
A Break Up

Each lock is specific,

Each lock is special.

You made me feel special,

Along with the hope that maybe your words were a lie

A lie that would hold me close while I cry myself to sleep,

dreaming to fly higher than any question of why.

A breakup

Being smothered doesn't help the smashed keyhole I broke myself.

You didn't mean to, but it happened

It's ok, I'll be ok.

But for now, time will be a healer covering up tears with concealer, coz maybe I wasn't beautiful enough outside or inside maybe if I could be smarter

Maybe then I Wouldn't be such a nonstarter.

My mother,

My mother held me.

The times I felt like the world was crushing me, she held me in her arms to say yes it was ok and no the feelings won't go away.

Her tears mine, mine hers.

The first and only bond is the one made at birth the unbreakable.

She will be my key, a key to a forever smile