
A Certain Cursed Energy

This story revolves around our female protagonist named Bodach Anthony which gets some special ability after some accident that helps her to differentiate between human and other living beings.

saketbro · Urban
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1 Chs

Beginning for the End

20/06/2014 New Delhi, Delhi contt, India

A family of five people came in search of house which they eventually found after talking with some brokers and got house in Delhi cantonment.

This family has one dad, named Albert Anthony who runs the house, one mother, named Lilly Anthony and she is housewife, one twin sister named Sharlett and Nishu Anthony who were high school students at that time and last smallest child in the house bodach Anthony who just entered middle school.

Albert used to work overtime just to make extra money to pay fee of her children when they'll go to college. Because of this he used to come late and usually he comes home drunk and Lilly didn't like this habit of Albert so they had so many fights. This fight also affect their children's mental health. Sharlett and Nishu used to spend more time in library than home so that they can avoid their parents fight and focus on their studies but Bodach, she was usually left alone in home facing her parents fighting each other.

Albert was a good guy at earlier time but he used to take a lot of stress that made him like this.

Like every normal day Albert woke up angry just because he was late for his office and Lilly was busy making breakfast so she forgot about waking up Albert. Albert was angry about this but as he was being late he didn't say a word and left. Lilly find it a little weird cause Albert usually shout at her or slap her but leaving without even saying a word was completely unbelievable. She let it slide and thought that He might be really late for the office.

She goes to Sharlett's room and found a letter which says "Mom, I forget to telll you but I was going on a trip with my friends and Nishu is also with me so don't worry about us and sorry." After reading this she was kinda angry that they gone without her permission but she thought they might need a little break.

After this she goes to Bodach's room and woke her up then she lefts for school and now Lilly was alone in home so always she started cleaning her house first she cleaned living room then Kitchen then Her bedroom then sharlett and Nishu room and lastly she goes to Bodach's room, She goes towards the bed and started folding the sheets then she saw some black substance on bed, She thought it might be just some colour and didn't give it that much attention but then she saw some scratches on the wall which was definitely not human doing, she got little afraid that who would it be and she can't find a logical answer for these and left the room.

Bodach was used to be an extrovert type person but recently she started being silent and didn't talk to other people that much. Some students thought it might be because she was suffering from some mental illness because of her parent and it really made sense. People stopped approaching her to give her some space that eventually lead to Bodach's loneliness. Bodach didn't seem to be affected that much by these huge change in fact she was seen talking with some invisible person and seemed very happy while taking to that person.