Justin has two problems. He is a prince with a special power and has a father who wants him dead. He has to flee and assume a total new identity in a new country. Now known as Colin, he feels all alone until a boy his age takes a liking to him.
Chad picked up Justin's phone and glanced over the emails he had received. Both places had rejected him because of his lack of experience. He felt bad for Justin and wanted to help in some way. He pulled out his phone and added the email addresses to his contact list. He emailed both companies, explaining Justin's situation and that he wished to learn and grow from a successful company. After that, he Googled ways to gain experience in flower design.
Chad wiped Justin's tears away and laid him down. He lay down beside Justin and pulled up the covers because it was getting late. Chad was about to fall asleep when he felt the bed shift onto Justin's side. When Justin rested his head on his chest, Chad blinked a few times and smiled. He fixed the blanket and pulled it up over them.
"You'll get the job you want one way or the other," he promised. Chad kissed Justin's forehead and closed his eyes.
Justin woke up the next day and found Chad smiling down at him. He scooted over and sat against his pillow.
"Morning," he said.
"Good morning, love," Chad said. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.
"I don't remember even falling asleep," Justin said.
"It's because you cried yourself to sleep," Chad said. Last night's events descended like a tidal wave.
"Ugh, the emails," he grumbled, burying his face in his hands.
Chad slid behind Justin and pulled him into his embrace as Justin gasped for air.
"Just breathe," Chad said.
"It hurts," Justin said, choking on sobs.
"I know," Chad said. "Everything will be alright," he said.
"How?" Justin asked. "I just got rejected," "Twice, in fact," he said, his voice cracking.
"Believe me, everything will be alright," Chad said.
"It had better get better," Justin said. "Because I'm not sure I can handle any more heartbreak," he explained.
Justin was sitting in his bed, propped up against the pillows. His laptop lay on his lap, open to a flower design video that he was watching. Chad was in the shower, preparing for his interview at Starbucks.
"Do you want to join me?" Chad asked.
"I can't," Justin said. "I've got to finish this video," he said.
"Okay, maybe next time," Chad said.
"I'll take one with you tonight," Justin said.
"I'll hold you to that," Chad said, entering the bedroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist.
Chad noticed Justin sneaking quick peeks at him as he dressed. "Aren't you studying?" he asked.
"Yeah, but watching you is much more fun," he said.
"If you want to be hired, you need to study everything you can," Chad said. "I've got to go, so don't forget to work on your meditation and breathing," he said, kissing Justin on his cheek.
"I love you," Justin said.
"I love you, too," Chad said. Justin had just finished watching the video for the flower design workshop when he heard a knock on the front door.
Justin scooted away from the desk, rose from the chair, and headed to the hallway. He peeked through the curtains and spotted Daiki outside.
"Hi Daiki," he said, opening the door.
"Hello," Daiki said.
"Come on in," Justin said, opening the door wider and stepping aside. Daiki walked in and followed Justin to the living room.
They stepped up to the couch and sat down. "So, how have you been?" Daiki asked.
"Things are okay," Justin said.
"Just okay?" Daiki asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did something happen?" he asked.
"It's nothing like that," Justin said. "It's just that I got rejected by the flower shops I applied to," he said.
"Did they say why?" Daiki asked.
"Lack of experience," Justin said.
"Which shops did you apply at?" Daiki asked. Justin gave him the names of the shops.
"Oh, I see," Daiki said. "Those shops can be stingy about who they hire," he said.
Daiki furrowed his brows and rubbed his chin. "I have a friend who's opening a flower shop in a few weeks," Daiki said. "He'll need help with stuff," he said.
"Do you think he'll hire me?" Justin asked.
"I'll talk to him and explain your situation and interest," Daiki said. The front door opened, and Chad walked inside.
"Oh, hi," Chad said, walking into the room.
"Hello," Daiki said. "I thought I'd see how you guys were doing," he said.
"We are doing well, thank you," Chad said.
"I hear that Justin here is trying to get into the flower business," Daiki said.
"Yeah, we've hit a snag in that area," Chad said.
"I am watching workshops online though," Justin said. "To change the subject, how did the interview go?" he asked.
"It went well," Chad said. "I start at 8 Wednesday morning," he said.
"That's great," both Daiki and Justin said in unison.
"What were you two talking about before I walked in?" Chad asked.
"Daiki was just telling me that he had a friend who was going to open a flower shop," Justin said.
"I offered to talk to him about hiring Justin," Daiki said.
Daiki rose from the couch when he noticed the time. "I must go, but after I talk to my friend, I'll contact you," he said.
"Thank you for your help," Justin said.
"Keep doing those workshops until then," Daiki said.
"I will," Justin said. Justin walked Daiki to the front door and waved as he drove away.
"You have a friend there," Chad said, stepping up beside Justin.
"He is like a father to me," Justin said.
They snuggled on the couch and drank hot cocoa. "Do you think they'll let you bring home coffee?" Justin said.
"I'm not sure," Chad said. "I'll have to ask my boss," he said.
"If you can't, that's alright too," Justin said.
"Babe, don't worry so much about not having a job," Chad said. "You'll be working in no time," he said.
"I'm not worried," Justin said. "I'm just a little scared," he said.
"Of what?" Chad asked.
"Of not being able to fulfill my dream of working with flowers," Justin explained.
"You will," Chad said. "It just takes time," he said.