

Alpha Zeev's POV

I held the little woman in my hands as we both walked down the flight of stairs.

" Stay, I'll carry you," I said, bending over to sweep her off her feet.

"Tell me if you like what is prepared," I said, not Minding the protests from her as I swooped her from the ground.

The maids around the table opened their eyes wide in shock.

" Alpha Zeev, there are some visitors from Asteria," a guard from outside said.

The woman in my hands shuddered with fear as I could see the trepidation in her eyes.

" You'll be fine Fenrir, " I said , still holding her tightly in my arms.

"I'll get down first Alpha Zeev," she said, trying not to show the complex emotions.

" Stay Fenrir, you belong here, they're the ones who do not," I said, holding her tightly in my arms as the creak and clank of shoes was heard outside.

The door opened and the expectant face of the old man with the woman who seemingly is the second princess of Asteria turned gloomy.

Fenrir tried to squeeze down from my arms meeting the gloomy and vicious eyes of her half sister .

"Be a good wife, let's listen to what they have to say together," I said, still not letting her go.

" Take your eyes off my wife, Lady," I said to her, since she couldn't keep her eyes off Fenrir. I watched as her eyes darted back and forth at the exquisitely rare food on the table back to the woman in my arms.

I sat down still holding Fenrir in my arms. " What are you here for," I asked, taking a spoon in my hand.

" I said to take your gazes off my wife or I ask them to be plugged them out of their sockets," I thundered at Mara.

I held Fenrir tighter in my arms as if she could be taken away from me at any moment.

" Old man, I feel like you've just come here to get on my nerves and watch me feed my wife this morning," I said questioningly.

" Sorry for the disturbance Alpha Zeev, but could you please ask that Fenrir to excuse us." He said looking into my eyes.

" Seems like you all haven't had enough lessons to learn from your first messenger." I motioned to the guard to take them away.

" Take them away, do the same as you've done to the messenger and when they finally learn their lesson that my wife's name isn't to be called by people like them, bring them back," I said putting a spoonful of food in Fenrir's mouth.

The little woman in my hands shuddered as she looked at me pleadingly. The screams of Mara were deafening as she struggled in the hands of the guard to be let free.

" Leave them," I said, not looking at the show in front of me as I continued to feed Fenrir.

" You, this bitch, what have you done to him, you're a vicious snake," Mara said violently as she rushed over to hit her.

" Ahhh," her screams filled the air as she was hit strongly to the ground by a guard.

" Raise your hands to her again and I swear to her that I'll have your hands cut off and sent back to your Father." I said with all seriousness.

Her body cowered in fear as she crawled over to the old Man.

" Tell me what you want, old man, I have no time to spare your shenanigans, " I said impatiently as I continued feeding the woman in my hands.

He readjusted himself in the seat, seemingly unsure of how to start.

" Take the scroll from him and read, " I said to the guard beside him.

" So you mean your princess is here with treasures for me in exchange for me to marry her," I said when the guard finished reading the letter in the scroll.

" Yes Alpha Zeev," the old man said confirming my words. My hands halted in mid-air from feeding the woman in my hands.

She looked up at me with complex emotions, fear, and betrayal were all evident in her eyes. I looked at her putting the food in her mouth.

" Be good and trust me Fenrir, you're not leaving" I said softly to her, rubbing her hair in my hands.

" It's been a long I've had these kinds of offers, bring your treasures here," I said to the delight of the woman who was writhing in pain, her face was contorted into a grimace of pain and suddenly bore a wide triumphant smile.

The guards went and soon carried with them boxes of treasures In their hands.

" Is this all of what you brought?" I asked, not taking a glance at her.

" Yes Alpha Zeev, I've brought these numerous and priceless treasures for you in exchange for being your wife". She said, smiling more widely.

I took a look at the old man and the grins on his face didn't seem to crease.

"Take them to the villagers, and tell them a woman wants to marry their Alpha in exchange for these, if any of them takes it, I'll consider your offer", I said stroking Fenrir's hair.

Their faces were filled with great pleasure listening to my words.

" There is no need to, Alpha Zeev, without a doubt your people will take these treasures, " the old man said confidently.

" My people aren't hungry and greedy like yours, " I said , smirking

" And if they do not, be ready to face the consequences of your actions," I said holding Fenrir in my hands tighter.

Her face was scrunched up as I pressed her face on my chest. Her steady breaths indicated that she had long fallen asleep.

The guards turned around to do as said walking out of the Castle. " Show them to the rooftop so they'd see for themselves," I said, making sure the woman in my hands was comfortably asleep.

Mara turned back to look at her, immediately meeting my demeaning gaze which carried only tenderness for Fenrir, she lowered back her gaze and walked to the rooftop.