

" Haven't you wondered why there has been no news from Mara," Alpha Boron asked suspiciously.

" Maybe Alpha Zeev has sent that bitch Fenrir out of the crystal moon pack and has taken in Mara as his wife," Luna Kia responded nonchalantly.

" Do you think your daughter will be able to make Alpha Zeev leave his moon-made Luna for a girl who's crazy obsessive about him," Alpha Boron piqued up again.

" Not if the girl isn't my daughter Mara, she's the strongest princess of Asteria and beautiful too, her intelligence knows no bounds and with those treasures she took along, I'm sure she has already been taken in by Alpha Zeev," she said again, imperturbable.

" No I refuse to be at ease, this is the second day and news hasn't reached us that she is his wife or has been taken in by him," Alpha Boron said pacing around the throne.

The sudden entrance of a messenger shocked them both to the core.

" Your Highnesses, there's big trouble looming, rumours have it that the princess has been locked up in Alpha Zeev's dungeon," he said, panting heavily.

" What? They both exclaimed in great shock, does he not know who I am, I'm a king and he dared to imprison my daughter, who dares to do so," Alpha Boron thundered out enraged.

" I believe that with adequate warning, you could have prevented these looming rumours, but to clear your doubts, it's not a rumour, she's indeed being locked up in my Alpha's dungeon and there's nothing you can do to get her out," Jay said walking to the couple who were already petrified.

" You, how? how did you get in here?" Luna Kia stuttered apprehensively.

" As you can see, the door was wide open and you were probably too busy with the thought of your daughter being the wife of Alpha Zeev, " Jay said jeeringly.

" How dare you speak to my wife like that," Alpha Boron thundered exasperatedly.

" Not only your wife do I dare to talk to like that, but you've also lost all respect as an Alpha and a king to my Alpha Zeev and as one of his people, I'm only to do as he does," Jay said again, giving no end to the taunting remarks thrown at the couple.

" Guards, kill this man and show his Alpha what I'm capable of, " the king said, smirking widely.

" As you can see I've no sword with me which shows that I'm not here for a fight, but if any of your guards raise their swords against me, I'll make sure to unalive every one of them," Jay replied not flinching.

" Who the hell are you?"" Luna Kia spoke up enraged, "the guards will be here soon and I'll make sure to send every bit to your king in a parcel," she said tentatively.

"I do not need to tell anyone who I am, those who know never live to tell the story," Jay said, smirking widely at the anxious couple.

The guards came in troop after troop all surrounding Jay, with only a scroll in his hands.

" Are you sure you want to do this Alpha Boron?" he asked with a demeaning gaze.

" You must be afraid right, otherwise why are you stalling for time, is your Alpha going to perhaps come here to save you since you're his people."Alpha Boron said trying to hide the trepidation in his voice.

" A member of our pack can beat all those gathered here triple the number," he said proudly.

The king gave no reply and instead motioned to the guard to kill him.

They all unsheathed their swords, each moving closer to attack him.

" Regret this day," Jay thundered, as he made a swift turn to avoid the slash of a guard behind him.

The swift movement of his jolted the guard to fear, as he kept the scroll away.

The sword from the guard was snatched away from him by Jay, as he moved swiftly to cutting each of the guards.

Luna Kia's eyes grew in fear as she watched the body of the guards fall to the ground dead.

The white Castle floor was blood-stained and the lifeless body of guards.

"Then, he is the death messenger," Alpha Boron and Luna Kia's eyes grew in shock as they both stuttered.

The body of the last guard fell to the floor and a splatter of blood to the face of Alpha Boron.

An amusing smile formed on Jay's face as he dropped the sword to turn the ground with a loud clunk.

" I'm pretty sure you know who I am by now, this is this scroll Alpha Zeev asked to be delivered to you," he said calmly.

Alpha Boron took the scroll from Jay as he cowered in trepidation.

" I'm not going to kill you, Alpha Boron, Alpha Zeev didn't ask me to do any of these, " he said with a mocking smile spread across his face.

The sound of the scroll being opened filled the blood-stained room.

Please read aloud Alpha Boron, my Alpha asked that I make sure you got the message.

The cracky voice of Alpha read the letter on the scroll.

" I'm sure you know what it means, it was originally supposed to be a warning but it seems like Alpha Boron has to be taught by the bloodshed of his guards."

" Next time if at all, I'd personally roll your head and that of your Luna if you dare to make any moves towards Alpha Zeev's wife," he said and turned back to leave.

The Queen fell on her knees, and with no balance, she rolled over to the lifeless body and pool of blood.

Her face and the entire attire she wore looked ridiculous as she fell back into the heap of bodies.

Alpha Boron on the other hand sat down with no idea of what to do.

The palace looked ghastly and the splash of blood on Alpha Boron shone brightly against the white light of the walls.