
CAP 21


"It's too hot" I'm currently in the middle of a desert.

"I'm supposed to be a fire Pokémon, it should have heated resistance, right?" floating on the boiling sand and a scorching sun continued my path.

I arrived in this desert after crossing a great bridge that reminds me of the one in New York. I found a great city, but I didn't want to get involved with humans.

Since leaving the city I have very few options, my goal remains the same, to regain my human form. I didn't find very important clues in Junniper's lab.

I remember in the first generation games you helped a scientist who turned into Pokémon, then he gave you an Eevee or something like that. I don't know if it's real in this world, but I'll have to find a way to take a look at it.

I also found more clues of my origin, thanks to the detailed report they had, I have a great chance of knowing where Liberty Garden is. It is supposed to be my place of origin, I think I should take a look since I am in this region.

It is supposed to be somewhere in the south of Virbank city "I just hope it is not like Atlantis and it has already sunk" I continue to fly in the desert when I realize something strange.

Eyes come out of the sand "what is that?" I approach carefully, but my eyes only blink, wondering whether to throw fire at them or leave them alone. The pile of sand begins to shake.


A hippopotamus emerges from the sand, light brown in color with small spots darker and lighter than the color of its body.

"Hey Dex"

"Hippopotas is a ground-type Pokémon. It is small, with short limbs and has a large mouth with very strong teeth. His nostrils help him find food easily. Instead of sweating, it expels grains of sand. He smears sand to protect himself from germs "

'Hippos like water, maybe it can take me to an oasis' I approach the creature

"Hello my friend hiccup, do you know of a nearby place with water?"

The creature just watches me and starts crying

"Sinf, snif" 'does sand cry?'

"Wait is not that important, you don't need to cry" the Pokémon calms down after a while.

"Hipp, hipp"

"I see you moved away from your pack"

"Hipp, hipp"

"A group of humans unearthed something in the desert and you separated from your parents"

"Hipp, hipp"

"Well I'll help you, how long ago did you get lost?"

"Hipp, hipp"

"What do you mean don't you know?"

"Hipp, hipp"

"Well that explains a lot, do you know where your pack gathers?"

"Hipp, hipp"

"I have not seen a castle around here, but let's look for it"

With my new partner I continued my way through this desert. During the rest of the day we did not find a clue of that castle and the strangest thing there was no other Pokémon in the area.

At night Hippopotas buried himself in the sand and I just got into my pokeball 'it's like a room in a five-star hotel, sometimes I forget how comfortable it is'

The next morning we were ready to go when I heard a strange noise.

"Plas, plas"

We zoomed in and saw a vaguely familiar Pokémon.

"Isn't that the land crocodile?" seemed to run quickly somewhere

"Hey you" I yell at him, which worked as he turned towards us, running in a hurry.

However, it doesn't stop, until I use confusion to slow it down

"Slower sprinter"

"Kroko, Kroko"


"Krokorok is a ground / sinister type Pokémon. This Pokémon is never separated from its pack, made up of several Sandiles. The membranes in his eyes protect him in desert sandstorms. "

"You're alone, where is your pack?"

"Kroko, Kroko"

"Wait, a sandstorm? That's not good"

"Kroko, Kroko"

"Hipp, hipp"

"Let's hurry before it catches up with us" in a hurry we headed in the opposite direction of the sandstorm.

No matter how fast us where we could not avoid the sandstorm, fortunately we found some rocks that helped us take refuge. After a couple of hours, the storm calmed down a bit "it didn't stop completely" and we were able to get out of it.

"Don't you know where the castle is?"

"Kroko, Kroko"

"Great, in that case we let you accompany you"

We continue walking, but before reaching our destination we see a large group of Pokémon fighting.

"Bam Bam"


It is a pitched fights, on one side is a group of crocodiles and on the other a herd of hippos.

I aim my Fire Blast in the middle of the leaders and the fight stops for a moment, both leaders turn to see me.

"Hippo, hippo"

"Kroo, Kroo"

"Don't worry, I come in peace" I raise my hands and approach them.

"Hippo, hippo"

"Kroo, Kroo"

"I just want to know what the problem is"

"Hippo, hippo"

"Kroo, Kroo"

"their children? They refer to them "I point to the two behind me, they quickly run to look for them.

"Well that was easy"

When they finish seeing their children they immediately start peeling.

"Bam Bam"

Again I stand between it "they have already found their children, what is the problem now?"

"Hippo, hippo"

"Kroo, Kroo"

"I see"

"Hippo, hippo"

"Kroo, Kroo"

In short, both packs lived in a large territory. They all had their own space and resources were not scarce, but for some time a group of humans appeared, arrived with their machinery and unearthed something from the desert.

That took their place from both hippos and crocodiles. They wandered for a while in the desert until they found a quiet place. But it was much smaller than the previous territory, in the end the small disputes appeared and now they cannot be together.

