
A Break Finally???

Jojomila_221 · Realistic
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2 Chs

A Few Mornings Before

Through the light tinted curtains, the sun shined brightly. The sun was brighter today than any day in the week. It was finally Friday. Joel and you started getting your sex life back in order since the birth of your first son and child J-J. The first to awake was Joel who had the light blaring in his eyes. He sighed. His arms were tied around your waist. His fingers tracing along the marks on your stomach, as he admires the beauty in the room at that moment.

Joel withdrew his arms from around you and arose from the bed. His feet crunched together as they cracked. "(Yawns)"His tongue clicked the top of his throat as he smelt his breath. Joel stretched his arms out. One hand found his underwear and pulled it down. He hung lose for a few minutes before exploring his night draw for a fresh pair. He liked long Calvin Klein underwear. It just felt more comfortable and he could always get a good breeze down there.

Joel cracked his bedroom window opened and blew his bad morning breath into the warm calming air. He picked up a clean shirt from the floor and slipped it on. It was covered in dog hair from your dog Shadow the German Shephard. Joel got back on the bed, but on his hands and knees. He commando crawled over to you. You were sleeping peacefully facing your son's crib. Joel's big soft hand rested on your shoulder. He gave you a slight shake. He leaned down, right above your ear. "Hey baby, it's time to get up. I'll go start some breakfast for the three of us."

Joel hopped off the bed and walked towards the door. He turned his head back to say one more thing. "Oh and don't forget to bring J-J in. See you in a bit y/n." His lips looked kissable as ever when he puckered them from across the room. Your eyes tried to stay open. But immediately shut. You sat up and rubbed them getting all that crust off. You ripped off the corset and got into a comfy t-shirt and lounging pajama shorts.

You looked for your phone to see the time, and why it felt so early. That's why, it was 8:25 a.m. on a Friday. "Ughh, today is gonna be another stressful day. Just think the weekend is tomorrow. How the fuck did he wake up early anyway?" You smirked thinking tomorrow was Saturday however. You hopefully wish for another night like last night to happen. You stood up and glanced at the crib to see J-J still fast asleep with his thumb in his mouth. You thought, "I'm still curious, how the hell he didn't hear us last night. Hm heavy sleeper. Gets it from his daddy."

You chuckled thinking how alike they were. Joel truly had his own mini version of himself. Even though he wanted a baby girl, he fully accepted a son. He promised to show his son how to respect women and etc. Joel was a gentleman, hiding behind a loose and free going man. You hovered above the crib staring at little J-J. "Good morning, J-J. How's my little boy doing?" You reached your hands in and gentle picked and placed him in your arms.

Softly with your thumb you brushed along his tiny eyes, to get his dust out his eyes. The other eye that you weren't cleaning slightly opened to you smiling. He threw his arms in the air and giggled at you. His hand tugged on your hair that was all over the place due to Joel from last night. "Oww. No J-J. No!" His face went into a pout similar to yours. He wouldn't cry, but he would get pissy and petty. Which is his daddy again.

"Great now i have to deal with two petty bitches." He laughed at you again. "Soo you think that's funny huh? Just come on, eat." You lifted your shirt up and your left breast was exposed to him. He got excited he was being fed and he didn't have to cry for just to get something to eat. J-J happily ate away. You could quietly hear his gulping and slurping as he enjoyed it. "The over exaggeration is strong with you J-J isn't it?" The baby didn't react to the comment. "Be careful, I'm gonna walk out to Daddy now. Daddy is making us some food! Actual food, not milk."

You walked carefully into the kitchen where you could smell, bacon , eggs and sausages being made. Your mouth watered the closer you got. J-J was still eating by the time you got in the kitchen. Joel turned around and immediately turned back. Under his breathe he whispered, "Lucky bastard..." "What was that Joel?" "Nothing babe! How's are little boy doing this morning?"

Joel grabbed him from your arms and into his own. J-J once again laughed at Joel for no reason. Joel didn't need him to have a reason, all he wanted to know is that son cared. It's obvious to Joel now that he does. He had already the towel over his shoulder to burp J-J on. Joel walked over to J-J's high chair which was red, black and blue, customly designed by Joel himself. He put J-J in his seat. Joel rushed over to the scrambled eggs that he made for J-J. The toaster made a loud pop when the toast were done.

"Babe can you grab that?" You nodded and held them with two fingers dangling in the air due to the heat coming off them. You knew it was rare for Joel to make a full blown breakfast especially on a Friday morning. You tossed the toast on the blue glass plate. The bacon sizzling only made you hungry faster. You wanted them right here and right now. Joel caught you outta the corner of his eye. He smacked your hand with his handy spatula as he called it. "Babe!" He pointed at the microwave and opened the door up.

