
A Childbearing Manual For A Beginner

He got bitten and eaten by zombies in his old world, tragically died, but miraculously transmigrated into another world! The new world is free of grotesque monsters and peaceful! He is happy and unashamedly reclaimed the life of Xie Winchester, the second prince of Clarines Kingdom and the minor villain/cannon fodder of this world. He only wanted to live a happy life, get married to someone who dearly loves him, and has a child with her! So, he throws the divorce paper on the slag husband's face and immediately runs away with his cute and obedient servant. They restarted a new life in secrecy. Until one day, he fainted while overworking himself in the bakery shop he owned. "Madam, the doctor said you're pregnant!" The cute servant excitedly informed him. His eyes sparkled in astonishment. While he stared at the servant in a flabbergasted manner. What? Can somebody tell him, please? How can a man like him get pregnant?! And, judging from the timeline, it seemed the bun was cooked after that one accidental passionate night with the slag husband before both fervently running away from home. No! How can this be?! He wanted a child, but he didn't want to be the one who carried the bun! Isn't the world's setting is weird? Should he keep the baby? Or, should he not? Very slow update. Probably BL story. The story was unedited. Please pardon my poor grammar mistakes. Please support my other books : -High in pursuit -High in pursuit: Another story -Behind the veil : Vengeful spirit

nia_94 · Fantasy
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41 Chs


The driver got kicked out soon after madam came out from the cafe.

Alaric stared at his madam with a disbelief expression.

By kick, he means that madam literally kicked the surprised driver in the shin, and the thirty-eight years old man almost facepalmed on the ground due to the force behind his kick.

"Go back to the mansion. There's no need to drive me around anymore. You also didn't need to fetch me. I have a chauffeur to cater to me during my vacation." Xie said in an icy tone. The trace of dismissal in his voice was pretty discernable.

If anyone else, he would be gentle in his action and speak with a polite tone, but this driver was the underling of the steward. He was loyal to the man, and Xie was uncomfortable if he tagged along on this journey.

"But, sir..." The driver tried to persuade his employer to bring him along. The scary steward instructed him to follow their master's spouse everywhere he went and keep his eyes on him. "You are going for a vacation only with your servant? Isn't that dangerous? You should at least bring a bodyguard with you. Or, let me go with you. I can protect you, Sir."

"Go back, or I beat you up." Xie casually took off one of his shoes and dangled it in front of the driver's eyes in a threatening way. His lips tugged into a sadistic smile.


Xie threw his shoe directly on the driver's face. The impact made the driver stumble backward before collapsing, half-sober and half-dizzy, face-planting on the ground. A shoeprint was visible across his reddened face.

The driver felt a trickle of hot liquid leak out from his nostril. He fretfully pinched his nose in an attempt to stop his nosebleed.

"I warned you already," Xie growled. "Don't blame me because you're the one who is a stubborn jerk."

Alaric and Isaac stood by the sidelines and had been watching their interaction. They were bewildered by Xie's ruthless action.

That smack must be hurt. Both internally thought.

Alaric rubbed his eyes, presently cannot believe what he saw. His jaw slacked, and he was rendered speechless by what he saw.

His gentle and elegant-looking madam acted like a ruffian and threatened his driver! It was broad daylight and with the bystanders as the witness?!

Was this man truly his madam that he had known for a long time?

Did something possess his madam? As far as he knew, there's no way madam would beat up someone publically like this, err...he means that madam is not the type who uses violence. He is a gentle, sophisticated, and virtuous young man with a respectable reputation!

However, no matter how hard he tried to deny it, the sadistic-looking man that laughed weirdly and slyly before his eyes was undoubtedly his madam.

To say he was surprised was an understatement. Alaric was terrified!

Isaac looked at Xie with an amused smile. He rubbed his chin, engrossed in his thought.

Initially, he got perplexed by the unfolding scene in front of him, but later, he was astounded. Xie, who kept showing him unexpected things, was an intriguing man who deserved his attention.

The old Xie Winchester would never act like this. He bottled up his emotions and always concealed his feeling. No matter how angry or how irritated he felt, he would bury all the negative emotions deep inside his heart.

He would show them his flawless acting of the personification of an angelic being and keep his smile despite his unwillingness to do that.

Ah, this man had piqued his interest. He would love to know him better and slowly peel away the saint mask from his face and unveil his true self.

You had fascinated me, Xie. From this moment onward, I will pursue you. I will never stop my pursuit until I get you inside my arms. Even if I do stop, it might be a momentary truce, and I will restart again after things return to normal. Isaac slowly licked his lower lips and his eyes darkened.

Xie shuddered. A shiver had run down his spine. Did someone target him at this moment? He glanced at the smirking Isaac, huffed his breath, and fiercely glared at him. His expression seemed to ask him, "What are you laughing? Never see anyone get smack across the face by a pair of shoes before?!"

Isaac said nothing since he didn't want to make the man angrier than before.

