
(chapter 1) the nerd boy

One day, this guy named Jason who is a nerd. He liked one girl named Felicia and Felicia somehow dont like Jason because he is a nerd. One time Jason asks Felicia a question "Hey Felicia I wanna ask something." Jason said " what is it" Felicia answered " do you want a boy like me" Jason shouted and Felicia answered seriously " I am going on a bad boy type" *Felicia giggles* and that made Jason wondered. " what if iam a bad boy not this nerd maybe she would like me" Jason mumbbled. And the following days Jason was trying to be a bad boy, wearing bad boy chlothing and bad boy attitude so that way she can impress Felicia. And one day Felicia was triggerd by Jason's attitude and clothing and she go up to Jason and said " Hey wanna be my girlfriend" Felicia state and Jason said " hell yea" with a face of succses.