
A Boy in the great game(dropped)

A unique presprective on the game of thrones from an extremely powerful eternal child with ice powers to be exact good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · TV
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82 Chs

The Prodigal Son

In the dimly lit chambers of the citadel, Darkmetal stood before the rebellious teenage Winterborne, his expression stern and unwavering. The boy, clad in tattered garments and bearing the defiant glint of youth in his eyes, regarded him with a mixture of defiance and suspicion.

"You've come to take me back, haven't you?" the boy spat, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Well, you can tell Sinclair Snow that I'm never going back. I refuse to be a pawn in his twisted game any longer."

Darkmetal's lips curved into a humorless smile, his eyes gleaming with an inner resolve. "Your defiance is admirable, boy," he replied, his voice cold and detached. "But you must understand that there are consequences for your actions. Your parents are beside themselves with worry, and they have pleaded with the Godking to bring you back to the fold."

The boy's expression softened slightly at the mention of his parents, a flicker of guilt crossing his features. "I...I didn't mean to cause them pain," he admitted, his voice faltering. "But I can't stay in the citadel any longer. I refuse to be complicit in the oppression of the underground."

Darkmetal's gaze hardened, his resolve steeling against the boy's wavering resolve. "You speak of oppression, but you know nothing of true suffering," he countered, his voice echoing with authority. "Have you ever witnessed the poverty and despair that plagues the free cities of Essos? Or the brutality of life in the Iron Islands? Compared to them, the Winterborne live in luxury."

The boy's eyes narrowed, a spark of defiance reigniting within him. "That may be true," he conceded, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But it does not justify the cruelty and injustice that is inflicted upon the denizens of the underground. They deserve better, and I will fight to ensure that they receive it."

Darkmetal's expression softened slightly, a hint of sympathy flickering in his eyes. "I understand your frustration, boy," he replied, his voice tinged with regret. "But you must understand that change takes time. The citadel cannot afford to destabilize itself for the sake of a few malcontents. We must maintain order at all costs, even if it means sacrificing our own ideals."

The boy's resolve wavered, a pang of doubt gnawing at his heart. "I...I don't know what to do," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I want to make a difference, but I fear that I may be fighting a losing battle."

Darkmetal laid a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder, his gaze softening with understanding. "You are not alone, my young friend," he reassured him, his voice gentle yet firm. "Together, we can work towards a better future for all Winterborne, one where justice and equality reign supreme. But first, you must come home."

As Darkmetal escorted the rebellious teenage Winterborne back to court, whispers of the incident spread like wildfire throughout the citadel. News of the boy's defiance and subsequent return to the fold caused a media frenzy, with rumors and speculations running rampant among the Winterborne elite.

The Starks, who were shielded from most news of the inner workings of the citadel, were shocked to hear of the incident. This was the first time they had witnessed a Winterborne act undignified and more human, breaking free from the carefully crafted facade of perfection that surrounded the elite.

Ned Stark furrowed his brow as he listened to the reports, his expression grave with concern. "This is troubling news indeed," he remarked, his voice tinged with unease. "It seems that even within the citadel's hallowed halls, unrest simmers beneath the surface."

Robb Stark nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "It makes you wonder what other secrets the Winterborne are hiding," he mused, his tone thoughtful. "If they are willing to go to such lengths to maintain their facade of perfection, what else are they capable of?"

Bran Stark, ever the curious one, interjected with a question. "Do you think this incident could be connected to the rumors we've been hearing about the underground rebellion?" he asked, his voice tinged with excitement at the prospect of unraveling a mystery.

Ned shook his head, his expression grim. "It's hard to say," he replied, his voice heavy with uncertainty. "But one thing's for certain: we can't afford to underestimate the Winterborne. They may appear civilized on the surface, but underneath it all, they're just as ruthless as any other ruling class."

As the Starks pondered the implications of the incident, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were only scratching the surface of a much larger conspiracy. Little did they know, their curiosity would lead them down a path fraught with danger and deception, where the lines between friend and foe would blur, and the true nature of the citadel's power would be revealed.