
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Last Day on Earth

Beeping sounds echoed in a small room, a futuristic looking health monitor was connected to a figure laying onto a bed. The person looked very old with his withered skin, sunken cheeks and palid white hair that emphasized his longevity. His elderly apparence and hospital gown could barely hide the remnants of his glorious days as his stature looked dignified, with an oppressing feeling, unexpected from an elder coming out from every pores of this being.

His half closed were focused on a book as he looked at every details piously, religiously as if it was a holy text that will grant him salvation. His permanent black pupils shone with a mysterious light as he finished reading the last words written on the book. As he closed it, he spoke to seemingly no one.

*sigh* "39 years have passed, and a lot of things happened... huh. From A global pandemic to a World War 3 and then an IA trying to overtake cities. If I told that to my 20 year old version, he would probably ask me what I am smoking and then run away once I'm distracted." A smirk appeared on Old Blake's lips.

"Show me my profile please." said the man.


<Blake Bourne>

<Title> Origin

<Age> 121

<Strength> 60 (-40)

<Agility> 60 (-40)

<Dexterity> 60 (-40)

<Intelligence> 60 (-40)


- Observe: the more you look at something or someone, the easier it gets to find details (10/10)

- Acting: You face is a mask to protect yourself, deceive others and adapt to any situation (10/10

- Intermediate hands-to hands combat (10/10)

- Surpass: You are tired but you keep going, greater rewards await you (10/10)

<Passive Skills>

- Chaotic Serenity

Evaluation: A very old human fueling his body by sheer willpower. A dying elder goblin should be a worthy opponent for him.


Blake looked at the same screen he had seen for almost all his life and complained for the hundreth time.

"Your evaluations are still so annoying. I know my body isn't what it used to be, but seriously? A dying elder goblin as an opponent? Now that's just downright insulting."

[Host has almost finished the main quest, does Host wish to see his progression?], abruptly said the system as if trying to divert the topic.

Blake squinted his eyes at the blatant change of subject. But as he was curious about his progression, he let it be and said.

"Go ahead." As he said those words, a bluish blue panel surrounded by crimson lights around the edges manifested itself before Blake's eyes.


<Main Quest: Birth of a Legend>

- Strong people are made but with an untapped potential, a monster is born. Reach the apex of your species and surpass your limits. A special quest will be triggered at the end of the main quest in order to test your qualifications.

Quest duration: 100 years


- Tamper your mind and body and achieve your full potential:

100 pushups (5)

100 situps (5)

100 squats (5)

10 kilometers run (1 km walk)

(5 times a week)

Note: Host receives an additional year to prepare himself

- Healthy Mind, Healthy Body:

Meditate for at least 5 minutes every single day (Host really needs it)


- Immortal Rebirth

- 1,000,000 SP (System points)

- Removed Limiters

- +50 to all stats (-10)

- Title (New)

<Secondary Quests>

<Maximum Effort>

<Curious Sight>

<Genuine Actor>



*sigh* "Such a waste", a regretful Blake said as he looked at the minus 10 points in front of the stats that he would get after he completed the main quest.

"10 points going to waste just because I couldn't exercice, what a pity."

[Host has managed to diligently follow the 100 year training and only missed 10 days]

[The Host's results are satisfying]

The mechanical voice said, successfully comforting a sad looking Blake as a faint smile could be seen on his face.

"I guess." the old man replied, before asking a particular question.

"Remind me how do I complete the main quest again?"

[The host will have to finish the last sets of exercice or wait untill tomorrow for the quest to be completed]

"And how many more exercice do I have to do? I thought I finished all of them for today." Asked Blake, pondering about what he could have missed.

[Host forgout about the 5 pushups]

The system answered dutifully.

"Oh, no wonder my arms feel so relaxed. What about the special quest? You still won't tell me about its content?" Blake said with a curious look written all over his wrinkly face.


[Host has to experience for himself]

"Alright, I'll finish those last pushups and I will see what's so special about it, but before that." As he speaked, the man took out a thin screen like object from under his pillow. It had a futuristic design that could make people from the past salivating from envy and awe. The man approached the screen towards his right eye, and after a red light came out from it and scanned his retina, the "phone" unlocked itself. He then logged in to his bank account and sent his remaining savings towards Olivia's account, the nurse that took care of him during his stays in the hospital.

She was now a happy grandmother living with her daughter and two grandsons. She would often call old man Blake to check up on him and she would also come personally with her family to talk about trivial matters. Blake eventually softened a little at the small family, and even though they only knew him through his persona, he still gave them a small place in his heart. After sending the money, he texted the caring nurse and told her to accept his gift as he would no longer need it once he leaves this world, and to use it to make their lives better for his sake and Oliver's.

The amount he had accumulated over the years was enough for her family to live a good life without the need to work ever again. Blake turned off his gadget and closed his eyes, reminiscing of all the things that happened during his life; The good, the bad, the unexpected. An ever present smile adorned his face as he kept remembering an entire lifetime worth of memory.

And then...

His eyes opened and revealead unwavering, abyssal black eyes. Those same eyes that the old Blake had when the system ignited the tempestuous fire in his soul for the first time.

'Can I become... a god?'

His gaze intensified, he looked towards the air with a wide grin and finally, he said.

"Alright, let's do it." Blake got up from the bed with slight difficulty, taking hold of a carton of milk that was on a table, he proclaimed, "Cheers, It's my last day on earth, so it won't matter how much I drink, right?"

[... Affirmative]

"Hahaha!" And with an extravagant wave of his hand, he gulped down the entire liquid in mere minutes. The elderly Blake then took a pushup position on the floor, his arms lightly shaking. And he pushed, pushed like he never pushed in his life.


Trembling arms brought Blake's chest towards the floor then rose it up again.


Squeezing every bit of energy he has left, he fought against gravity.


Bulging veins appearead as if to show his never-ending determination.


Sweat trickled and roars echoed.


He descended upon the earth... and then ascended towards the heaven!



[Host has completed the main quest]

[Host will now undergo the special quest]

[Good luck, Host]

And without anyone knowing, the panting and exausted old Blake, disappearead from the surface of the earth.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SleepyChaoscreators' thoughts