
A Certain Scholar's Research on Monsters

An entirely enigmatic region suddenly appeared in the North, swallowing kingdoms and empires in a single night. Its appearance brought with it strange beasts, monsters, that laid waste to humanity. Through the effort of many, humanity managed to create a haven bordering the Northern Province and repelling monster attacks. Fei, a monster scholar sets forth to uncover the biology of monsters, the reason for their sudden emergence in this world, and a way to send them back. Unbeknownst to her, her fate will be intertwined with one of the kingdom's risk assessors, one responsible for assigning ranks to monsters, dungeons, and other Unexplored regions. As she continues her journey, she will be met with hardships, while unraveling mysteries of the North and of herself. [Join our Official Discord Server] Server link: https://discord.gg/By465d9pff

Kawaii_Kowai · Fantasy
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140 Chs

History Is Written By The Winners

The monster was stunned by the sight of its own arms on the floor. It never occurred to it that someone would be able to deal this much damage, this much pain, to it. Looking at its opponents, it never realized that someone as insignificant as a human being can be a threat t its existence. For the first time ever, the monster felt disturbed. The monster never imagined that it would be subjected to this feeling called "fear". 

Fear for its life.

Fear for the freedom that it just acquired would be taken away just as fast as it came. 

Fear for the unknown, the uncertainty of the things to happen if this keeps up.

All of these thoughts are alien to the monster. It never had the time, nor the capacity to think about these things. It was "fear" that made it realize this thing. Fear was the fuel that ignited this evolutionary pace on it.