
A Certain Academic Mental Out

A big Toaru fan was about to be reincarnated in the world of MHA by a bored ROB to live out his power fantasy, unfortunately just before he was sent on his merry way he unwittingly mentioned that stories in which the heroes don't struggle aren't actually all that engaging. This revelation had made the ROB choose to reincarnate him as the weakest of the level 5 espers Misaki Shokuhou. If that wasn't bad enough, the ROB also added that if he didn't acquire a hero license from UA he would die. Now, with his dream of a power fantasy thoroughly crushed he must use his mediocre wits and meta-knowledge to pick up the pieces and hopefully not get destroyed by the timeline.

Anithoal · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

And then I mental outed everywhere

The revelation I had come to when trying to shut up that kid was that I needed to learn about neurology. The numbers in my head never concluded anything because I didn't understand the human brain. No wonder they went crazy.

So now I'm here in my garage, just bought this new Lambor- but not really, I'm actually in a library right now studying neurology. The perc of having an absent parent (sister in my case) that I can sneak out of the house whenever I want. So im able to freely leave my apartment and walk to the nearest library. The first thing I'd like to do with Mental Out is strengthen my memories in regards to it. I need to know what it is capable of doing to see if I can find new applications for it. Now that I possess Mental Out, I know at its core it's hydrokinesis-based telepathy so I'd like to see if it has other applications besides manipulating brains. The best frame of reference to use would be the Toaru canon. I remember reading Misaki's spin-off manga one time and finding it extremely underwhelming but apart from that my memories of it are hazy.

So because of that I now sit here in a public library, holding a remote control, while reading books on how the brain stores memories. The remote was what I asked Renko for on my 5th birthday. She was puzzled as to why I would ask for a remote when we don't even own a TV, but when I told her it was because I wanted to cosplay Adam Sandler's character Michael Newman from the 2006 hit film Click™ she happily obliged.

Now I don't need the remote to use Mental Out. The only reason I asked for one was because OG Misaki used one. Now that Mental Out has manifested I completely understand why she uses one. The power is so diverse when it comes to its applications that in order to use it easily I need to set boundaries for myself. Mental Out Is kind of like a coding program, you have a pretty high degree of freedom with what you can code but you need to add in actual code (or in my case boundaries) to actually achieve your desired result. May not be the best analogy I can come up with but the basic idea is: Too much freedom. Need to restrict freedom to accomplish the desired result.

Thanks to the vast amounts of books I grabbed, coupled with my impeccable level 5 mind, I was able to memorize every part of the brain. In one certain scientific book, it's stated that memories are stored in the Prefrontal Cortex. So now that I know all that, recovering memories is as easy as clicking the remote and wishing they'd come back, right? Not quite. The way Mental Out manipulates brains is by controlling the flow of bioelectricity through the manipulation of brain fluids. I'm glad that the initial attempt at using Mental Out was successful. That was pretty fucking stupid and I could have easily killed that kid if I messed up.

Do you know what else is stupid?

Using the Mental Out on myself. With a basic understanding of neurology.

I know using the power on myself is pretty stupid, but I feel I can pull it off safely.

I mean come on? The supercomputer brain ain't just for show. And according to my calculations, I can pull off memory recovery. If I were to practice using Mental Out on someone it would have to be me. If I were to mess up when using it on someone else it would be murder, but if it was me that died it'd just be suicide. Better to die an idiot than a murderer.

All the calculations have been completed. Now I just need to grab the remote and use it as a catalyst to retrieve all the memories I have regarding Mental Out. I point the remote towards my head, looking akin to someone about to blow their brains out, and press the button. After that, I sort of just gained the memories I desired.

Yeah, that was pretty anticlimactic. It wasn't any different from just suddenly remembering something you forgot. One moment I couldn't recall what I wanted, and the next I knew every detail regarding the memory.

Hopefully, whatever info the memories contained was worth the potential lobotomy, right? It was. Thanks to these new memories I gained new insight into Mental Out's true potential. Mental Out is rooted in the manipulation of moisture, although it is primarily used on the microscopic scale to relate to the human mind, it's possible for it to manifest in other ways under the right circumstances. During an arc in her own spin-off series, Canon Misaki lost control of Mental Out and caused everything within a small area around her to start freeze-drying. Another time she was able to summon a glacier of ice after being pierced by an ice shard. Lastly, she was able to take control over a group of water balls that were being controlled by another esper.

Why is this important? Because it proves Mental Out can be used on the macroscopic scale.

As cool as mind control is, it isn't something I can use offensively. Especially against the robots I'll have to fight during the UA entrance exam. For this, I need to reach Mental Out's full potential. I just need to find a way to make the powers displayed in the memories controllable. Canon Misaki was only able to display such abilities due to distress in canon, so the first step should be to create circumstances that would lead to me losing control of my Mental Out. After that, I just need to study how the process happens and add my own boundaries in order to control the new ability. Unlocking full control over the moisture manipulation aspect of Mental Out will prove to be extremely useful in the future.

Now to find out how to put myself in a temporary state of distress.

The answer might surprise you.

I have to Mental Out everywhere.

But for now I'll just keep sifting through these books.