"The desert is very big, wouldn't it be better to look for another area?"

"Hippo, hippo"

They apparently tried, but couldn't get through the sandstorm and had no choice but to stay here. Humans again, I'm surprised they haven't been captured and experimented on.

"Well I'll help you find a new territory" both Pokémon nod and again they start fighting.

"Stop, I already told you that I would help you, now why are you fighting?"

"Hippo, hippo"

"Kroo, Kroo"

This time they fight to see who it is that moves and who stays with this territory.

"The best thing will be for both of them to move, so they will all be the same"

Both Pokémon make a disgusted face, but after thinking about it for a while they accept my proposal.

Okay, on the way I found a big desert without any Pokémon in sight, the problem will be to get through the storm with such a large group.

Well the first thing will be to investigate. I am heading towards the sandstorm, looking for a cave, a tunnel or something to help us cross. Apparently the sandstorm never stops, it acts as a natural barrier, but it has a somewhat curious condition. At noon it gets stronger and right at midnight for a couple of hours it gets weaker.

I gather both packs and explain the plan to them.

"Just at midnight the storm weakens that will give us time to go through it"

"Hippo, hippo"

"Kroo, Kroo"

"Let's all go together, form a circle, but the weakest in the center, the strongest will go to the front, we will go through that storm as quickly as possible"

We waited for midnight and headed towards the storm, in theory it seems easy. However, it is much more difficult than expected, I could not even float, the whole time I had to go on the back of one of the hippos.

I was in charge of watching over them. When someone was delayed I would load him up with confusion and put him back in the group. The leaders were strong and none of them moved from the front, thanks to them we were able to cross without much inconvenience.

Finally saline from the storm, we rested for the rest of the day, the next morning both groups separated, each one went in a different direction.

"Again alone" well now I will continue on my way.




Again I was in the forest, thanks to my whale friends it was not very difficult to cross the sea, I am a few steps from Virbank city. I'll have to gather information, but not get too close to the humans or the city.

"That sounds very difficult" I don't know if I can do it alone, the other option would be to investigate with the Pokémons in the area.


"I should have asked the whales if they knew anything"

"help!" A scream interrupts my thoughts, I quickly approach the source of the noise.

I can't believe what I see, this is one of the best things that has happened to me since I arrived.

"The rocket team" and not just any member of the original members, Jessie, James, and Meowth. They are my favorite characters in the whole series, I always laughed like crazy with them.

They are catching a Pokémon with some bazookas "classic rocket team". I know they're not bad, but I can't let them catch their prey.

Well it's time to make a memorable entry.

When they seem to be talking to the Pokémon I use my V-create move, I don't use it 100%, just enough to make a crater between them, thus separating the comic trio from the creature.




Narrator pov

The rocket team is one of the most feared in the world. Currently, they control two regions and they will not rest with that alone. Their plans have reached Unova, they sent their most loyal members to capture the Pokémon that would help them take over the world .

"I don't see it anywhere"

"I saw him James, he's behind those bushes"

"Jessie, proceed carefully, we will capture her without hurting her too much"

"Woobat, use Air Slash"


The furball-like Pokémon with bat wings and a pink nose with a heart. Its wings gleam and blasts of air blast out at high speed, drifting through bushes and exposing the Pokémon.

"They have nowhere to run"

"Surrender at once"

Preparing their nets they corner their prey, but are interrupted by a fireball that smashes directly between them and their target.

A scream is heard from the smoke.

"Don't worry, because I'm already here" the creature coming out of the crater smiles and raises its thumb towards the other Pokémon.

"Evil villains won't get away with it" she turns to see the comedic trio and points her finger at them.

"What kind of Pokémon is that?"

"It seems that he is saying something"

"I don't know, but it is interfering with our capture"

"It's your turn Yamask, Shadow Ball" a Pokémon with a mask on its tail comes out of the pokeball and throws a ball charged with dark energy.

The Mysterious Pokémon easily dodges it.

"A surprises attack, I'm not supposed to prepare for trouble first"

The trio is amazed by the claims of the creature.

"I said yes I should first prepare for trouble"

"What is Meowth saying?"

"He says that if he should prepare for problems"

"It seems that he knows us"

"It is no surprise, who in the world does not know the rocket team"

The mysterious pokemon lets out a sigh "well maybe they already said it, well now from the action" from his ears a fireball forms that quickly advances to the trio of clueless.

"Boom" the fireball hits directly, the team goes flying through the air leaving a trail of smoke in its path.

"Team rocket was beaten again" the scream is heard as they fly to the horizon.

"That was quick" he turns around and sees the Pokémon watching him closely.

"My name is Victini, super mythical Pokémon, are you okay?"

The other pokemon smiles at him "thank you super Pokémon, and no, I don't have any injuries"

"You heard me, what a shame, I thought you would not understand me" he extends his leg and helps her stand up.

"Who are you by the way?"

"My name is Meloetta"




Next chapter