
A Childbearing Manual For A Beginner

He got bitten and eaten by zombies in his old world, tragically died, but miraculously transmigrated into another world! The new world is free of grotesque monsters and peaceful! He is happy and unashamedly reclaimed the life of Xie Winchester, the second prince of Clarines Kingdom and the minor villain/cannon fodder of this world. He only wanted to live a happy life, get married to someone who dearly loves him, and has a child with her! So, he throws the divorce paper on the slag husband's face and immediately runs away with his cute and obedient servant. They restarted a new life in secrecy. Until one day, he fainted while overworking himself in the bakery shop he owned. "Madam, the doctor said you're pregnant!" The cute servant excitedly informed him. His eyes sparkled in astonishment. While he stared at the servant in a flabbergasted manner. What? Can somebody tell him, please? How can a man like him get pregnant?! And, judging from the timeline, it seemed the bun was cooked after that one accidental passionate night with the slag husband before both fervently running away from home. No! How can this be?! He wanted a child, but he didn't want to be the one who carried the bun! Isn't the world's setting is weird? Should he keep the baby? Or, should he not? Very slow update. Probably BL story. The story was unedited. Please pardon my poor grammar mistakes. Please support my other books : -High in pursuit -High in pursuit: Another story -Behind the veil : Vengeful spirit

nia_94 · Fantasy
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41 Chs


To describe the man as a pretty or handsome person is an understatement.

He is the epitome of beauty.

Xie Winchester's beauty is incomparable. His regal appearance and his elegant bearing, all these factors contributed to his fatal attraction. He is like an exotic flower, which bloomed in a thorn-like garden and zealously attracted bees and butterflies to surround him.

"Xie Winchester." Xie holds out his hand, offering a handshake. "You're the boss?"


His heartbeat spiked up and steadily accelerated. Isaac's breath is hitching.

Xie's mellow voice rang pleasantly in his ears. The soft sound transmitted into his eardrums, and a piece of a feather incessantly tickled that flesh. His ears reddened.

Isaac incredulously stared at the outstretched, slender hand. His cufflink is loosened and inexplicably exposing a fair patch of that thin wrist. Xie's color skin is pale and milky. The cyan vein is visible to naked eyes.

Isaac firmly took the handshake. The moment their hands touched, a jolt of electric current ran past his body, and a spark erupted.

Of course, Isaac is the only one who experienced this oddity. Xie is as composed as a flowing river. There's no apparent ripple of emotion on his face.

Isaac's hand is bigger than Xie's, and he completely engulfed the other's palm. The man's hand is soft and smooth. Warm feeling seeping out from the tender flesh. Isaac unconsciously tightened his grip, making the latter winch in discomfort.

Xie felt uncomfortable. However, he didn't want to appear rude to Isaac.

Silence settled in. Xie blankly looked at Isaac while the latter's face seemed to blush.

Why is he blushing? Xie frowned. Although the handsome man is expressionless, his earlobes are twitching excitedly, and the tip of the ears are red. Since Isaac had a fair complexion, the redness that spread out to the back of his nape became prominent.

"Isaac...Isaac Killian..." The man mumbled out his response. His bashfulness yet stoic face cracked Xie out. He suppressed himself from teasing the stranger.

Xie gave him a polite smile.

The luscious pink lips curved into a charming arc, and that slight smile seemed to dazzle the man in front of him.

Yes. Xie's appearance is to his liking. Isaac was pleased with Xie's handsome face, and he couldn't help but stare at him in a daze.

Out of nowhere, a sweet scent wafted in his direction. The alluring fragrance seemed to intensify as he drew closer to the source of the smell. He is muddleheaded and only follows his instinct. Then, he abruptly stopped.

Isaac's body had a subtle reaction, and he ashamedly hung his head low, unable to look straight at him. He was afraid Xie would notice his strange behavior, so he discreetly withdrew his step. Do you know what the worst is?

Lust started to cloud his mind.

Isaac shuddered. What is happening? How could he, toward a married man, act disgracefully? Previously, he proudly proclaimed in his heart that his self-restraint is the best among the best. Right now, he wanted to retract back his words and burrow his body in a bottomless pit.

Shame on you, Isaac Killian!

Xie lamented in his heart. What's wrong with this pervert? When will he let go of my hand? My hand is numb!

Isaac felt an unexplained thirst. He craved for something. He inhaled and exhaled, trying his best to regulate his abnormal reaction.

But, damn! His action backfired instead. In this small room, the scent thickens. It sporadically spread out, seemed to encase itself around them. However, the culprit himself is oblivious of his crime and becomes ignorant of his suffering.

As Isaac painfully glanced at Xie, the other man seemed normal. Only his smooth forehead marred with creases.

The sweat fragrance acted like a drug to him. It stimulated his nerve and provoked his deeply buried instinct.

Calm down. Isaac mentally said. He scrunched his nose and released a heavy, frustrated sigh.

Okay, he could keep going. My expressionless face, please do a good job now!

Please, this is nothing. Nothing could move Isaac's frozen heart.

