
Family problems

Part one - No right to an opinion. 

Ohhh, your house is in front of a square, we can go in, Hikauri. 

The nine seasons square, it's a small square in my neighbourhood that's right in front of my house, I almost spent my whole childhood there, the special thing about this square is that it borders the forest, so it looks much bigger than what it is. 

-I'd like to, but I'm freezing, I promise I'll bring you another day. 

-Promise, promise? 


-The square of the 9 stations, why does it have that name? 

-The name is a bit embarrassing actually, my mother.... well she told me when I was a kid that teenagers used to come to this square... well you know... that's what it's called. 

-I'm sorry, I don't understand you? 

-They came to have... relationships... relationships of that kind, then many women ended up pregnant, when it was rebuilt 20 years ago the neighbours changed the name to the one on the sign you read. 

She was slightly blushing, in fact, I liked to see her like that, when her cheeks were flushed they matched her crimson hair. 

-You know... now it made me... more eager to go to the square... with you. 

-Akari let's go right away. 

-But aren't you cold? 

-With what you just said to me, I'm not cold anymore. 

She laughed. 

-Silly, we wouldn't be able to do anything if we went. 

Ahhhhh, don't do this to me. 

-I wish I could feel the cold like you... I'm not complaining, it's just that I miss some things. 

She changed the subject drastically. 

-Akari, maybe I can't make you feel things with your touch, but I'm going to make sure that at least your heart can feel them. 

-I beg you. 


-Hikaru, the principal called us, he said that you pushed him the day before yesterday, plus you didn't attend any classes today, but what is he supposed to be doing with your life? 

I say those words to Akari and the first thing I find when I enter my house is my annoying stepmother, challenging me in front of my girlfriend, please take me away now. 

-With your father we tried our best to get you into the best academy in this region, but you're wasting your chance.... 

As ashamed as I was, deep down she was right, I let everything that happened to me affect me by forgetting my responsibilities, but she doesn't know what I went through, and now the responsibility I have with Akari is more important than the duties of the academy. 

-Boy what are we going to do? 

I bowed slightly. 

-You're right, I'll make sure it won't happen again, and I'll apologize to the principal tomorrow too. 

I glanced sideways at Akari, apparently she was having fun with the situation. 

While I was apologizing I heard footsteps on the stairs. 

-Hikaru, you don't need to apologise, get up. 

My stepmother turned around in surprise. 

-I have to correct Hikaru's misbehaviour, Emi. 

-Camila, you don't have the right to challenge him. 

-Emilia explain to me why your mother, you don't have any right to correct your brother's bad attitude. 

No, this is going to get ugly.... 

I hadn't noticed, but my father, who was strangely to be in the house at this hour, was in the dining room reading the Chipon Atomic newspaper. 

My father's name is Anton Nishimura (45), it is a name that time has treated him badly, he looks much older than he is, his hair is totally white with grey hair, his stern expression on his face is the only memory I have of him when I imagine him. 

Akari watching what was going on went from amused to uncomfortable by the challenge, I think she felt she shouldn't be watching this family discussion. 

-You want the damn answer, it's simple, firstly she's not our mother, secondly you should ask her what happened first instead of calling her attention to it.... 

Obviously Camila had felt for Emi's words. 

But the next thing that happened was to try my patience. 

My father left the newspaper on the table, got up and slapped Emi. 

-From now on you will deal with more.... 

I grabbed the vase that was in the entrance and threw it close to my father's face, but my bad aim made it just pass by his face exploding into a thousand pieces when it hit the wall. 

Emi called my name as she rubbed the blow she received on her cheek. 

-How dare you... 

-Shut up! If there is someone who has no fucking right in this house it's you, I think Emi was wrong in the way she treated my stepmother, but what right do you have to hit her, you fucking bastard you abandoned us just like our mother, you had to raise us, and the one who had to take care of your ineptitude, was Emi, she had to play the role of mother, father and sister when you were just whining because you were abandoned, forgetting about your children. 

I was furious to the point that I didn't care about anything, I wanted to hit my own father. 

The words I said to him had the effect I was hoping for, you didn't have to be a fortune teller to know he felt lousy. 

-Don't be unfair son. 

-Unfair, you talk about injustice, let me tell you that it was unfair, not to have supported your son who had fallen into despair because his mother abandoned him, unfair is that Emi instead of studying had to sacrifice herself to raise me, while being a minor she was looking for a job, because you were unable to do anything for 2 years, unfair is that Emi couldn't even go to university, because again she decided to sacrifice herself so I could go to a better school, and that's the way you thank her for doing your damn job, hitting her you bastard. Don't you ever touch her again. 

