
A Childbearing Manual For A Beginner

He got bitten and eaten by zombies in his old world, tragically died, but miraculously transmigrated into another world! The new world is free of grotesque monsters and peaceful! He is happy and unashamedly reclaimed the life of Xie Winchester, the second prince of Clarines Kingdom and the minor villain/cannon fodder of this world. He only wanted to live a happy life, get married to someone who dearly loves him, and has a child with her! So, he throws the divorce paper on the slag husband's face and immediately runs away with his cute and obedient servant. They restarted a new life in secrecy. Until one day, he fainted while overworking himself in the bakery shop he owned. "Madam, the doctor said you're pregnant!" The cute servant excitedly informed him. His eyes sparkled in astonishment. While he stared at the servant in a flabbergasted manner. What? Can somebody tell him, please? How can a man like him get pregnant?! And, judging from the timeline, it seemed the bun was cooked after that one accidental passionate night with the slag husband before both fervently running away from home. No! How can this be?! He wanted a child, but he didn't want to be the one who carried the bun! Isn't the world's setting is weird? Should he keep the baby? Or, should he not? Very slow update. Probably BL story. The story was unedited. Please pardon my poor grammar mistakes. Please support my other books : -High in pursuit -High in pursuit: Another story -Behind the veil : Vengeful spirit

nia_94 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

21 Dun! Dun! The appearance of the protagonist- 2

The young woman fiercely glared at Xie while Xie, who looked equally miserable, with his clothes got dusted and crumpled and his sleeve got torn, returned her glare with the same intensity.

He felt wronged! What did he do for him to end up in this state? He just minded his business and walked around.

And, excuse me, lady? You're the one who bumped into me first and pulled me straight onto the ground! Yet you dare to put the entire blame on me and make a story that I am a pervert?! Xie internally screamed. Which part on his face that lewdly looking at her? She was pretty, and he gave a thumb-up for that, but you're not my type!

This girl was surely gusty. Her pride must have gotten the better of her.

Xie winched. His bruise forearm, which unintentionally came up for a stretch, felt sore and still dripping with blood. He took out a handkerchief from his back pocket and pressed it on his injured arm.

What kind of nails does she have? Sharp-like razor fingernails? She was far more dangerous than the zombies! Imagine if someone got poked in the eyes with those nails?

Xie looked at his forearm with dissatisfaction.

Look at this! Look at this injury! Can't someone see this wound she caused? She was the one who harmed me!

"You dare to call me a pervert when you're the one who bumped into me first?" Xie said in a sarcastic tone. His voice laced with a sliver of annoyance.

"Who bumped into you?!" The woman denied his word. She eyed him up in a distaste. This person was far more beautiful than he, and she felt annoyed by such an irritating fact. "As if a frail-looking woman like me could pull you down."

Xie's lips were twitching. His mouth felt restless and itchy to say something. His hands wriggled, very much like to get his fingers on someone's neck.

That was the first time he met someone he wished to strangle at the mere sight of her. This girl sure was bold enough to argue with him when she was clearly in the wrong one. What gave her the confidence to act like that?! Such audacity!

"Apologize to me, and I will let you go!" She shouted while arrogantly flipping her long, wavy reddish-brown hair. Her action was quite exaggerated.

Her tight outfit accentuated her hourglass waist and perky butts. Such dress should bring out an aura of purity and pristine from her body and give her the impression of a white lotus character.

Unfortunately, though, it was not.

It consisted of white laces knee-length dress that exposed her backside adorned with exquisite ivory gems around the hem. And a retouch of pair of sexy-looking stockings had outlined those long and slender legs.

The black, expensive-looking strapless heels had complimented her mature look even more.

She acted like a pompous noble lady, which overly pampered by her family for her entire life with a servant at her beck, wherever and whenever she wanted.

A noble? What a joke. Even if she wore an expensive-looking white dress and caked up her face, she didn't have the aura of a graceful noble lady. She might be noble, but she lacked the virtuousness a noble should have.

It was more befitting to say that her whole body exuded a commoner vibe from head to toes. There was no trace of gracefulness within her body.

Tried to pretend to be someone else when your act barely passable to do that? Hah! Pathetic. He always sees this trend in the cliche romance movie.

The young woman became even more furious when Xie said nothing but kept looking down on her. Her self-esteemed, which she painstakingly built, was cracked under the man's daunting eyes.

She gritted her teeth.

How dare you look down on me? You're merely a supporting character which was not even worth mentioning! Does a mere cannon fodder dare to belittle a protagonist of this story?!

(A/N: Surprise! The protagonist was also a transmigrator!)

