
Something tight

Part 1 - Karu the cat

The cat was on Aki's lap, something that scared me because if someone saw that, they would see a cat lying down floating, but the most surprising thing was that the cat saw her and could touch her, something that Aki was very happy about, I looked at Emi, who was as surprised as I was, I think neither of us knew how to proceed, besides I didn't want to ruin Aki's happiness.

She stroked the purring black and white cat intensely.

-It's him Hika, I'm sure, look, they even have almost the same hairstyle.

Unfortunately Aki was right, we had the hair on our heads very similar.

-Aki I'm happy for you, but don't compare me with the cat please, I don't feel comfortable with it.

-But she's right, you are very similar. - Said Emi stroking the kitty's chin.

-Can we keep him? - Aki asked

Again we looked at each other with Emi, I didn't know what to answer, I mean it didn't affect me to have a pet cat, I think it would even be cute, but....

-Linda, believe me I would like it, I always wanted to have a pet cat, but I think it belongs to the hotel... leave the cat next to you Aki, I'll ask the staff, if that cat can interact with you, I think we don't lose anything by trying to adopt it, isn't it Hikaru?

-That's right Emi, give it a try.

Emi called one of the waitresses asking her about the cat, the waitress was surprised to see it, and asked to be excused for a while, to bring the manager.

When he arrived with the manager, he was an older bearded man with gray hair and no hair on his head.

The gentleman very kindly introduced himself to us and told us his name which was Hector Dume, a peculiar name since he was not a native of Chipon. He approached the cat, which was not at all frightened by Hector's proximity.

-Let's see, my friend, who are you... strange... you're not from around here, are you, my little friend?

The cat meowed as if answering the guy.

-Sometimes this happens, that some stray cats usually come to the temple, it is something common, but it does not have a collar that says it belongs to us, if you want to keep it, I can arrange things, so you can have it in the room, since we usually do not let them bring pets so as not to alter our faithful pussies. - Said the gentleman with a laugh.

-If we want to adopt him, I would be very grateful if you could do what you said. - Emi asked politely.

-This is done my dear... Excuse me, but don't ask their names.

-My name is Hikaru Nishimura, good sir.

The older man laughed again.

-Good sir tells me, this boy pleases me.

-I am Emilia Nishimura, a pleasure.

-Wait a minute, you are the same Emilia, from the diary notes, the one about the shark girl and the one about the fire that linked him to Modoruvita.

Emi was a little embarrassed, but deep down she was a little excited to be recognized.

-Yes, sir, it's me.

-Oh splendid, you write very well, without fear, without embellishing the facts, you describe them as they happened, I'm glad to meet a journalist who keeps the old ways, and doesn't follow that wave of gossip.

Emi's face had turned very red.

-It's... a pleasure... I'm serious.

-I won't bother you anymore, I hope you recover soon from your arm, and I'll let the hotel know right away.

-Thank you very much, Mr. Hector, for your kindness. - I said to the old man.

Aki was very happy, she kept thanking Emi for accepting the kitten, there was something that bothered me, but I let it pass because of my girlfriend's happiness, I gawked at her, as I hadn't done for a long time, when we weren't dating yet, where I avoided being surprised seeing her like that.

-Hikaru, you really lost yourself in Akari, you should see your face, it made me happy to see you like this brother.

Aki, also noticed the way she was looking at me, and tried to take my hand, but we couldn't touch each other, our hands crossed each other, although this time I don't think any of us bothered, we were just looking at each other's eyes happily.

-Emi, to all this, I ask, just if it is possible, during these nights it will be possible to see the aurora borealis, on the highest part of the mountain, that is paid separately, I don't know if... we could go, I don't know how much it costs.

-Ohh I would like that, let's find out, and try to go.

Both Aki and I were happy. A lady approached us bringing us a bag to carry the cat courtesy of Hector, saying that everything was ready.

Part 2 - Onsen

I had returned to the room, the day was almost over or so we thought, but here in the mountain it was getting dark even earlier than in Arekkaido, and that was an achievement.

Aki was all the rest of the day with Karu, yes, he took the last part of my name, to put it to the cat, besides I had to admit that I was a little jealous of the cat, because he had monopolized all the attention of Aki, she was on the bed while playing with him.

-How does it feel to be beaten by a cat?

-Horrible, I'm not going to lie to you Emi, I feel displaced.

Emi couldn't help but laugh, she did some affection in my hair as she usually does.

-I have an idea, you trust me Hikaru.... Akari look for a second.

Emi gave me a kiss on my cheek near the corner of my lip, but without touching it.

-But what are you doing Emilia, stay away from Hikaru, you thief!

-Emi, stop it.

Aki was complaining, angry at Emi, although, she didn't care.

-See, little brother, now she remembered you.

Aki didn't understand Emi's comment, she was confused, but it had really worked, but she would have preferred it wasn't this way.

-Now I understand... I'm sorry, I was excited because I could finally have contact with someone, without the need of the collar, and I always wanted a kitten, and...

Aki said the last thing so softly that he couldn't understand her.

-I didn't understand the last thing, Aki.

She blushed a lot, she was as red as a tomato.

-That Karu, he reminds me a lot of you, he's the same in a small and cat version....

Now I was the one who was embarrassed.

-Now that we were in love, let's go to the Onsen, I reserved it for us.

When Emi had mentioned about the Onsen, I was excited, I hadn't been to one for years, so I wanted to go to one and relax, but now I was uncomfortable, as the Onsen was mixed.

I was inside the thermal water naked with Emi next to me a little separated from me also naked, in Chipón it is traditional that in the onsen one must enter without clothes out of respect, people with tattoos are not allowed either, something that I never understood why.

The thing is that the three of us were inside the Onsen, although Aki had not taken off her clothes, in the end, she could not feel the water, much less get wet.

We couldn't blame Emi either, for planning something, since she had no idea that the onsen was mixed, but there we were, the three of us, uncomfortable, without saying anything, until I had to break the silence.

-We can't stay uncomfortable all the time, let's forget about it and enjoy ourselves, it's not like we've never seen each other naked before. - I said without looking at Emi, my eyes stayed fixed on Aki.

-I think you're right Hikaru, it's stupid to keep being uncomfortable with this... this shit is more annoying than when I take a bath.

Emi was struggling with the bag she was putting on her arm, so as not to get the cast wet and come off.

-Come on, I'll help you.

I approached her to fix the knot of the bag that was coming loose, but as always I had to screw it up, when I got up my waist was out of the water, and both Emi and Aki saw my erect penis.

-But, you idiot, don't point that at me.

Emi pushed me with her leg, but by her mistake, she hit me directly on the penis, something that was very painful, in fact I even fell badly, hitting my head a little with the bottom of the Onsen.

-Shit, Hikaru.

Emi got up quickly to go to see me, she helped me, and saw that nothing serious had happened to me, I had made a small wound on my head something superficial, it just bled a lot since it is an area that usually passed several blood vessels.

Emi hugged me forgetting everything, or simply did not care that we were naked, I just saw her concern, especially because she was the one who caused this.

-I'm sorry, I just wanted to push you, I got scared when I saw you, you know.

Aki was also beside me worried about me, she asked Emi to put the medallion in her hand, so that I could hold it too and she could hug me.

I was in a very... Emi had me hugged from the front, my penis was tight in her belly, which made my blood rush to my head, and Aki didn't help either, since she hugged me from behind, pressing me much more to Emi, and I felt how she removed her clothes, feeling the cold but naked body of Aki on my back.