
A Brighter Light

"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath as he noted Blair's attempt to open the door but he was fast enough to stop the car before she could hurt herself. She had only wanted to open the door in hope of him stopping and her thoughts were exactly what he did she took the opportunity and rushed out of the car taking huge steps to get away from him. "Blair..stop!" He called out to her but she wasn't going to stop at least not until she was a good distance away from him. She heard the heavy thudding of his footsteps approach her, she knew he was faster than her, and maybe he would soon show her just how stronger he was than her...who knows? She couldn't trust him... The fear alone made adrenaline pump straight to her muscles and she began running. But to Blair's surprise, the footsteps behind her stopped and she thought he had finally stopped chasing after her but her thoughts were instantly dismissed when she heard a gunshot. She didn't know if she wanted to exaggerate things but she could've sworn on her mother that she felt the bullet zoom past her.........a dangerously short distance from her skull. She immediately stopped not daring to take another step, her chest rising and falling to her heart's wild beat. He fired a gun?.. at me! "I promise you the next damn bullet won't fucking miss if you don't get that fine ass in the fucking car, Blair"......... Life can sometimes feel like walking in a dark tunnel. Alone, hopeless, and scared. You don't know what lies beyond you until you see that light at the end of it. But what will it take to get there........ Not edited so there will be mistakes but check it out. Thank you for choosing my book.

Ella_Cas · Urban
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5 Chs


SPAIN, Blair


A hand grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the edge so fast that everything was a blur. She looked up expecting to see Ned's bone chilling death stare but it was not. Familiar satin gray eyes bore into her baby blue ones and she did not have to think twice about who it was.

" Elbrus?" she wheezed her breathing coming in gasps as she was still trying to catch her breath from what she was about to do. Her brother, after fifteen whole years stood in front of her. He had grown taller and from what blair could derive from his physique,he had become stronger too.

"What were you doing you could've fallen off," he said his voice was soft despite its deepness and even his voice had changed over the years.

Blair snapped out of her state when he gently shook her shoulders,blinking away the tears that threatened to fall.

"I...I" she could not say anything audible as her throat felt tight.

Unexpectedly he threw his arms around her slender shoulders, it took Blair a few seconds but she hugged him back with the same affection wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest. She found herself crying against his chest. Suddenly the overwhelming feeling of the effects of what she was about to do and she sobbed audibly against him.

"You ok B?" his voice softened compared to the previous one, he slowly broke away from her and wiped the tears that were on her flushed cheeks. Blair nodded and put on a convincing smile, he might have been absent for the past fifteen years of her life but he knew his sister too well, if something was bothering her she was going to let it eat her up too afraid to talk.

" you almost pushed yourself over,what were you doing?," he asked but this time had on a serious expression plastered on his face that intimidated Blair.

"I was just trying to see the stars better," she avoided his eyes, Blair knew she was a bad liar but she was not going to tell him anything for fear of her father.

"When did you get here?," Blair said before he could say anything else on the matter because his face gave away the thought that he was not convinced with her likely story.

"Some hours ago, I thought you'd know, didn't dad tell you anything?" he asked, Blair didn't know what to answer.

"I missed you and mom," he said forgetting his previous question and state of worry and raising his hand to ruffle her hair like a child. Blair gave a slight laugh as fake as it was she hoped it sounded genuine. 

"Am not a kid anymore Elbrus" she said trying to get his hand out of her hair. 

"That's not what your height says "he joked and Blair pouted.

"You're just too tall" Blair defended her height but she knew he was right she had a height of five feet four, and Elbrus was six feet one she was defensing a loosing case.

"Yeah right "he scoffed and gave a deep chuckle.  Blair for the first time in so many years felt halfway happy talking to her brother. She looked up at him and almost felt envy how he looked so alive and vibrant as his black hair shimmered beneath the balcony lights and how his eyes glimmered with joy from seeing his little sister after a long time.

'But does he see the same on me' she thought. Elbrus noticed the sudden change in blair's mood but as he was about to talk to her an un familiar voice interrupted him.

"Sorry to cut the reunion short but she's needed downstairs.." Ned suddenly said behind them and Elbrus was instantly annoyed and he did not bother to hide it.

"I'll go with her you can leave, "Elbrus said without sparing Ned a second glance.

"I...."Ned began to protest but Elbrus cut him off immediately.

"It's an order, " Elbrus said with authority. Ned yet again with his indifferent gaze looked at Elbrus and clenched his jaw and nodded his head like every time he did after her father ordered him and left. But blair saw the quick glance toward her direction and she knew that it meant something and she felt a horrible chill.down her spine.

"How long has he been working here," Elbrus asked turning his gaze to her.

"I don't know... maybe six years," Blair said shortly.

"If he has done anything you can always tell me...." he said seriously as his face hardened. He was not taking the fact that Ned was always around Blair too lightly and judging by his looks he had to be a pervert and he did not want those types of people around his little sister, to him Blair was the nine-year-old girl he left fifteen years ago.

