

Yo. How ya' doing?

Well, let me cut straight into the chase. I don't think just having Johan Liebert at the start is going to be enough to make an interesting story, and Elo also needs some way to defend himself in this world. So, like I did with my other novel, I'm going to let you guys decide who's that character going to be. I would just like to ask you to make a recommendation of only BASED characters you know, if you're going to suggest one of your own.

By BASED, I mean, characters that are laser-focused on their goal. For instance, Doomguy is literally hell-bent on taking down hell; Cid is gung-ho in becoming an eminence in the shadow; then there's Funny and Murica.

This poll is going to close when I finally make the decision to introduce one of them.

This is also the list of based characters I prepared:

1. Cid Kagenou

2. Doom Slayer or Goblin Slayer

3. Kirei Kotomine

4. Funny Valentine

5. Your pick

By the way, next chapter should be out sometime this week. MC is going to gaslight the hell out of everyone.