

"Given the difficulties of injuries faced by this team, a top-four place into the tournament is what Faith University deserved at the very least, unfortunately for them. They have to battle it out for the fourth spot under the special circumstances demanded by the Victorian Count, as Inkford University has made it into the contention. They have tied with Faith University." this decision had been made and announced by the Count's assistant, which gave a sense of relief to Amy for that moment. This opportunity made Amy accept their failure a little more as life gave her another chance. There was a smile on her face, a smile of someone confident that doesn't miss out on second opportunities. Although fate gave a lifeline to Inkford, she knew that the percentage of failing still existed if she had gotten carried away by her pride and confidence, nothing was to be taken for granted.

"I now announce that the match for fourth place will be on the 1st of July, which is in one week to make it fair for Faith University as it would give time for their players to have some time to recover from the injury crisis that they face. The game is scheduled to take place here at the Victorian Count's ground. I will be sending a notice to Inkford University and Faith University regarding the timing of when the game will be play. I thank you all for being a part of this event and I'm sorry for the Universities that haven't got selected. Please do your best in the future, we'll see you soon."

"Amy, we're proud to have you as our University's captain, our long-lost prestige has been restored. Everyone had written off Inkford University's name, years and years of failure we're finally competing and it's all thanks to you. You've made the ones around you better than they were before you arrived. You've instilled faith and belief in the whole team, which is why we have been gifted this opportunity by fate. Please don't dwell on your failure against Bamward University and make the most of it. If you do so, we will have another opportunity to go against Bamword University. Never forget how it hurts. The sadness and anger felt after the loss must be your fuel to motivate our victory. If Inkford ever needed a captain the most, it is now." Elly, the coach of Inkford University, acknowledged the impact that Amy provided on the team.

"I'm grateful to have a coach like you, if it weren't for you believing in me I would not have improved, nor could I have helped my teammates become the best version of themselves. Thank you for belieing in me and giving me this oppurtunity to represnt this University as a captain for our team."

As we edge closer to the important day in Inkford's recent history, the practice sessions at Inkford kept getting intense. The sessions took a toll on their body, but it didn't seem to matter as their focus was fixed on one objective triumph was the only objective.

Not only were the teammates improving, but the coach Elly had also started to learn new methodology to improve the drills performed by her students. She also began to accumulate information about how and what tactics Faith University uses to break down the data, analyze and set up her team according to the opponents' weaknesses. She also dug deep into what players are the best performers in the opponent team.

Elly was soon about to find out everything she researched was useless as fate would take her main pawn away from the plans she would impose on the team.

29th of June, Inkford scheduled a practice against one of their neighboring universities known as Imarticus University. During the practice match, an event occurred that would change their game against Faith University. It started as a friendly, Imarticus considered them as their rivals which Inkford were unaware of completely. They had approached the game physically, intending to harm their players. Soon the match went out of hand as Inkford was responding to Imarticus by their own game. Inkford completely lost their heads during the game. During the 60th minute of the game, Amy screamed with a lot of pain as she twisted her ankle, which didn't look good.