Xie scowled. He dusted the dirt from his clothes. Ah, this is his favorite outfit, the best one he owned from the original's wardrobe.

Xie turned around, intending to leave since he didn't want to worsen the situation. He slightly bowed his head and walked away. To his dismay, that woman refused to let him off the hook! She clung to his other arm and coerced him to stay.

"You think I would let you off? What kind of apologetic behavior did you show me? I sensed no sincerity in them!"

Xie looked at the young woman with his peripheral glance. He frowned. What was wrong with her? The way she acted made it seem that she orchestrated this scene for some bad purpose.

As if she intended to humiliate him before the eyes of many people.

And, somehow, he thought that woman seemed familiar. But, who was she?

Long, wavy reddish-brown hair. A pair of phoenix-like eyes, which shone with the lustrous pink color.

The young woman was the epitome of purity and elegance.

A commoner girl.

Otome game...?

A flash of realization dawned on him. He finally realized who this woman was and her identity.

Oh my god! Oh my god!!

That woman! That woman was the protagonist of this story!

Leyla something!

Wait a minute, what was her full name? Leyla Lein? Or was it Leyla Klein?

Forget it. Xie had another thing coming his way. Why did trouble follow him around? Why was disaster actively seeking him out? He wanted to escape from the shackle of the plotlines, but the plot had earnestly trailed behind him!

Damn it!

How come he could meet the protagonist, here of all places?

How was this possible? Why did this story no longer follow the intended script?

"You should apologize if you hit someone, dude." One of the onlookers chided in.

"Yes. There's no need to argue in public like this. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Another one added. He shook his head and looked at Xie with disappointment.

Xie was bewildered.

He looked around and got surprised. All these people were eager to push the blame on him without even considering checking the fact first.

Just a mere word from the protagonist, he got despised by these onlookers?

Their heated stares rained down on him and came from every direction. Their eyes filled with malice, ridicules, and scorn as if he had done something terrible to warrant such deplorable looks from them.

It seemed that justice was merely a joke in this world.

Xie got cornered, and he couldn't defend himself. He was rendered speechless by them. There's something dark and sinister creeping up on his back that made him unable to muster his courage. Gloom dawned on him regardless of his feeling.

"You better start apologizing." Another voice softly persuaded him, coming from behind, but the mocking tone was pretty much discernable.

"Yes. An adult should behave like an adult. A gentleman should have the gut to apologize if he did something wrong."

Xie got flustered. What's wrong with them? Why do they try to put nonsense words in his mouth?

Also, what was wrong with him? Why can't he say anything on his defense? It was as if his mouth got sewn tightly, and he was voiceless even if he managed to open his lips.

There was something that prevented him from talking. As if someone's hand was on his throat, and he would get strangled anytime soon if he did say something unfit to the situation. The fear had put him on edge.

For whatever reason, he couldn't stop shuddering. Xie looked up and warily stared at the protagonist.

The protagonist noticed his gaze, and her lips imperceptibly curved up.

It was ridiculous, but there was a voice inside his head. The voice faintly sounded intermittent with the sound of static. It induced him to do something of its bidding.

And all of the bad memories buried deep inside his mind had resurfaced. They mixed together with the one he owned and the original soul.

What was this ominous feeling? It was familiar, too familiar, that goosebumps started to erupt soon after the creepiness crawled on his skin.

His mind was buzzing. And, he cannot make heads or tails out of the situation. What he knew, things had gotten out of hand.

To be continue.


This author wants to say something.

Leyla: It's finally my appearance after twenty-something chapters! (Glared at the author) I am the protagonist. What's wrong with this maltreatment?!

Author: The MC of my story is not you. (Said in a deadpan tone) It is Wu Zhi.

Leyla: So?

Author: You're the protagonist in the otome game. These two positions are different. Understand?

Leyla: (Eyes brimmed with jealousy) Wu Zhi. It's no wonder that I hated him from the moment my eyes set on him. This is the reason why.

Author: (With just a glance, she knew the exact thing brewed inside the protagonist's mind) I suggest that you should stop whatever plan you orchestrate inside your mind.

Leyla: Why?

Author: While it's true that the plot inside the otome game will help you out, you shouldn't forget that Wu Zhi also has a golden finger.

Leyla: ...Tsk. His golden finger is nothing compared to the one I have. (Smug smile)

Author: (Felt a wave of unprecedented anger) Who said that?! His golden finger is omnipotent! His most powerful helper is me! (The latter sentence said in an exclamation remark)

Leyla: ...

Author: You must be scared, right? (Smug smile.jpg)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

New chapter!

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