A whole plate of bacon was hot and ready to be eaten. Joel pulled the plate out and extended it to you. You grabbed the plate and giggled. Joel shook his head, rolling his eyes. "Only you y/n"

Joel grabbed a pan from the stove that steam was coming off of. It was J-J's eggs. "You better wait to give that to him, Joel!" Joel sighed. The plate on the high chair was just cleaned by Joel, purposely knowing that J-J would really make a mess today. Joel poured the 2 scrambled eggs onto his high chair. "Oh and..." Joel grabbed a box of Cheerios and poured that next to the eggs. "Eat up little buddy." Joel stroked his fingers through his little man's hair and kissed his forehead. Joel got up from behind you and tossed his arms around you. "And you missy!" He gave a rapid fire of kisses along your neck to your cheek.

"You! Y/n." Joel pulled you around and slammed you against the counter, his lips and body came closer and the heat in the room was increasing. His large hands found your waist and rubbed them. "Joel, not in front of the baby, especially if he is awake." Joel looked back to the baby and saw J-J knee deep in those eggs. "I think I can have you for a few minutes. But I'll save that for later. I wanted to talk to you about something." You looked at him curiously.

"What's up?" He removed the hair hanging off your face. "I wanna go on a vacation with you." Your eyes bulged. "I'm sorry, what?" Joel bit his lip "I wanna go on vacation... with you." "Joel what about work?" "Fuck it, I'll hire a team. We need at least a week long vacation away or hell even two weeks. I mean unless you want to bring J-J with us?" Joel bit his lip again as he said that thinking you would say yes. "I think we could drop him at your mom's. " Joel had a grin on his face, that screamed victory. He leaned in and kissed your cheek. His mouth then nibbled your ear lobe.

"Alrighttt, I get to have mommy allllllllllllll to my self for two weeks." You nudged him back a bit to speak your mind, "Joel... how much exactly would this "Team" cost? And don't you think two weeks is a little much without J-J?" Joel sighed as he slid his fingers on his eyes showing him being stressed. "Hun, two weeks ain't gonna kill him. Neither is paying two or three people to help us or right now take our place to fill and do paperwork."

You held his cheek with your entire hand, stroking his beard. "Okay. Where would we even go?" Joel's eyes scrambled to the ceiling thinking of a place to travel to. And to be two steps ahead of you, how to get there, and the cost overall. "Hmm... ah! I got it! Let's go to Jamaica!" Your face squinted, "Jamaica?" Joel nodded, "Yeah, you told me how you always wanted to go when we first started going out." You couldn't remember, that was such a long time ago. You and Joel had met over 10 years ago, but didn't start dating until 6 years ago.

"I don't know." Joel's hand lifted your chin to see him eye to eye. "Oh come on honey. We may never get this chance when he is older. Same thing goes if we have more kids." You smirked thinking of a bigger family, but also the thought of you and Joel relaxing together. The last proper vacation you both had was your honeymoon which was 3 years ago; That was to Mexico.

You sighed in defeat. "Okay fine. We'll go to Jamaica." Joel smiled widely and kissed your lips. Slipping his tongue purposely to make the kiss a bit more passionate and sexy to him. "I'm glad. I said Jamaica cause there is a cruise happening currently where it's half off the entire trip." Your eyes lit up when the word cruise escaped his mouth. The sea was a vast and beautiful place, it always reminded you of Joel. Calming and romantic. "I knew you would love that."

Joel lifted you on the counter and stared up at you. Your hand reached for the plate of bacon, a nice thick and juicy slice of turkey bacon. Joel rubbed your thighs seductively, his hands made friction with your skin to the point where it was burning. "Mm, Joel as much as I love you doing that. I'm gonna have to ask you to stop." Joel's face frowned. He leaned down to your thighs and kissed the stretch marks on them. You had one hand holding bacon, and the other stroking his hair. "Aren't you gonna eat babe?" Joel's eyes shifted up towards your face, but fluttered shut. "Nahh, I'm good. Already ate sweetie." You rolled your eyes. "Just don't eat me okay?"

That made his head perk up. "Aww shucks." He said giggling, slapping your thigh once more. His strong hand gripped your left thigh tightly, like he was trying to arouse you. "Cut it out Joel and let me eat please." Annoyed, you continued eating your bacon quietly. Joel just stared in between your thighs. Sighing you open them a bit more for him. "I'll show you more..." Joel slowly inched his face closer. "IF!" Joel then smacked his head into the counter. "If you watch J-J and put him in the play pen... then I'll let you have your fun between my legs. Nothing else, but your lips Joel!" He nodded carefully and ran to the dining table. Impatiently watching his son make a mess. Joel was gonna have to wait forever.

Laughing at Joel's weirdness, you tossed a piece of bacon on the floor for Shadow. The big German didn't even chew, he just swallowed. "Pig." You mumbled under your breath.

Jamaica, you thought. What was there to do in Jamaica? There's surfboards, push carts and much more to do. All those ideas fluttered in and out of your mind at a seconds pace. Until you snapped back into reality. Remembering the hardest decision about going on this vacation. Could J-J really last that long without the both of you? Two whole weeks without your baby boy? Two whole weeks without mommy and daddy? That just seemed unbearable.

To Be Continued...

Part 1 Ended