
Two sides released

Unique part

My damned brother's laugh was somewhat sinister, as was his voice.

"Your girl is coming to continue with our dance". Said my brother in another voice.

Sou's body twisted again, his bones creaking painfully, until he returned to normal.

Now he was very agitated, but as if nothing had happened.

"Sorry about that, I shouldn't bother anymore. Said Soy all sweaty".

"What are you Sou?"

"Emi the necklace that the bastard is wearing, we need it, with it we can touch Aki, it's not his body, but at least it's something for now".

"I understand Hikaru, but what the fuck was it I just saw...?"

"Emilia let me tell you a story of a boy who wanted to be a sportsman, I was a good horse rider, but unfortunately when I was 16 years old, I got sick, in fact you knew me when I was very sickly I remember, the thing is that I had to die years ago, my future as a rider went down the drain, I was good, I really had a future, but from one day to another I began to lose resistance, then I no longer had enough air, then the bleeding began, I reached a point that I could not even leave the house. When finally a doctor was able to see me, I was diagnosed with lung cancer with metastasis, my days were numbered, a teenager with all his broken dreams, frustrated with fear.... One day in one of my long exams a very charming woman felt sorry for me, she approached me I remember that I talked a lot with her, she was very sweet, she took attention to me, she played a little with me, my only reason to go to my exams was that woman, I clung to her, she was the only nice thing I had left".

Sou took a couple of steps towards us, wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and continued.

-"She one day saw my bad state and introduced me to her husband, another charming man who told me he could cure me, he promised me a wonderful future, besides the two of them, what can I tell you, they have given me so much love, especially her, but I cannot leave aside my dear savior, I would burn the world for them, and what did they ask for change, only to serve them both, they promised me a long life and they did it, they cured me, it was a painful thing, I will not deny it, but they both gave me so much love, affection, understanding, that everything I had to go through was just a mere prick of an injection, I just have to keep a little being inside me at bay, but here I am alive and you don't know how lucky you two are, I don't know very well what they want with you, but you are special, even Venus is obsessed with you, camp with me I assure you that you will have a wonderful future. .."

"Shut your fucking mouth the fuck up, will you, you think I should pity you for your sickness, you idiot who let yourself be cajoled by two people who use you, you killed a person I love, so you can go fuck yourself, you twisted demon lover, I'm going to get revenge for everything you did to Aki, Sou".

Emi started to surround him, I went in front extremely pissed off and Aki accompanied me closely.

"Damned imbeciles who don't know the future you have planned for yourselves, how you want, I tried to do this for the good ones".

Emi threw a kick with her good leg, but Sou easily caught it and kicked Emi in the chest, which sent her to the ground.

I went to hit him, but with a simple body lock he stopped me, I still had my head free and hit him in the face with it, which made him back up and let me go.

"Not bad..."

Again that laugh came out of him, his body was squirming again, even now it looked like it was starting to grow.

-"No, no, no, no, no, don't stop, stay locked up, you're going to ruin it again...."

Sou looked me in the eyes.

"Hikaru... Run...."

The eyes slowly changed color, to a reddish hue, his look was one of madness, and perversion, Sou's whole body caused a horrendous rumble, his body increased in musculature even in size, his clothes were tearing and the necklace that was once under his clothes now hung in plain sight on his neck. Sou was now like some kind of abominable man who was about two meters and thirty centimeters tall.

Aki let out a choked scream, she tried to pull back, but as soon as she did she fell down, she was looking at me terrified, not even words were coming out of her mouth.

That thing that used to be my stepbrother, fixing his hair and wiping off his sweat, looked at Akari and blew her a kiss.

"It's been a long time pretty lady, our last date was something lovely sweetie..... A, you must be Mr. Hikaur nice to meet you, you can call me Mr. Hide, Doctor, Intellectual, something of a Philosopher, oh excuse me sometimes I go off the deep end.... Linda, are you all right, you look a little pale?" Said the monster with a twisted face.

"What are you doing there on the floor, you albino with blond hair? Mmm you remind me of someone I know, I guess you're the other sister, Emilia, I always wanted to meet you.... That's exciting".

I went straight to punch him, but in doing so, when my fist barely hit him I hurt myself, it was as if I had hit a damn solid steel wall.

"Why so hostile Mr. Hikaru, that's no way to treat someone as kind as me, and for now I just want to talk, after our talk we'll move on to our heated dance, and enjoy the worldly pleasures of flesh tearing".

The more I looked, the less trace there was of Sou in that thing called Hide.

That thing held my arm tightly, but without hurting me.

"You are a monster, why did you have to do that to Aki? I said with tears of hatred".

"Oh, child, you will make me cry, if I could, but it is simple, for the same reason that a hungry wolf houses its prey, I explain myself I saw Sou enjoying so much having stabbed that girl with that strange dagger, that I could not avoid leaving, the crimson colored blood called me like pig looking for truffle, oh the rest was magnificent a beautiful delight of precise cuts to keep her alive without her bleeding to death, until her inevitable end will come, but what a surprise to see you here miss, alive? Or at least in soul, but how intriguing, you are a riddle and I love...."

Emi at some point while Hide was monologuing grabbed a piece of loose concrete that was all over the place and with that hit him in the face.

"So in a hurry to dance, so let's dance".

With a pure slap he sent Emi to the other side of the aisle.

"Emi! Damn fool".

No matter how much I hit that thing the only one who got hurt was me, he laughed at me, with one hand he grabbed me tightly, he stretched out his arm to slam me to the floor, but before he could do it a loud bang sounded, the sound of a gunshot.

The bullet was retained on the outside of the thing's skin, both Hide and I turned our heads to see who had fired the shot.


"Oh, but what a wonderful visit, today must be my lucky day, I get to meet you again too, but what a small world, you want more than what I gave you that day". Hide said as he licked his lips.

Yui started to shoot as much as she could, but it didn't cause any damage to Hide, he let go of me letting me fall, I had to get behind that thing, so the bullets wouldn't reach me, Yui was shooting like a desperate madwoman.

"Die, die, die, die, die, die, fuck you, for fuck's sake, you fucking thing!" Yui Akimoto said with total desperation.

I took the moment to check on Aki, who was still shivering on the floor.

"Honey, I know it's hard, but you have to move".

She looked me in the eyes with too much fear, but ended up nodding, with her I went now to see Emi, but when I approached her, everything became harder, Emi had her left arm fractured, even the bone had pierced the skin showing.

Akimoto kept shooting, until there were no more bullets, he reached into his bag desperately taking more magazines, one of them fell on the floor, but finally he managed to reload his gun, he fired again, a single shot that hit Hide in the mouth, but the bastard stopped the bullet with his teeth and then spit it out.

"Something spicy, it lacked more seasoning". said the monster laughing.

With a swipe he sent Akimoto's gun flying.

"But what a hostile reunion dear, and I thought we had something special, I still remember those pleasurable screams that came out of your mouth while we shared a nice threesome in one body... if you know what I mean, it was so excélsior, in the end I lost my pretty flower with you, I will always have that memory".

Akimoto was backing away trembling too much, he took out a teaser now from his clothes with which he hit Hide, but at last something had worked on him, for a few seconds Hide was electrocuting himself, until he managed to move and pushed Akimoto against the wall.

"That was painfully pleasant, but with whom I will entertain first, with Sou's little brother, no, you will be the dessert, with his sister, she has a good body, but it's not my style, Akimoto, no, I don't like to repeat the same dish twice, but I could make an exception with you redhead, I remember that your cries of despair were charming". Hide said with a smile that even unhinged his jaw.