
A Certain Scientific Code Vader

A Collaboration series to Viperslim90's Swordwander fanfic. As well as a fanfic of To Aru Majutsu no Index (A Certain Magical Index) Academy City. A city that has a general population of two million three thousand with fully eighty percent of them being students. A city of science, it's what would be called a giant experimental city. Which brings together the forefront of scientific technology. It's said to be a twenty and thirty years difference between the technology used in academy city and everywhere else. But that's not all... Those eighty percent students that attend Academy City also enrolled in the Power Curriculum Program a experimental project that developed phenomenal supernatural abilities (Esper powers) Meet Tedashii Hamasaki a young fourteen year old boy with amazing IQ potential. That was until he made his way to Academy City to only end as a level 0 The weakest of all Espers. With Dark intentions Tedashii takes part in the Dark May Project. The results ends with new founding hatred for Academy City. Challenging Academy City Tedashii encounters a mysterious girl named Akahana Yoko said to be a cyborg who he ended up caring for. He abandon's his mission and challenged all of academy city's dark side to protect her. Little to Academy City's poor views of level zeroes those who challenge him soon realize how dangerous the best and fastest hacker/inventor of academy city truly is with the blueprint of the first rank Esper accelerator thought patterns combine Tedashii becomes the fearsome Code Vader.

Critical_Motion · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 1 - A Certain Scientific Delta

"Man! What the hell have I gotten myself into." Panicking back and forth outside his room.  Tedashii Hamasaki feared for his manhood for what was behind the other side in his room. From there was a naked lady that he carried back into his home unconscious in his bed covered by his blankets. It was the next day after the events of yesterday night. And to his suspense Tedashii didn't actually come up with what's next after she awakens.

"What the hell are you doing Tedashii!" The boy cried to himself. "When she wakes up she would probably assume I took advantage of her in her sleep. Then she'll go around Academy City telling everyone I'm some lowlife scum who would do anything to touch a girl's body. From there I'll be seen as a creep who drugged women, and take advantage of them! Damn it I gotta come up with something! Oh I know! I'll just tell her that ... I have her hostage, and want ... no that doesn't sound about right! I'm just gonna have to go with saved from being kidnapped, damn it! It's no use maybe I'll just have to be honest and admit I found her."

Suddenly Tedashii paused and thought about what she unconsciously said from the previous night. "Orihime 1, Orihime 1... if I recalled correctly, Orihime 1 was that satellite to monitor many aspects of the city's weathering patterns, and security. In other words this mysterious girl that was also found there must have some connection to the tree diagram's destruction, or maybe at least to it..."

Tedashii jumps to his roller chair towards his computer and begins studying more info to academy city. Within seconds of tiring down a firewall with ease he checked into Academy city's data bank of students.

"Bright ... very, bright..."

"Yeah a very bright idea indeed! Whatever she came from I know having her means I at least have something over Academy City!"

"She? Processing ... ... 99-100% data complete... What you are referring to my response is inaccurate, light is a electromagnetic radiation within a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is perceived by the human eye... so therefore light can not have a gender as it is not a mammal."

"Well duh I wasn't really talking about bright as in the room but rather in the definition of an idea with a unique or shrewd thought..." Tedashii paused and just realized he was no longer talking to himself... he turned around and got a glimpse of the red haired girl with hazelnut colored eyes, and smooth silky white skin. She was barely covered from Tedashii's covers or rather she wasn't trying to cover her birthday suit, almost letting her breast hang out.

"Wahh!!" Tedashii Squeaked falling out of his chair. "Th-Th-Th-Th-Th...The GIRL! Boobbes!!" His red blushing face quickly cover his face face in shame.

"...." The girl stood there unfazed, at the latter.  Tedashii just waited for the worst getting slapped, thrown out the window, whatever girls do when guys acted perverted or by miss understanding. But she never made any reaction; she just stood there empty to his crying shout. "... ... Yes, I am a girl."

"Tch, what are you doing, aren't you gonna get dressed or hide something."

"... Hmm, why would I do that?"

"Because you're a girl!"

" ... If that is the reason why I should ... then I guess ... I'll use this fabric material that I awaken with."

"... Awaken? What do you mean by that?"  Tedashii opened his eyes and slowly turned back around, only to see her wrapping herself in his cover sheets.

