
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Baby God

Wind erratically traversed the scorching climate of a scarlet desert, while the inhabitants of the unwelcoming land roamed and fought for their survival. Two beings were in such confrontation; a four armed amber gorilla menacingly bumped his fists on his chest while four reddish pupils glared at a giant blue scorpio, whose latter was easily reaching its height. The arachnid retaliated with a hiss of his own and abruptly lunged himself towards a taunting gorilla.


Expecting the attack, the primate stood upright and made a guard stand. Similarly, he rushed towards the scorpio and sent two right fists.

A body rotated and the arachnid's tail blocked the two punches. The large creatures were both pushed by the force of the impact, and the gorilla even further as he seemed to have lost his balance. Seeing this opportunity, the arachnid launched its stinger towards the gorilla's skull.

Screeching in delight, it looked as its weapon was about to end the life of its hated foe. The amber beast smiled however at the incoming stinger. Using one leg, he suddenly propelled himself forward, and nearing the tail, fiercely caught it with his four arms.

Ending its charge a few centimeters away from the gorilla's head, the tail was then launched towards the sky, this time, the main body followed.


An alien gorilla swiftly turned around, bulging arms firmly holding a giant stinger. A body made a circular motion and another rushed towards the floor, and violently dropped on the scorching sand.


The scorpio rose once again and dropped. The amber gorilla kept hammering its opponent over and over, not letting the latter time to recover or coming back to its senses.


And with a final thrust, a body furiously plummeted and again, disrupted the ambient scarlet sands.

The victor overlooked the fallen, and with a last effort ripped off a dead scorpio's tail.


A mighty bellow left the four-armed gorilla as he bumped his prominent chest, one arm holding the deadly weapon while a foot stepped on the dead carcass' head.


*Slap* "Stay focused."

A woman mercilessly hit the back of a black haired man. His ripped and shirtless chest exposed while he was seating in a cross legged position on the hot, scorching sand. Looking away from the distant battle, he closed his eyes, while he tried to feel the slender arm resting on top of his head.

"Remember, to reach the first stage, you have to feel and gather the energy around you. Cosmic essence is the source of existence, except for a few exceptions, everything and anything is comprised of this energy."

Closing her eyes, her right hand slightly shimmered and a flux of energy slowly floated towards Blake's head.

"Once you feel it, your mortal shell will begin to shed, and your journey towards transcendance will finally begin."

Aelith said, her tone solemn as she reminisced about a distant past.

"There are two main ways to reach the first stage, Rebirth. The first way is to be assisted by a transcendant and receive its guidance and energy."

The man slowly inhaled and exhaled, his mind focusing solely on feeling the primordial essence that was guided through his master's hand.

"And the second way is to feel it yourself, however only a small portion of transcendants managed to shed their mortal shell with this method "

Multicolored particles began appearing around the man, revolving, multiplying, and entering his body.

The body quickly absorbed and accepted the alien energy, as if it finally recovered a lost part of himself.

"Do not fight it, embrace the essence. And remember, enjoy the experience as much as you can."

A knowing smile appeared and Aelith sent more energy. With delight, the man lost himself. The scorching heat, the slight luminosity infiltrating his closed eyes, his constant awareness. Everything disappeared. Then, Blake noticed his consciousness slipping away, he didn't feel it, he just... knew.

He felt his existence split up, yet he did not feel any discomfort. He felt free from something that he was unaware of. Something unpleasant and restricting. Suddenly, his 'body' was transported to an unknown location. 'Boundless home' is what his senses were whispering.

As if familiar with the evironment, he began to roam the new place, feeling 'safe' and 'protected. From his remaining 'senses', he felt something warm, surrounding him. A being near yet distant. Blake felt like the entity was 'smiling' at him.

And when 'it' did. His soul wavered, vibrated even. He wanted to stay, he wanted to lay on the entity and never let go. At this moment, his entire existence only sought one thing, and it was to be with the familiar yet unknown being. Like a child, he felt loved and protected. Like a child, he felt happy and oblivious about the world.

He knew these emotions, he experienced them a long time ago. And now, he felt the same familiar feelings but stronger... infinitely stronger. Blake began to forget... his desires, his hatred, his determination. The very things that kept the man advancing, the very things that he would never want to let go. At this moment, he didn't care of anything, at this moment, he was just... happy.


'It' heard Blake's thoughts and the being lightly 'giggled.' The man's consciousness then felt like he was being fed. It was as if every delicious things he tasted since he was born was being provided by 'it'. He took in the delight of the moment. Reminiscing and remembering, he enjoyed the present. An unknown amount of time passed and when Blake felt full, his 'body' began moving once again. One part touched another and fused, two merged with a third and a dozen others gathered.

And as the final pieces assembled, a shape shrouded in various colors could be seen: Deep gray, black and white were predominant, taking the shape of a storm, they revolved around the figure. In a foetal position, it was small. Floating in the 'air', it had its eyes closed. Seconds passed and a 'baby' opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a loving 'smile.' Unconsciously, the baby raised his hands and happily blabbered.


A smile bloomed and a baby heartily laughed. 'it' then began playing with the little creature. The baby rose higher, his innocent eyes marvelling at the wonder before his tiny body. Planets, solar systems, galaxies, black holes. A cosmic painting was witnessed by the floating infant. His glistening pupils excitedly looked at the immensity, the majesty, and the boundless beauty of infinity.

Gleefully, he laughed and extended his hands. A revolving cosmos at his palm, and he waved his hands. The giant amalgamation of life then moved. Moving his tiny arms to the right, the cosmos followed. To the left, and it complied. The godly baby looked all around him in excitement, and began playing with galaxies and massive black holes alike. Planets moved and with lightning speed crashed into each other. Stars and suns brightly lit and burst, tremendous amounts of heat were released, and powerful supernovas were born. obliterating ensued and deflagration bloomed in the void. Booming sounds echoed and a cosmic symphony followed the laughter of an infant.

"Ba! Ba! Ba!"

The baby's enthusiastic eyes joyfully looked as he launched massive super planets against each other, collided black holes towards one another, and gleefully clapped his hands as the galactic fireworks blew up into the infinite sky.

"Heh heh heh."

The being curiously looked at the energetic baby, amused by the destruction brought by the godly little thing. An unknown amount of time passed, and the infant grew tired of his mass obliteration and suddenly fell asleep, while his body kept drifting in the void of space. In an instant however, he was quickly brought towards the entity. 'It' gently gazed at the sleeping infant, a whisper was heard and with a last look, the godly baby vanished.

'It' then looked around and with a wave, the once desolated cosmic playground reformed itself; collided planets came back to their original shape, destroyed stars reappeared and took their original spots, while other planetary bodies split up and reassembled. As if the catastrophe never existed, the void of space welcomed back its inhabitants.

The being kept its smile as 'it' observed the reformed space. Unknown thoughts traversed its mind and 'it' giggled.

*What a strange child*

With a last murmur, 'it' vanished.
