
One's character is reflected in their actions

The centipede was indeed getting agitated.

His fist pounded on the card table several times.

But it seemed that he was still not satisfied. He fiercely tore apart the three worthless cards and threw them aside. He cursed, saying:

"What the hell, garbage cards! Where's the dealer? Give me a new deck of cards!"

Someone from the mahjong parlor immediately brought a new deck of cards.

I also counted out 1,500 yuan and handed it over.

Here is the water money from the previous round, 1,350 yuan. The remaining amount can be considered as tips and poker money.

I also gave Old Black 9,000 yuan. In the previous round, he invested 4,500 yuan and won along with me.

"I'll keep dealing to you!"

The centipede threw the cards in front of me and said viciously.

As I opened the cards, I calmly said:

"You can keep dealing to me, but it seems like you're running out of money on the table..."

The centipede initially had 50,000 yuan. In the last round, he lost 27,500 yuan, leaving him with only 22,500 yuan.

But with the water money I received and the money given to Old Black, I still had over 40,000 yuan.

"Hand over the money!"

The centipede reached out his hand and gestured towards his henchman behind him.

The henchman hesitated for a moment and murmured a few words in the centipede's ear.

It seemed that they didn't have any more money; they only brought 50,000 yuan.

Sure enough, the centipede muttered under his breath.

Then, he slapped the remaining money on the table.

"I'm going all in this round, this is all I have!"

As he spoke, he seemed still unsatisfied and shouted at the others watching the commotion:

"Come on, you guys too, bet big. Let's try to crush this bastard!"

In a gambling game, having such a bad character and cursing abound is common.

My goal is to win money, so I don't care if he curses at me.

These people, constrained by the face of the centipede, could only place their bets reluctantly.

However, the amounts they wagered were not significant, mostly around three or two hundred.

On the other hand, Lao Hei, he put down two thousand yuan, intentionally provoking the centipede.

"I won this money in the previous round, no, I should say I picked it up. Let me bet two thousand..."

The centipede's face turned cold, and he remained silent, his anger evident.

I shuffled the cards, and the centipede requested a cut.

He cut the deck six or seven times, almost equivalent to shuffling it again.

I sneered inwardly.

Facing a professional cheat.

Even if you mess up the cards, it's still useless.

After he cut the cards, I was about to deal.


The centipede suddenly interrupted me.

He pointed at the table and said,

"Put the cards down!"

I didn't understand what he meant, but I placed the cards on the table.

"I'm afraid you'll cheat, so you can't hold the cards. Deal them on the table instead, using only one finger..."

The centipede, though not a professional cheat, was quite experienced in gambling circles.

He knew some methods to guard against cheaters.

Unfortunately for him, this move worked against ordinary cheaters.

For me, it was useless!

I tilted the cards on the table slightly.

Using one finger, I slid the top card.

The centipede stood up, his two henchmen behind him staring intently at my hand.

Three big heads, I wish I could stick them all to my hands.

I dare not even blink my eyes.

A cold laughter fills my heart.

A hammer is just a hammer.

He thought his actions could prevent cheating.

But he didn't know that I had already cheated.

During the shuffling process, I stacked the deck.

Although the centipede cut six or seven rounds of cards.

When the cards returned to my hands, I quickly restored them.

Of course, even if I didn't restore them.

Even if I followed his request and dealt with one finger.

The centipede still wouldn't be able to see any tricks.

A thousand tricks.

It's all about strength and speed.

A top-notch expert in trickery.

When the speed is fast, not to mention human eyes.

Even surveillance cameras wouldn't notice a thing.

The cards have been dealt, and I don't wait for others to reveal their cards.

I boldly flip over my own cards.

The cards are small, 9, J, 2, nothing special.

When they see my cards.

The other three players all reveal their cards.

Their cards are all better than mine, and they all win against me.

One of them who bet 200 even scored an 8-point hand, doubling his bet.

I pay off the winnings to the three players.

Only the centipede and Old Black haven't revealed their cards.

Old Black hasn't revealed because he likes to shuffle the cards.

When we play Golden Flower, he always shuffles them bit by bit.

As if by doing so, the card values inside will change.

And he is also worried about me.

Because my hand is very small, just one point.

The centipede can easily beat me with any hand.

As for the centipede not revealing his cards, it's purely due to nervousness.

Losing to me with a zero-point hand in the previous round, he still has lingering fear.

When Wugong saw Laohei refusing to show his cards, he glanced at him and asked impatiently, "Why aren't you showing your cards?"

Laohei stubbornly raised his neck and shouted, "Mind your own business! You go first!"

Wugong also sensed that he couldn't outwit Laohei. He picked up the first card on top and revealed it directly.

It was a King, worth zero points.

Seeing it was worth zero points, Wugong couldn't help but furrow his brow. The zero points from the previous round had already left a psychological impact on him.

Instead of revealing the second card directly, Wugong started to fake confusion.

First, he opened the card slightly to reveal a thin gap.

Then, he turned the card sideways.

Slowly, he started to fake confusion.

Meanwhile, his two companions behind him loudly shouted, "Three sides, three sides..."

"Three sides" referred to the numbers 6, 7, and 8 in poker. It was a common call among baccarat gamblers.

After pretending for a while, Wugong forcefully slammed the card on the table.

It was a 6 of diamonds.

Now Wugong's two cards added up to six points, while I had one point.

According to probability, he had a high chance of winning as long as the third card wasn't a 4 or 5.

Wugong rubbed his hand on the gambling table, getting ready to fake confusion with the most crucial card—the third card.

Laohei was clearly nervous too. He stood up and leaned forward, watching Wugong's performance.

He muttered softly, "Both sides, both sides."

In poker, "both sides" referred to the numbers 4 and 5.

As long as one of these two numbers came up, Wugong would definitely lose to me.

Meanwhile, Wugong and his two companions kept shouting, "No sides, no sides!"

"No sides" referred to the A, 2, and 3 cards.

Wugong had six points, and if any of these three cards came up, he would be guaranteed a win.

The three of them shouted loudly, and the onlookers seemed to be getting anxious too.

But gradually, the expressions on their faces turned grim.

One of the henchmen, feeling a bit nervous, shouted, "Bluff, bluff, bluff!"

The centipede's eyes widened even more.

Even his breathing became heavier.

Suddenly, he slammed the poker cards hard on the table.

He turned around and cursed at his henchman, "You motherf***er, it's all because of your damn bluffing..."

The centipede went berserk, biting wildly, while the henchman looked innocent.

The people around couldn't help but gasp in a low voice as they watched the cards that had been crumpled by the centipede.

But no one dared to speak, as they were all a little afraid of the centipede, the local kingpin.

The centipede's third card turned out to be a 4.

Adding 6 and 4, the centipede scored zero again.

I won again!

And Lao Hei relaxed as well. He laughed heartily and said, "Now it's my turn to show my cards. Give me a big hand to beat my Lucky Sixth Master!"

Killing me was just a joke from Lao Hei.

This time he didn't shuffle the cards.

As he spoke, he threw the cards on the table with a loud smack.


Except for the centipede and his henchman, the onlookers couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Even Lao Hei himself stared wide-eyed, wearing a look of disbelief.

Lao Hei's cards turned out to be three-of-a-kind, three 3s, worth ten times the bet.

He bet two thousand, and I had to pay him twenty thousand.

(End of chapter)