
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · Fantasy
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34 Chs

A Milk Addicted Transcendant


A shockwave resounded In the crimson lands and propelled a man shrouded in purple lightning towards the horizon. Amethyst painted the sky, and left a trail of thunderbolts behind the human meteorite. Towering above the clouds, the figure began its descent. Deafening fluctuations torn the air as the man dangerously approached the ground.

A few miles below the approaching projectile, a platine haired woman was casually folding her sleeves. While her golden eyes was locked on the incoming flash of lightning, she gently smiled. Whistling noises reverberated and the man raised his right leg. A leg was stretched to the limits and a descending kick violently struck downwards.


A powerful shockwave was generated by the fall, and countless scarlet grains were scattered. In the epicenter of the attack, a massive crater devoid of sand came to be. And as if frozen in time, a platine haired woman was holding a leg a few inches away from her face. Light surprise crossed the man's face above as his long raven hair quietly floated in the ardent atmosphere.

A light tap on the man's leg and another shockwave resonated, and a black haired man was launched towards a giant sand dune. The transcendant collided and perforated the dune, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of it.

"You alreadyalready have a decent control over your power."

Aelith exclaimed and looked at an emerging Blake covered with sand from head to toes. Squinting his eyes, he asked an embodied voice.

'System, how strong am I compared to my past self?'

[It is estimated that Host has become at least three times stronger after his ascendance.]

[Further tests are needed in order to give a better analysis]

The system dutifully answered while Blake kept walking towards Aelith.

His glare fixed on the smiling woman a few miles away.

'I knew I would get beaten to death, but the difference between us is higher than I thought. What level do you think she is?'

[It is likely that the character known as Aelith is between level 4 and 5]

[System is unable to fully analyse her status due to her level difference with Host]

"Alright, I'll give it my all. I want to at least land a punch on her face."

With a beaming smile Blake began to accelerate, light breath followed his increasing momentum.

[The character Aelith is Host's master]

'So what? Gender equality, system. Not punching that lady on the face would be sexist on itself.'



A carnivorous smile appeared and the man welcomed the lightning. Dancing around his body, they erratically coated the man. Shrouded by amethyste, his body radiated with power. As the heretic lightning freely flowed, it turned the transcendant into a more fearsome entity.

'I've lost more than half of my SP because of that Jortur, but thanks to the huge boost it gave me or rather tried to kill me with, I managed to level Lightning God to the 4th level just after his purchase.'

He rapidly approached the platine haired woman and began to encircle her, revolving with lightning speed, he created an arena where his destructive energy prevailed. As the man became faster and faster, the woman inside Blake's encirclement kept her carefree smile, sometimes looking at the altered environment and other times looking at Blake's afterimages.

'Deriving the divine, and making it my own... the way of a sinner to reach godhood.'

Mentally, the transcendant recited the mantra of a god. Physically, his speed increased even further. Lightning crackled and destroyed, leaving scorched marks under the speedster's feet. Aelith became slightly less relaxed and focused on Blake

'Lonely path of a man, boundless power of a god'

Eyes glowing a purple shade, the transcendant's pace became more unstable. From a circular encirclement to a zigzagging one, and then returning to a revolving ambush, Blake kept on his momentum.

'The heavens falter, for I am... The Lightning God!'

A final turn and Blake lashed towards his master. Arriving near the latter, he sent a devastating punch, the air violently crackled, and a fist wrapped in destructive energy connected.


Sparks of volatile electricity were released, and massively impacted the ambient surroundings, the sand was either completely carbonized or was sent far away from the lightning strike.

"You gotta be kidding me."

Blake nervously laughed as once again, the platine haired woman blocked his attack. She looked at the fist she wrapped within her right hand. Faint light surrounded her as she said.

"No wonder your survived the Jortur's Lightning. Did you perhaps get stronger after getting hit by that creature?"

She nonchalantly asked, an intrigued expression plastered on her face.

Firmly blocking the man's fist, she looked at the sweating man.

"I can't escape your skillful eyes, master. Indeed, I became stronger thanks to this 'lucky' encounter."

Still shrouded by lightning, Blake emphasized with his remaining free arm.

"But I've got more tricks up my sleeves, you know like..."

Blake's trapped hands suddenly shrunk and quickly left his master's clutches. His freed hand came back to him. Taking advantage of Aelith's surprised state, he launched a punch with his other fist. Aiming at her head, he smirked.

"Still to slo..."

Raising her hand, she was about to catch the other hand, however.

'<Persistant 100 points in agility>'

For a fraction of seconds, an uppercut suddenly accelerated. Exceeding his previous speed, it finally struck. An enormous gust of wind made Aelith's platine hair soar to the sky. Looking at the woman's before him, he said.

"You're strong, master"

"Good try, I was almost caught off guard."

With her casual grin, she exclaimed, a fist stopped a few inches away from her chin. She waved and the fist slowly backed away from her.

"You are adapting very well to your transcendant powers, it is only a matter of time before you become accustomed to it."

Another wave and the unknown power blocking the man's fist disappeared. Having taken control of his appendage, Blake sighed.

"I hope so."

He said and moved his hands in the empty air. Taking out a bottle filled with white substance, he ravenously drank all of it. Putting it back, he took another one and was about to guzzle down another drink once again.

"What is it?."

Blake heard her master's voice and looked at her. Widely grinning, he answered.

"This, master is the drink of the gods, a heavenly delicacy known as milk. You have all sorts of milk each one more varied than the other. I prefer cow milk but sometimes I adventure myself in more exotic milky beverages like goat milk or even s..."

"I know what it is. It's been a while since I drank something like that. Give me some of your milk.

"Excuse me?"

As if he didn't hear correcly, he asked.

"Give me your milk."


Blake flatly answered and looked at his master as if he saw his greatest enemy.

"Your master requests that milk of yours."

Blake was internally debating with his thoughts, popping out every seconds and disappearing as fast as they came.

'Come on it's your master, she wants to drink the good stuff. You will make someone else discover the wonders of heaven.

Another thought appeared and rebutted.

'No, don't. absolutely not. The apocalypse has already begun outside, meaning that your stocks of milk are now limited. Don't share it , and take everything for yourself!'

Another one popped in.

'We have bought at least 3,000 of them and filled 30 slots of the inventory with them. We would have probably gotten more if the system didn't complain, tchh.'

'You're right, even if she's a transcendant, there's no way she can gulp all of the good stuff by herself. Let us share our wisdom to our master.'

Unanimously, the thoughts agreed. In a little corner of Blake's mind however, a system was silently listening to the chaotic ramblings.


With a quick motion, Blake took two bottles and respectfully handled them to Aelith. The woman scrutinized the recipient for a few seconds, and opened the lid.

Tasting the drink, she slowly drank. As the time passed, the more, quickly she consumed the beverage. Before Blake could proceed what happened, the woman had already finished her second bottle.

*Hah* "Refreshing, the slight coldness adds more tastiness to the drink. Give me more."

The master ordered and a man quivered. He complied and took out more drinks from his inventory. Taking a drink for himself, he consumed while sadly looking at the countless bottles he gave to his master.

The desert brightly burned while two individuals rapidly chugged down bottles of pristine substance one after the other.

'I won't be able to financially recover from this.'

