
CHAPTER 2: School Festival (2)

I snapped out of it and suddenly pushed his face away from me! "Your face is too close!" Gosh! His looks can really be the death of me! I thought I was immune enough not to fall for it but I guess not. He is now smiling seeing my face blushing. "Noona come on let's go and have some fun! You don't need to worry about that report I'll take care of it! Come, let's go now… Please?" He is now pouting, making a sad puppy face that you can't ignore... Ack! What's with the sudden aegyo attack?

With him being cute like this I really just can't decline his request, I just sigh and nodded. When I did so he smiled so brightly I suddenly felt my heart go 'kyuun!'. "Thanks, noona! I assure you, you won't regret going out with me!" He proudly said. What the?! What's with the word choice? Makes me feel like we are going out on a date!

He held out his hand and smiled: "Come on, let's go!" I was suddenly taken aback. Is he seriously asking me to jump out the window? I know the window is not that high, but still… It's very unladylike to just jump out! Besides, if I stood at the window sill to prepare myself to jump with him below if he looks up he will definitely see! "Are you seriously asking me to climb out the window like some delinquent? Just wait for me and I will just go around and walk over to your place." I told him and about to turn around when he suddenly grabbed my hand. " Just come out through the window I'll just carry you, then put you down! It'll take forever if you will go around the building. Alright? Here goes!" What the heck! He picked me up like I'm a kid! I was so surprised that I subconsciously grabbed his biceps. Woah! Nice muscles! I know he is fit but I didn't know he has tight firm muscles, and if his biceps are this well defined I guess he will have abs too… I couldn't help but glance around his chest and abs. While I was trying to see if I could get a peek, he had already carefully placed me on the ground.

I looked up at him and was a little shocked to see he was looking at me as well. His face is really serious, then he said: "Noona, even though you're small, you are quite heavy?" This brat! Is he calling me fat?! "Oi, Kim Mingyu! Who are you calling fat?! I'm not fat! You are just weak, can't even carry a girl without complaining! Who even asked you to carry me anyway?!" I shouted at him with my face flushing red. How dare he call me fat! Hmpf! I knew it! I shouldn't have agreed to come with him to play.

He chuckled lightly, held my hand and said: "You said it not me. I never said you were fat. So, what do you want to go see first? Are you hungry? Want to try the food stalls first before playing games?" He led me towards the food stall area while smiling widely. Haaa… I really can't stay mad at him when he smiles like this.

He stopped at the stall that sells souffle pancakes. Looked at the menu then ordered. "One strawberry and one chocolate please!" He smiles at the girl taking the order and gave the money. The girl stood in place and was staring at Mingyu, I can see her face blushing and I can imagine there are heart shapes in her eyes and an arrow pierced in her chest. Another one bites the dust, I'll pray for your little heart to recover and survive this encounter unnamed girl.

While waiting for our orders Mingyu found a bench where we can sit, then he left and bought us some drinks. "Here noona, strawberry flavored soda." He gave me the soda can and then he went back to check if our order is already done. He came back holding the pancakes, and they are really cute and appetizing at the same time! The strawberry pancake has 2 layers of souffle pancake with whipped cream on top and strawberry syrup swirled around and then topped with a strawberry cut in three and spread out like a fan. The chocolate one has 2 layers of souffle pancake, whipped cream and chocolate chips with chocolate syrup on top.

What the!? There is real strawberry in this pancake! I thought it was only strawberry syrup on top! I have this little quirk about strawberries, it's that I like drinks and food that are strawberry flavored but not really like the fruit itself. Maybe because when I tried one when I was little it wasn't as sweet as I imagined, in fact, it was really sour! Now, looking at the fruit, I really don't want to eat it but I just can't waste food by throwing it away. While I was in a dilemma, I glanced at Mingyu, he looked at me as well then looked at the strawberry then looked back at me again. As if knowing what I was thinking, he leaned over then opened his mouth wide and said: "Ah~"

What the heck?! He just opened his mouth very cutely said 'ah' even though he's a big guy! The contrast of him being a quiet, cool guy to many, now looks like a cute kid waiting to be fed! Is this what they call gap moe?! I mean like, I know he is a bright cheery kid when he is with his close friends and family, but when he doesn't talk or doesn't want to talk with anybody he looks like the cool city guy type, handsome and chic.

"Ah~" He repeated, I was in a daze looking at how cute he is that I subconsciously fed him the strawberry! There was a little cream stuck at the left corner of his mouth. "There's cream stuck at the corner of your lips… On the left side. " I was telling him where it is, but he just tried to lick it off but was not very successful in getting all of it. So my hand instinctively reached out to wipe it. He was a little surprised at what I did, but he just let it go and even smiled! When I realized what I did I immediately retracted my hand, but before I can pull my hand away he grabbed it and licked the cream off my thumb!