"Awakened by descent in codified ... I will need a password to identify coding ... ABA-Alpha, 90011777325 ... -


"... As you failed to answer the protocol 8 password ... I can confirm that you are not my researcher."

"Wait what, that was way too fast, damn it I knew it." Tedashii begins to finally make sense scratching his head. "Okay ... so awakened must mean active what actived? What did I do?"  Tedashii studied her empty emotionless stare then sigh realizing that since he failed that first response she wasn't going any further in detail. "You know what, just forget it. I gotta do something about your birthday suit problem, so I'll let you wear some of my clothes then I'll buy some for you." Tedashii walked over to his closet and started picking out the most decent choice for her. "I hope you're fine with pulling off the tomboy act for a little minute."

"Tomboy? ... Processing ... ... ..."

"I don't know if you can..."

"Shut up!"

"Tch!" Tedashii titled his head in annoyance.

"... ... ... ...unidentifiable."

"Can I talk now?"

"... Yes."

"Well, a Tomboy is a wannabe boy. Now here put these on."

"A wannabe boy."

"I don't have panties so you're gonna have to make do, without it." Tedashii awkwardly said scratching his head." He waited out of his room listening to the phase processing, until she came out neatly dressed. He got up and took a good look at her then sigh. "No good you're the size of a loli, with B size no C size cup, which is quite odd. How old are you?"

"... ..."

"Come on you can at least tell me your age."

"I am fifteen years old."

"Good, wait, you're a year older than me, wow. Well, I guess it makes somewhat sense. Tedashii noted staring at her chest. Suddenly a clicking noise tick next to his computer  Tedashii looked over to his code jailbreak telephone. "Well come on let's get a move on," Tedashii said getting ready himself, he put on a Black different but normal hoodie and handed her a baseball cap.

"... Move on?"

"Yeah, I've made a tracker wave linked just in case someone was in the pursuit of me?" Tedashii checks his peephole then opens the window from in his room.

"...Is someone there?"

"No, but can never be too careful. Hurry I'll take you out to eat."

"... While being pursuited?"

"I can cancel out the signal but it'll take some time. That's why I can't stay in one place, and besides if we do get spotted the last place I wouldn't want to get located at is my home. Now please come with me ... damn it what was your name again?"


"Please don't have me going around calling you girl all day."

"... It's ... Akahana ... Yoko."

"Akahana Yoko." Tedashii repeatedly confirmed her name and smiled. He reached for her hand and helped her climb out his window. Tedashii grabbed his cellphone, and wrapped up deformed malice blade that he used against the level five and headed out the window.

Moments later...

The two sat down at a table as the girl looked at the menu. Tedashii studied her completely curious if she was actually gonna eat. He then looked down to his hacked phone in a text message confirming that the signal tracker was shut down.

"There they shouldn't find us for awhile." Tedashii smiled, confirming that they were safe.

The waiter walked up on the two placing their order drinks for them. "Do you two know what you will be eating today?" The waiter asked while bowing his head.

"Oh yeah, some chilly fries please and black coffee, without the sugar.

"..." Akahana stared at the menu with the same dull face that she's had since she woken up.

"You know you don't have to eat if you're not hungry."

"... I want this one." She pointed to the biggest bulgur.

"The Maximillion Bulgur! Are you sure about ... that?"

"... I'm sorry."


"... The bulgur is six hundred and fifty-eight yen alone."

"Uhh, so."

"... But."

"Don't worry yourself too much, I'm not homeless and struggling on wages not to mention six hundred and fifty-eight yen is not a lot."

"... ... ..."

"You know how about that, and a combo meal."

"... Combo meal? ... proc..."

"It's French fries, and a drink with the bulgar!"

"...Okay." The girl lowered her head while still displaying the same dull stare.

"Okay will that be all?" The waiter asks while writing the order on a ticket.

"Yes and thank you." Tedashii replied and the waiter thanked and headed to make the call.

Tedashii was bothered that she hasn't made any other facial reaction since she's been awake, and the only way he read her was if she tells him.

"... Is something the matter?" Saids Akahana who was really curious about his studied face tilting her head left and right back and forth.

"It's nothing, it's not like you're gonna tell me exactly who you are."

"... My name is ... Akahana..."

"I know your name I mean, why were you in that pod back in district twenty-three."

"... ... ..."

"Tch! Never Mind!"