But to honestly say, Ned had never done anything bad to her,  of course he was there when her father tortured her he never did anything but just look with his occasional blank stoic expression and degrade her with words but nothing physical.

"No he hasn't, don't let it bother you, "Blair said too eager to talk about something else that was not Ned, Elbrus nodded though he was not going to let it go until he knee more about him.

"Let's go dad must be waiting for us," he said as he took Blair's arm in his, and together they walked down the hallway to the ballroom,Blair swallowing hard at the mention of her father.

The lights were bright and shining, making the ballroom's Decor look more than beautiful and classy, everything looked spontaneous and in place, the aura of class and elegance filled the entire room and everything screamed expensive and luxurious including the people.

The two finally walked into the huge ballroom, Blair slowly looked around scanning every inch of the ballroom until her eyes fell upon her father who was standing next to her mother. As usual, he was dressed in his signature dark blue Armin suit that showed off his average muscular frame, he looked good and powerful, anyone could sense that by just looking at him. Her mother who was standing next to him, was dressed in a classy and beautiful purple bodycon dress, with her medium champagne-colored hair tossed to one side falling as far as her mid-waist, she looked elegant and bold with the simple smile on her face but only Blair knew what was underneath the fake smile she wore.

Her father was at the moment talking to a woman who sat beside him and anyone could see that the two were more than acquainted, judging by how touchy the woman was and Blair hated it, She hated the way her father treated her mother. She was more than ashamed to call him her father. He was openly flirting with a woman when his wife was standing right next to him. He took disrespect to another level.

" Blair?" Elbrus's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Looking at him, she gave him a small fake smile.

" Are you okay B? If you're not feeling well we could leave. ... " Elbrus said while scanning her face, searching for any signs of pain or discomfort. But Blair was good at hiding her pain when it came to him. All she wanted at the moment was to take some painkillers and sleep. She was in pain,her ankle was throbbing and her side was sore but if only accepting Elbrus's offer was as simple as it sounds. Besides her father would most likely skin her alive if she were to leave the party unauthorized.

" Am fine Elbrus. You don't have to worry about me....what matters is that you are here" Blair assured him while flashing him a smile and proud she did not stutter. Elbrus looked at her for a second then ruffled her hair like a kid again.

" Fine but if anything comes up please tell me," Elbrus said with a serious face and Blair nodded.

" Come on let's go I think I saw mom and dad ," Elbrus said making Blair's breathing slightly shudder. She didn't want to be near her father, in fact, she never liked being near him at all but maybe she was at an advantage because she knew her father would not touch her or her mother in front of Elbrus. Blair stood frozen on the spot but unfortunately for her, Elbrus took her hand and ushered her towards them.

" Son," Raphael said when the two approached them the woman he was having his rendezvous with long gone.   "It's good to have you home," Raphael said and gave his son a warm embrace. Elbrus smiled and hugged his father with the same affection.

" How are you dear?" Fera greeted his son with a huge smile on her red-painted lips.

" Fine mom, tell me how are you? I missed you so much" Elbrus said to his mother with a smile and hugged her warmly. The long sleeve she was wearing pulled up some inches up her wrist and Blair saw the fresh marks that were there, of course, the little scene back in her bedroom had a cost her mother had paid that was how wicked her father could be. Fera noticed her daughter's gaze, when she recoiled from the hug she pulled down the sleeve to hide the marks and gave a small smile to Blair to assure her she was fine.

"You know Canada is great at the end of the year maybe I could take you and Blair sometime," he said to Fera who smiled ever so warmly at her son. Despite being a Mafioso's son and the heir to his father's empire. He had a soft spot for his mother and little sister. He was more close to his mother than his father ever since he was a child. It was not because he had any bad blood with his father but for some reason, he always felt as if his father preferred him more than his little sister. Sometimes he thought he was just being delusional but then again growing up in the Mafia life, he knew that women were always degraded in the Mafia world but he never thought his father would ever be like that towards his wife and daughter.

" That would be great," Fera said. Raphael glanced at Fera and she knew behind that gaze was a scoff of pure mock.

" Well if it isn't Raphael Caruso" A voice behind Blair and Elbrus said, making them both turn around to see who it was.

" Alvarez, good to see you. I thought you were not coming" Raphael said with a smirk as he greeted Andrey Alvarez his old-time friend and current business partner with a formal handshake.

  He was a tall lean man with a bit of gray hair styled in cut and a beard that covered half his face.

" It's good to see you too old friend and I wouldn't miss such a special occasion, that wouldn't be me at all," Andrey Alvarez said with a smile on his face. He greeted Elbrus and Fera but when he reached Blair, his eyes widened.

" Is this her?" Andrey asked while looking back at Raphael for an answer.

" Yes," Raphael answered briefly.

" Mmm. she is stunning, am sure she will be to Valentino's liking ," Andrey said while his eyes were undressing Blair as he scratched his beard. Blair noticed his gaze and felt violated and uncomfortable. The man was old enough to be her father but yet there he was looking ready to pounce on her like a predator and her, his prey.

She looked at her mother who gave the same confused expression.

" Excuse me," Elbrus said looking towards Andrey. He did not like what he just heard.

