
A chance to know you again

They were in love, but a misunderstanding caused them to split up. She was the first woman he had allowed into his life, and he was the first person she had considered her shining shield during her darkest moments. But everything was a dream. ****** Adrian Emerson is the aloof, conceited billionaire of a global corporation. He had the face that made every woman fall for him. However, the issue was that he detested women. An incident from the past made him lose his faith in women until he met a girl who changed his perspective, slowly making his cold heart flutter for her innocence. She was not like any other woman, or so he had believed, until one day he discovered that she had betrayed his trust, leaving an even larger hole in his heart. Clara Matthew was a young woman who dreamed of being an actress until she became entangled in a situation that destroyed everything. Her lover abandoned her without giving a reason, and her father threw her out of the house. Her only option was to move out of the city and start a new life, but one day fate brought her face-to-face with a man she would never want to meet, even if it meant going to hell. **** "Come to my room, Miss Mathew." Fearfully, Clara leaped into the lion's den and was pinned to the wall. "Who were you speaking with right now?" She felt shivers down her spine as his ferocious gaze pierced hers, and she swallowed. "N-no one," she mumbled, barely audible. "Clara, let me warn you—until the end of the contract, you are mine." You are not permitted to see anyone during that time. "Did you get that?" he asked, his voice as icy as ice, freezing the girl in his arms. He said, taking a step back and letting go of her shoulder. "Come on, strip for me," he said, causing her mouth to fall open and her eyes to pop out of her socket. Join me as I take you on Adrian and Clara's journey and reveal all of the twists and turns along the way.

akshaya_vanne · Urban
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405 Chs

He isn't home

James had just stepped out of Mello's room when he caught the sight of Abby sprinting his way.

Standing right in front, she grabbed his arm and dragged him out on the balcony.

"Abby! What's wrong"

Stepping into the balcony, Abby roughly jerked his hand away and snapped.

"How can your friend be so careless? Does he even know the meaning of decency or is he too proud of himself that he doesn't care about anyone? " Abby lashed out without taking a break.

After learning what Adrian did to Clara, Abby could control her anger. She wanted to go there and knock some sense into that proud man's head who didn't even think twice before throwing Clara out of his car and leaving her alone on the side of the road.

But she stopped when Clara assured her that she was in the cab and driving home.

"How can he be such a jerk! " Kicking the railing with her leg Abby vent out all her anger on it.