"... At low levels, caffeine can help increase alertness and focus. However, too much can cause jitteriness, nervousness, headaches, and increased blood pressure. Since children are smaller than adults, the amount of caffeine needed for this to happen is lower."


"... The dark brewed liquid substance of coffee beans you order."

"You know ya, could have just called it coffee."

"... Coffee contains caffeine which causes insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, increased heart and breathing rate, and other side effects. Drinking unfiltered coffee can increase total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and levels of another type of blood fat called triglycerides. This might also increase the risk of developing heart disease. So why take these risks at such a young age fourth-teen? Is it because of that red electromagnetic radiation?"

"Oh you're talking about the signal tracker, no I've already fixed that problem for now. I just didn't get any sleep that's all."

"How many seconds of sleep did you have last night. It is currently known that someone of the age twelve to eighteen needs proximity twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred seconds of sleep..."

"Okay! Okay! I lied okay! I did get some sleep!"  Tedashii said giving in and begging the girl to stop. He sighs then saids, "look, don't go around telling the world about this okay. Something happened to me a long time ago... I tried an experiment, and not only it failed, (well for me,) but it had some side effects... and one of those side effects is that I like coffee now."

"... Side effects?"

The waiter returned placing their food on the table, "Here you go! Please enjoy!"

"Thank you..." Tedashii said, waving his hand. The waiter bowls his head as Tedashii asks "Can you get us some bread as well as another drink of coffee for me."

Tedashii turned over to Akahana who was struggling to eat her sandwich, she took small bites, which was more than enough for Tedashii to smile and sigh over relief. "That's good," Tedashii said, laying back against his chair.

"... Hmm?" Akahana looked up curious.

"Huh, oh I'm sorry I'm just relieved that you're eating, that only means you are at least human I'm sure of it now."

"... ... ..."

"Well I mean you're oblivious human, hehe...I'm sorry by the way you talk you kinda speak as if you're some droid."

"... Oh that you are correct I am indeed a droid."

Tedashii looked at her as if she was a complete moron and said, "You know I don't take kindly to tenses."

"... What I am confirming is valid."

"So what you're telling me is that you are a droid like these cleaning bots out there. And you're eating food that I spent money for fun?"

"... If it satisfied your natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances then I can at least inform you that I am at least thirty percent human. But I still have to confirm that I am indeed a droid or rather you put it, cyborg."

"Cyborg huh, so you were at least mostly human back then."

"... Yes, but I cannot identify that information."

Tedashii smacked the table with his clenched hand and said, "Are you serious? I'm pretty sure your past has nothing to do with your coding secrets."

" ..."

"What are you completely useless to me then? Or maybe since you're mostly machinery I'll have to get the info some other kinda way?"

"... I'll have to apply to you that is indeed impossible without the password."

"Oh don't you worry bout a thing, I'll find out." Tedashii said, clicking something hidden in his phone which started blinking. "And when I do I'll make Academy City pay."

"... So you are a terrorist? Identifying ... ... ... 95-100% ... ... No you are not a terrorist you are   Tedashii Hamasaki a resident of Academy City, and student as well as a level "0"...."

"That's enough you don't need to go around yelling out level "0!" "

"... Does it bothers you,"

"No I'm fine it's no different then before I took the Power Curriculum Program​, so who cares."

"... But you do care."


"That's why you brought that blunt stick." She pointed at the gear machinery that he used against the level 5 Esper.

"Oh this no that's not why this is something that I made."

"... To feel safe."

"Well! Who can blame me! Where all guinea pigs and we have to deal with super powered monsters on a daily basis and our only protection is a basic police force called Anti-Skill and kiddy judgement, how am I supposed to be safe when I'm a level "0" Child Error..."  Tedashii stops himself mid sentence in complete shock that he let himself throw out so much info on himself rather identifying her.

"... Did you say Child Error in..."

"I'm done here!" Tedashii got up with a tensive killing vibe glare.

"... But you haven't got your second order..."

"I only order that to keep attention from the dark side. Tch you were right okay, come on let's get you some clothes because I'm tired of seeing you in mine."

From among a roof top two lab coat scientists stood atop of Academy City.

"Well, hehe it seems he's on the move, what the hell is that bastard doing?"

"Should we..."

"Yeah tell the Science Association I'm ready."