" Blair is getting married, the whole point of this party" Raphael explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world, with each word Raphael had said Blair felt like she was drowning.

"what do you mean she's getting married?" Elbrus asked still not wanting to get his mind to delusional conclusions.

"Andrey and I have agreed to an alliance, it will make our territory wider and profits will be magnificent and we sealed the deal with marriage, Blair and his heir, Valentino," Raphael said without hesitation.

" Of all people you chose a perverted narcissist like Valentino Alvarez, are you out of your damn mind, just look at how he looked at Blair, and what do you think his spitting image will do" Elbrus snapped while glaring at his father and Andrey who was already staring daggers at Elbrus for insulting his son sneered at him. He had met Valentino a couple of times during business meetings and he was no different from his father.

" Excuse us Andrey," Raphael said.

Never in his life has Elbrus ever been against his father in anything. He always obeyed him, and listened to his every command like a good son but today he was defying him, going against his decision for the sake of his sister because there was no way he was going to let his sister get married to him.

Valentino was good looking which easily made women fall at his feet, he was rich and just like him he was also the next heir to his mafia.

Valentino was no man any father would want their daughter to get married to. He was ruthless, a sadist, and heaven forbid if he wasn't a rapist and ready to kill with no remorse. He was fully aware that being a mafia heir he needed to be ruthless and Elbrus was as well...when necessary. He was never harsh to women, on the other hand, Valentino never cared if it was a woman or a man he had to kill. He enjoyed trafficking women across Europe breaking them until they were nothing but empty shells.

In other words, there was no way he was going to let his little sister get married to Valentino.

" Elbrus you are my son but that doesn't give you the right to disrespect me in front of my business associates," Raphael said calmly as he closed the door of his office behind him.

" And am your son, I'll point out every mistake you make, am sorry father but  I do not agree with your decision. I mean you of all people know Valentino. Blair won't last a week with him. Isn't signing a piece of damn paper enough" Elbrus said, his voice not hiding the anger that was slowly building in him.

' I don't even fucking care if she lasts five minutes with him' Raphael thought.

"Enough!"Raphael gave a dangerous glare that didn't phase Elbrus. "This alliance will give us more power and profit. You ha....."

" Are you fucking listening to yourself? You want your only daughter to marry a dick like Valentino, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU... ? She doesn't want this!" Elbrus snapped at the top of his voice.

" DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME CHILD!" Raphael yelled back in anger, not liking how his son was digging him for the sake of Blair.

Blair and Fera only stood quietly not knowing what to say or do. They knew they had no say in anything. What Raphael wanted was always done no matter who agreed or not. His every word was law.

" My decision is final. Blair is living tonight and will get married to Valentino this weekend" Raphael said and Blair couldn't help but cry.

" Raphael ple...." Fera tried reasoning.

" Not a damn word from you" Raphael said cutting off his wife's words.

Fera immediately shut her mouth aware that he was going to punish her tonight for opening her mouth just like he did earlier.

" I don't understand you father. Blair is your daughter and you want to get her married to a person she hardly knows and all for what.. power?" Elbrus said again while Feeling the urge to strangle his father. Raphael's jaw flexed. He was angry at his son's words and if it were anyone talking to him the way his son was he would have killed that person immediately. His eyes landed on Blair and he was so sure he wanted to kill her with his bare hands. He hated her so much and now seeing his son defying him for the sake of her only infuriated him more.

" I will pretend I didn't hear you. My decision is final and no one is changing my mind, I don't give a fuck if you like it or not, I make the rules and you fucking follow them" with those words said Raphael walked out of the office.

" Fuck! ...Blair am so sorry," Elbrus said when he noticed his sister crying. Walking over to her he took her in his arms and hugged her, rubbing her back in comfort. He hated seeing her cry and he hated himself for being absent from her life. He barely talked to her due to his busy schedule and he didn't even know if she had a phone. He was sure he had missed out on a lot in her life, he just didn't know exactly what and how much he had missed.

Tonight he had somehow realized that she was not fine though she insisted she was. The look of fear in her eyes was easy for anyone to notice. The way she trembled or looked down when any of his father's men passed only clarified that something was wrong and in the ballroom, he noticed the way she looked at their father. The look of fear was what he saw. Something was wrong and He was sure that his father had something to do with it.

" I.. d.... don..don't want t....to g go" Blair cried in his chest while Fera sat on the couch with a tear-stained face. She felt hopeless and powerless at the moment, her daughter was going to get married off to a man she didn't know and she was going to do nothing about it because she was powerless against Raphael.

" I know Blair..look," Elbrus said and held her face in his hands bending down a little to look at her.

" I won't let anything or anyone hurt you. I promise" Elbrus assured her while looking her in the eyes.

But she knew no one was going to save her. Elbrus was the heir to the clan de serpientes mafia but that didn't mean he had the power to go against his father because he was still the leader.

Tonight's event had only proven her one thing again for the millionth time. She was forever bound to live a life of misery and pain and to always stay in the dark and she owed the whole lot to Raphael Caruso.