
A good sleep

As Ashur and Hephaestus finally arrived at Ashur's house, they could see a white house with black stained wood as the trim with grey in some places.

It could be considered a medium-class house within the city and with his status, he could probably get a literal palace in the city like some other gods but the old Ashur thought that it was just troublesome and a simple house was better because he lived alone and would never use up all that space.

As Ashur and Hephaestus walked up to the door and entered, Hephaestus could see a wide-open room with a sofa onto the side with a coffee table in front of it and an armchair onto the left of it.

"Why don't you go take a seat Hephaestus and ill go get us a drink in a second" Ashur said before he walked into the kitchen to get them some ice water.

Hephaestus did as he said and walked over to the couch as she was thinking that how this will be her new home and she should familiarize herself with the place.

Ashur brought over their drinks and sat down on his armchair and said to Hephaestus, "Us meeting was the choice of steins;gate, to celebrate that, let us toast!"

"The choice of steins;gate? what does that mean?" Hephaestus asked questionably as she never heard of it before but she still brought up her glass of water for a toast.

"meaning? it doesn't really mean anything" said Ashur as he answered her question but soon dropping the subject, leaving her with more questions than answers as he got up to get another glass of water.

Meanwhile, Hephaestus was still wondering what the true meaning of Steins;gate was.

Returning now with a refilled glass of water, Ashur started to ask her about herself and learned that she has the divinities of blacksmithing, craftsmanship, and fire. He also learned that she is around 96 this year but to Ashur, she looks like a nine year old in reality.

She entered heaven from the void about 3 months ago but the gods decided to hold off on announcing her to everyone as to announce her with the other two gods. To gods, 3 months are like a blink of an eye so it did not really matter much.

"Hmm, looks like we should install a workshop onto the house, ill create it tomorrow," Ashur said because he was tired today from all that running and he was also mentally exhausted because he was thinking about what that golden card is.

"Let's just head to bed as it's getting dark," Ashur said as he looked out the window to see the sun slowly setting.

"I only have one bed as I never expected to be living together with someone to be honest, ill make you a bedroom along with a workshop tomorrow".

He then brought her to his bedroom, as they entered the bedroom Hephaestus could see a giant bed that took up half of the gigantic room and it could probably fit several people.

It had a pristine look with the pillows and blanket being pure white and as Hephaestus got into the bed she could not get over how soft it was, even compared to the bed at the palace she was previously staying at never felt this good.

"Why is the bed so soft compared to the other beds in heaven?" Hephaestus said as she was currently rolling back and forth while also stopping to rub her face into the soft bed.

"Of course it's better than the other beds in heaven because it's the best bed in heaven!" he said with a bit of pride.

"I had to pull a lot of favors from quite a few gods to use their Arcanum together to build this bed."

Although the old Ashur disliked anything troublesome and annoying, he actually loved his bed very much and found it worth it to owe a few 'troublesome' favors for such a bed.

"Alright, let's head to bed now," said Ashur as he turned off the light and crawled into the bed, and then proceeded to lay down.

He then closed his eyes as he started to inspect his soul.

As Ashur looked at his soul, he could see a small golden card Attached to his soul's hand that looked like someone super-glued a playing card to his hand and he tried all as he might, he could not get it off.

He could also tell was draining a minuscule amount of his divine power, he could hardly even notice that it was draining it.

'Well, i am not getting anywhere, let's just head to sleep' Ashur thought as he stopped inspecting his soul only to notice something clinging to his side.

He looked to his side only to spot Hephaestus snuggling up to his side and he could only think 'cute.'

While Hephaestus could only think 'Warm....' before slowly falling asleep.


In the morning, Ashur could see Hephaestus had just woken up and has already got out of bed and she is eating in the kitchen,

"Good morning Hephaestus, did you have a nice sleep?" he asked

"Yeah, I never had such a good sleep in my life" Hephaestus replied with a big smile

As they greeted each other Ashur could not help but notice that she was a lot more cheerful today and thought 'That's good,' then he got up to get something to eat.

They then began to talk about how she would like her workshop to look like and what size her room will be.

As they were discussing how the rooms will look like they heard a knock at the door, Ashur got up to answer the door and it was Ouranos at the door.

"Good morning Ouranos, how are you today?"

Ouranos looked at Ashur for a few seconds before saying "I'm good Ashur, I just came over to see if the news is real"

"News?" Ashur asked with a little bit of fear of what kind of news those gods spread.

"You never heard? you're the talk of the town right now, they say you adopted the new god?"

"Yeah, I adopted her yesterday," said Ashur with a bit of relief

"To be honest, when I had got the news myself, I was a little shocked because I would have never thought you would do something like this, I guess it was true, that you really have changed," said Ouranos while wondering what could have made such a change in him, 'Is it because of her?'

Ashur thought about it for a moment before replying "Yeah, I guess I have changed, but I think it's for the better".

"To be honest, I also think so too," said Ouranos as he looked at how much Ashur has changed from a person who treats almost everyone with indifference to him now.

"Ashur, I should be going now, see you soon," Ouranos said before taking his leave.

"Okay, see you Ouranos," said Ashur as he watched him leave.