Xie tilted his head and blinked his doe eyes. He looked adorable. His long eyelashes swept over his emerald eyes, giving a sense of a lazy cat leisurely sprawling over his bed.

Once again, Isaac gulped down his saliva. Yeah. That is nothing at all. He could still control himself.

He long knows about Xie's reputation. Many people wished to covert this beauty and possessed him. However, Xie's eyes focussed solely on his current husband, Arthur Vie Vermillion. He is loyal to the other man and willing to do anything to grasp his attention.

When they got married, people sighed in dismay. People labeled them as the perfect couple and a match made in heaven. Both people are handsome and beautiful. And they came from impressive backgrounds.

One is royalty, and the other is the owner of a successful corporation with immeasurable wealth.

But, the happiness and lovey-dovey interaction are serving as a pretense of their toxic marriage life. The couple tried their best to put a happy front, but Isaac knew better.

He and Arthur had a business relationship. Both often met in the high-end private bar, drinking and chatting. Arthur never loved his spouse. He loathed the man. He felt that Xie loved to flaunt his influence and wealth in front of him and wished to tie himself forever to his side. The dislike turned to hate. And the hate slowly blackened his heart, and he viewed Xie as a disgraceful person and utterly disgusted with him.

What an unfortunate man. He got unreciprocated love and his beloved hatred.

Too miserable.

If the person Xie liked was me, I wouldn't treat him like that. Isn't it unfair?

Issac's eyes burned. The scarlet irises darkened and glinted red. Without him realizing it, jealousy took rooting inside his heart.

"Could you let go of my hand?" Xie suddenly asked. He felt helpless.

"Pardon?" Isaac dumbly stared at him.

Xie gestured his chin at their linking hands.

He obviously tried to entangle his hand, but Isaac's grip was making it impossible. The fair, white hand inexplicably turned red.

Isaac immediately let go of his hand, and his face marred with horror.

"I...I am sorry, Your Highness." He bowed his head, ashamed of his subconscious action of 'molesting' Xie. His face is pale. What's wrong with him?! Why would he do such a disgraceful act toward the other man, on top of that a married one?! Is he crazy? You're indeed crazy! And, what did he think about just now? Oh my god! He's tempted. He got seduced by someone he never believed could even seduced him before.

The sweet, alluring scent from before dispersed without a hint. Did Isaac imagine the smell? That scent is weird. It seemed to act like a catalyst that intensified his impulse. For a moment, the impulsive desire to owe the man becomes intolerable. He couldn't help but crave for him.

Xie waved his hand. He rubbed his sore hand as he plopped down on the sofa, restraining himself from taking out his dissatisfaction at Isaac.

Goosebumps crawling on his body made him uncomfortable. He saw the glint beneath those eyes. They are eyeing him like he is some sort of prey. For a moment, he recalled the predator eyes those zombies threw at him every time he managed to escape their crawling clutches.

Ugh, terrible.

A momentary, taut silence settled in between these men. However, none seemed to care about it as more pressing matter took out their attention. Both of them frowned and drowned in their thoughts.

The receptionist showed up, carefully put the tray filled with a jug of tea and two porcelain cups on the wooden table. She also put a tray of snacks. Eyes darting in confusion as she realized both of them seemed to fell into an endless silence. Should she interrupt them?

The receptionist shrugged her shoulder and silently went out of her way. She went back to the counter.


Isaac is a man with principle. He never touches other person's belonging, and he loathes of such action. Other person's stuff is not attractive. Yet, right now, the desire to make this one person his possession suddenly aroused within his heart.

The numbing emotion stirred ferociously. Urging him to act faster.

Isaac didn't understand. What's wrong with him? Why would he desire this person? Before this, he was proud of his strong self-restraint. He had abstinence from pleasure and lust for a long time and could lead an ordinary life without this inherent desire. He never wants to delve into the animalistic instinct of humans. Love is not that crucial in his life. Of course, he will start a relationship with someone if he wants to. But, not like this.

Just what is the reason?

He met Xie Winchester a year ago at a charity event. His appearance is the same. Well, he is the most beautiful flower in the kingdom. The civilian dubbed him with such an intriguing title. However, he is not a face-con. He will not easily fall in love at someone just by how attractive their face is. Besides, he could get any women he is interested in without hassle. Those women will gladly jump onto his arms.

Hence, what is the reason for his abnormal reaction today? What is the difference between that time and this time? He still had the same hair color and the same eyes. The way he dressed was also not particularly eye-catching.

Maybe, it is because of his eyes? Those eyes seemed lively than a year ago. And the moment their eyes hooked, his heart trembled slightly.

Xie's eyes seemed to sparkle with brilliant light, like the twinkle of shining stars. The vibrant emerald eyes were full of vitality, and his luscious lips always curved into a beautiful arc. The smile had captivated him, and Isaac couldn't tear his gazes away from Xie.

Oh no. He finally realized that he had fallen into a pit called love. He might cannot escape from this pit depending on how deep he fall.

Isaac covered his face and inwardly groaned.