problem with his relation with mary ,even though mary was not a good girlfriend Soo hyun had loved her honestly and truely so he didn't want her to leave him and Mark came to know about Soo hyun worries because he knew that mary liked him instead of soo hyun and he had to do something to make them together because he regarded him as his own brother and been in times of need when he had a difficult times . So mark decided to ask help from jieun and approached her in the evening to confess his feelings at the same time . Mark boldly ask jieun to help him and narrate everything about soo hyun who was in need and he confessed after he told everything to jieun . Jieun liked Mark as a brother and a friend so she rejected him directly but she promised to help him and soo hyun to make them together again by prentending to be Mark girlfriend for a while until Mary goes back to soo hyun because it was the only way to sway mary from Mark and jieun had to return him the favour he had done for her .