He gestured the man towards his awaiting car, a black sedan parked on the side of the road.

Isaac casually opened the car's door. He bowed his head and politely ushered Xie to enter.

"After you, my lady."

Xie frowned.

"Hmph! Who are you calling a lady? I am a man!" He pushed the door and sat on the seat beside the window with folded arms, expressing his discontent.

Alaric decided to sit in front. He wanted to sit beside madam since he was uncomfortable with a stranger, but Isaac's intense gaze made his scalp numbed.

"Why did Alaric sit over there?" Xie inexplicably raised his eyebrows and skeptically eyed the shameless man that brazenly sat beside him. "And, why did we sit together?"

Alaric immediately responded before Isaac could open his mouth, "I felt excited, so I decided to sit in the co-driver seat."


"I mean, it is inappropriate for me to sit behind, like a boss while the owner sits in front. It is impolite to treat the owner of the car like that. So, I-"

"Okay. It's fine. I understand." Xie cut his sentence midway.

Alaric exhaled a heavy sigh. He awkwardly glanced at the man named Isaac and immediately averted his gaze before that said man turned around.

That person was scary! He silently threatened him with his eyes. Even though Isaac kept his smile this entire time, Alaric felt a cold breeze continuously assault his tiny body. It seemed winter on his side while spring on the madam's side.

Alaric really wanted to cry. Why did this person treat him like an enemy? Did he do something to him before this meeting? Wasn't this the first time they met?


The drive went on for two hours without stopping.

The driver is indeed skilled. Their journey went smoothly, unperturbed by unnecessary things.

Xie had long ago fallen asleep. He was too deep in his slumber that he didn't realize that his head had landed on Isaac's broad shoulder.

Isaac went stiff, and his body became as rigid as a statue. He didn't dare to move, afraid that because the slightest movement from him would awake the sleeping beauty beside him.

Xie, regardless of anything, felt a bit uncomfortable with his sleeping posture. His neck was sore, so he changed his position. He drowsily nuzzled around before placing his head on something flat.

After five minutes, his breathing evened out, and he drifted further into the dreamland, being oblivious to Isaac's suffering.

Isaac blushed profusely. Xie had put his head on Isaac's lap while his face faced Isaac's hidden abdominal muscles. He would sometimes nuzzle his face on Isaac's stomach, mumbling something incoherently. Sometimes, Xie unintentionally provoked his bottom line by rubbing his face closer to his pants. His action inevitably awoke the sleeping dragon within his body!

He felt extreme discomfort in his lower part. On top of reacting to his nudging, Isaac cannot move around carelessly, or Xie would wake up and eventually find out about their embarrassing position.

Isaac tried his hardest to suppress the trembling of his body. His face turned even redder than a boiling shrimp, and his hands were restless, itching to do something to stop this torment. He cannot endure it any longer. Such a tormenting situation kept testing his self-restraint!

"Boss?" The driver saw his terrible countenance from his side mirror. "Are you okay? You looked awful."

Isaac bit his lips, afraid that a moan would slip out from his mouth. Hold it back, Isaac Killian. Remember that you had managed to be a monk for ten whole years. You successfully abstinent yourself from the indulgence of lust and desires. Calm yourself and keep thinking something sad. You can do it! Come on, man!

"Boss?" His boss clearly felt unwell, so why didn't he say anything? Should he stop the car somewhere and take a momentary rest? The driver wanted to look behind him, asking for his boss's opinion, but he was still driving. One careless mistake would cause a terrible accident.

Alaric curiously peeked behind him and saw an unbelievable sight. He covered his face and groaned inwardly. His exasperated sigh made the driver glance in his way.

The driver inexplicably raised his eyebrows. What happened at the back? The boy exaggerated sigh made him curious.

Alaric wanted to facepalm on the dashboard. It's better to knock himself out rather than watch his madam's shameful behavior.

Madam, why are you shamelessly molesting Sir Killian in your sleep?! Your hand even brazenly groped his pants!

Oh my god! Someone, please wake my madam so he would free Sir Killian out of his misery.


This author wants to say something:

In the dream.

Xie: (Groping around in his sleep and finding something that resembled a soft pillow and excitedly rubbed his face in it) Ahh...So comfortable. (Sighed in contentment)

Pillow:...(Kept moving around and twitching anxiously)

Xie: (Smacked the naughty pillow) Keep still, you bastard! I cannot sleep!



Isaac: (Gotten smacked directly on his hardened crotch and hissed in discomfort) ...! (Surprised that his lower part became even harder than before and almost drilled a hole through his pants)

Xie: (Mumbled drowsily) What's wrong with this pillow? Why did a stick appear out of nowhere and try to poke my eyes?

Isaac:...(Ashamed with his body's reaction and decided to play dead)

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Please support my other books also:

-High in pursuit

-High in pursuit : Another story

-Behind the veil : Vengeful spirit

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