
Chapter One

A long time ago when love and war was in abundance, in a school off the coast of Pacific in an alcove that was not well known and even harder to get to; was a school for the gifted. Many children were brought to the school to learn and progress their individual talents. These children would be known as the Priest and Priestesses of Tomorrow. Like other schools there was good students and not so good students, extra credit seeking students and those students that just slid by doing just enough to get by. Many great people came from The Hidden Moon, named after the first priestess of the new moon. She thought it was only right that all gifted children should be able to learn abs expand their gifts and knowledge. That was many many years ago.

One dark rainy day Missy, one of the head mistresses heard a baby crying at entrance door. Putting on her cloak she speed out the door sensing a power that seamed to be coming from the same direction the cries were coming from. There by the front gate stood an old tree with a grand spread of branches that kept the ground by the trunk very dry lay a baby, wrapped in a purple silk shall, that could not have been more than a couple hours old. Missy scooped up the baby to confort and warm the poor child. Tucking the baby inside her cloak she looked outside the gate and around the tree. There was not a single trace of someone being out there before Missy had arrived. Where did the child come from? Looking down at the baby that has now fallen asleep in her arms she could feel that this child would one day do great things.

After getting back to the safety of the school Missy took a better look at the babe. Slowly unwrapping the baby the first thing she noticed was the thin fine red hair, that was not a very common color; ten finger, ten toes, but what was the most stunning was when the baby opened her eyes they were the color or a cloudless sky a blue that made you feel warm and at home.