
Chapter 9: Upon the Crossroads

Christiana helped the sisters tidy the chapel, humming a hymn as sunlight washed the glittering windows. But an unease grew, and shadows swirled in corners as if stirred by dark wisps.

She turned to find Satan watching, a wolfish smile curling his lip. "Your time playing nursemaid nears its end. All this will be ashes when I'm done with you."

Christiana trembled, clutching the crucifix at her breast. "Your tricks cannot harm me here."

Satan circled, trailing claws along the pews, until he loomed over her. "I'll show you such wonders, child, if only you take my hand." He offered a pale finger, ringed with shadows. "All this squalor will be replaced by opulence and power beyond imagining."

Memories of greed and lust arose like bile, but Christiana pushed them down. "Your lies mean nothing to me. I know your false gifts end in ruin."

Satan's grin stretched wide. "So be it. I'll let you witness the fall of all you hold dear before dragging you down with me." His laughter echoed as darkness closed in. Christiana fled the shadows, her heart pounding, but found no refuge. Satan awaited in the rose arbor, where she collapsed, weeping.

"You poor child," he crooned, smoothing her hair. "So much turmoil for one so young and tender. Come, let me ease your suffering."

She batted his hands away. "Don't toy with me, deceiver! I want no part in your schemes."

Satan tutted. "Must you always see deception where there is only care? I offer respite; no tricks or bargains are asked." He gestured, and the arbor bloomed anew, fragrant and lush. "Here is peace. Let go of your worries and breathe deep, cleansing air."

Her defenses crumbled under his velvet words as weariness seeped into tired limbs. The asylum he proposed seemed like her only shelter from the madness. As sleep stole over her, Christiana wondered what strangling vines might sprout this morning. Christiana hovered on the brink of oblivion, doubts assailing her weary spirit. Which path offered refuge—the rose arbor's sweet deception or the barren way of truth?

She recalled Jesus' admonitions yet saw no lamp to light the darkness. As sleep drew her under, a glimmer caught her fading sight—the crucifix at her breast, its figure limned in silver.

Not yet, my child. Have faith. I am with you.

Renewed courage swelled her breast, and Christiana tore herself from slumber's edge with a gasp. Satan stirred, his smile fading to a snarl as comprehension dawned. "Fool girl. You think your wooden god can save you?"

Christiana gripped the crucifix tightly. "Your illusions cannot sway me. I place my trust in God alone."

Shadows congealed, bearing down with teeth of ice. Satan bellowed, "Then drown in darkness, wretch! See how your god rescues you now."

Christiana sank to her knees, prayers stuck in her throat as night descended. All seemed lost without divine rescue from the deceptions obscuring reality's light. Christiana's prayers froze on her lips as shadows consumed the world. Yet in that black void, she glimpsed a radiance that kindled hope in her sinking heart.

Though reality faded under illusions' grim shroud, that gentle luminance anchored her wavering faith. As horror crested, Christiana clung to the memory of the warmth and compassion it embodied.

Satan's mockeries battered her failing courage, yet the light's promise sustained her crumbling defenses. When all succumbed to the roaring darkness, its comfort alone remained.

With her final strength, Christiana cast herself upon that vision—a drowning sailor grasping a fragment of wreckage. Darkness pressed in on every side yet could not crush her hold or douse the flame rekindled by lingering faith.

Though torn by doubt and shadows' assault, she would not let the light be quenched but kept its gleam alive in memory until help could come, as she called its name in prayer against the howling void: Jesus, save me! I believe! Christiana strained against the darkness, clutching tight to the fragile light. Satan's mockery pummeled her weary faith, yet her prayer continued: Jesus, save your bride!

Then light pierced the void, banishing shadows. Jesus stood before her, his face aglow with compassion. "Come to me, beloved. I have conquered death; no darkness can overcome my love."

He offered his scarred hand; radiance flowed from the cruciform wounds. But as Christiana reached, Satan appeared at her shoulder. "Fool! Do you think his scars can shield you from my wrath? Take my hand instead, and all this power will be yours."

At the crossroads of choice, Christiana glimpsed the eternal stakes. Satan promised dominion yet offered only corruption. Jesus' light spoke of humility, yet in its glow, she saw love that could never die.

Her decision was made, and Christiana took a step and laid her hand in Jesus'. At once, Satan howled, and darkness shattered like glass. Wrapped in Light's embrace, she turned to see him banished, his power broken at love's victory.

Weeping, she buried her face in Jesus' robes. "My Lord and Bridegroom, by your grace, I choose your will alone." His kiss swept away all doubt; their union was made complete.



"Simplicity is the intention, purity in the affection; simplicity turns to God, purity unites with and enjoys him." ~ Thomas a Kempis

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