
Death Sting

Facing the massive scorpion-like insectoid in front of him, Drexel held back from charging in recklessly. Instead, he activated his mecha's radar to scan the creature. Once the scan finished, essential details popped up on the screen.

Type: Mutant 

Alliance Name: Death Sting 

Class: Supergiant-Class 

Length: 1598 meters 

Width: 358 meters 

Notes: Death Sting is violent and easily angered, attacking all nearby creatures, including its own allies.

With this information, Drexel issued his orders.

"Heavy armor mecha pilots, cover the snipers. Snipers, use your rifles to target its head from a distance. Combat mechas, get in close to deal extra damage and keep it distracted. Over."

"Heavy armor, understood. Over."

"Sniper, understood. Over."

"Combat, understood. Over."