I approached him to hit him, but before I got there Emi grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room, Emi was happy. 

Akari didn't say a word as she argued with my father, she followed us. 

Part 2 - Vibra 

Emi had a smile from ear to ear, as always she was scantily clad when she was at home, which never ceased to surprise me because of the cold that was always in this city, she was now wearing a wide t-shirt that she herself had cut with a scissors so that the length of the t-shirt barely covered her chest, she was also wearing a very short black shorts with white lines. 

Akari sat next to me as it was obvious no one in the house could see her. 

I was very embarrassed about everything that had happened with my parents and now I had to add Emi's outfit to the equation. 

-Your sister is always hanging around the house. 

Apparently Akari is nervous too. 

Obviously I couldn't answer him without my sister asking me who he was talking to, so I just nodded. 

-Hikaru, you were great, you don't know how happy you made me when you stood up for me. 

-I couldn't allow what our father did to you, you don't deserve that treatment, less from him, but I think you went too far with our, I mean with Camila. 

She jabbed me with her fingers on my forehead. 


-Yeah, but I wasn't the only one who got out of hand, you broke my favourite vase, besides, were you going to hit him? 

-Yes, I lost control. 

I wasn't able to look at her face, I didn't want to look at Akari either. 

-You know I like this rebellious side of you, never lose it, but you should at least tone it down a bit next time, more than bad that man is our father, and if you paste yourself with him. 

I didn't know if she was calling my attention or not, because she said it all with a proud smile on her face. 

-I think you were great at defending your sister too, even though I don't know what you were talking about. 

I didn't realise at what point Akari had stood up, she was now standing behind Emi, as she was snooping around her room. 

Suddenly Emi's mobile phone rang, she checked it, pouting. 

-Too bad I have a double shift tomorrow. 

-You'll only have a little while left, just hold on until the end of the holidays next year and you can go to university. 

-I guess you're right. 

Akari started going through a drawer in my sister's dresser that was open. 

I didn't know Akari could be so curious, or maybe she's taking advantage of the fact that she can't be seen. 

-Hikaru, listen to me. 

-Yes Emi. 

-I'm thinking of moving out, I really can't stand the situation in this house anymore. 

I got up without hesitation. 

Emi, please don't give me.... 

But what am I going to say, you can't let her keep sacrificing herself for you, encourage her. 

-I'm sorry I spoke without thinking if that's what you want I'll support you. 

I really didn't want her to leave the house. 

-Let me finish, if I move out would you like to move in with me? 

Emi's proposal had made my day. 

-I would love to. 

Emi stood up, grabbed me by the shoulders. 

-Do you really want to come with me? 

-Yes, of course. 

-I wanted to leave it as a surprise, but in 2 weeks I'm going to be promoted in the company, if I put together the money for 4 months, plus what I have, we'll be able to move. 

-I'm happy for you, but what's going to happen about going to university? 

-Nothing, I will just have to work harder, I don't want to go to study in the capital, I decided to go to the University of Punta Arekkaido, to study journalism, my boss told me that if I get my degree she will promote me again as a journalist, as long as I can prove that I can do my job well as her assistant. 

-That's amazing. 

I hugged Emi out of excitement, a hug that was well received, but after a few seconds it was interrupted. 

A rattling noise started to be heard from the dresser drawer that Emi had opened, I looked at Akari's face and I had never seen her as red as she was now. 

I didn't understand what was going on. 

-Emi, that's not your mobile phone. 

She didn't look at my face, but for some reason she was nervous. 


I moved and noticed that Emi's mobile phone was on the bed. 

How strange. 

I walked over to the dresser. But Akari got in the way. 

-Don't... don't look there. 

-Brother, please don't look inside the drawer. 

-Quiet, it must be nothing... 

Despite the girls' warnings, I put my hand inside the drawer until I grabbed the vibrating object. 

It felt like a lightning bolt split me open. 

What the fuck is it... it's a vibrating dildo!!!! 

I immediately let go of it 

-Hikaru... When I say no, it's no. 

I felt the demonic aura emanating from Emi behind my back. 

-I, I, I, I, I forgive, I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to intrude on your privacy. 

She slapped my face, and pulled me out of her room. 


I tried to tell you to stay out of it. 

You activated it didn't you, Akari. 

-Yes, but it was an accident, really, I was curious what it was and when I touched it, I activated it. 

-I see. 

My eye twitched with anger, as I rubbed my face.