
A personal Servant.

"Father, I wish to know what was done with Azazel."

A child who didn't even take half of the space of the chair she was sitting on was speaking in a solemn and clear manner to a man who was sitting across from her.

The man was looking through papers when his child entered through the door of his study. He normally isn't seen with glasses. However how he was wearing a pair that gave him a sophisticated look rather the overbearing majestic look.

This was the first thing Sakura said to her father after arriving to his office and her father just raised his eyebrow at her sudden and direct question.

It was a moment of silence that filled the room after her question. While not hearing an answer, Sakura began to worry if she should have asked the question at all.

'Dammit, maybe I shouldn't have asked, maybe I should have waited a while longer to ask.'

She takes a big gulp of air when noticing her fathers steady gaze. But only question marks appeared after when she saw him smile at her in a bit of amusement.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask me that question. I was actually expecting you to ask me two months ago. I'm quite surprised you only asked me now."

"Wait really!? I thought you wouldn't tell me..."

"Haha. Well there is no reason why I wouldn't tell you if you asked. So no need to be so tense, you look rigid in that chair, so sit more comfortably. ."

"Ah, sure..."

"Do you want me to tell you now, or wait till Raphael brings the refreshments."

"You can just tell me now."


He leans in his chair and takes his glasses off. He uses his hand to sleek his hair back. The whole style changes and a few stand falls to his forehead, giving him that bad boy look. It was devilish handsome look.

"He was placed as a stable boy in the barracks under Azrael's 4th squad . While his father became a scarlet knight. He was luckily able to take the royal knight examination done twice a year. He became one of the top 20 who was able to join this years spring assessment.."

"I see... that's good."

Sakura sighs in relief because that means that both Azazel and his father are inside the palace walls, protected by the imperial barrier. The 4th squad is the one directly under the watch of the vice-commander of Azrael, so he would definitely watch them well if told it was an a important mission assigned directly under the scarlet knights, only it is classified to the other knights and commanders.

Especially the majors who are in control of the first and 3rd squads.

'They discriminate against those of common blood. That's why there is a separation of factions in the scarlet knights. Azrael can't force them to accept commoners or those below a certain noble class. So he had no choice to make the first through 3rd squad the ones only nobles are allowed to enter. If not, most likely any commoner or lower class noble that enters those groups will be hazed or bullied.

'There are four dukes in this empire while eight marquis and then sixteen Earl's, thirty viscounts, and lastly 45 barons. This is one of the largest human empires to name and it holds great numbers of lands from conquest of our ancestors. In time of peace the nobles have began to grow greedy and moral has grown small through their supremacy narcissistic beliefs. Around sixty percent of nobles above barons look down on everyone else. And I fear the number increases more in the future because children are raised in their parent views.'

Sakura sighs at knowing even if her ancestors tried their best to erase corruption. Nothing can change the twisted nature of human in power, it is actually a miracle that past emperors haven't been warped by the power they held or influenced by any corrupt official in the empire.

'Well... in grandfather's generation, his brother was the first I learn was wicked and depraved after so many years of no corruption inside the royal family. He even formed an army to fight against his brother when he sensed their father was close to his death.'

However even if Sakura saw it the best place to put both of them, she still held her doubts and worries.

'They have the whole squad behind them that can guard and protect them when the time is needed, however Azazel is a stable boy. Knights won't always be beside their horses. Just a moment of carelessness just because he is behind palace walls and bang! His end might return to how it was.'

"Papa... how about placing Azazel as my servant. Have Raphael train him and he can be my personal butler."

"Sakura. I don't th-"

"Think about it papa. How are you sure he will be fine? What if one day we get careless and he is taken? What then! And knowing his father, just like in the original setting; he will go to save his son, end up dying in front of him and bang! The boys will to live crumbles and guilt will fill him. Then the corruption will take over in the most satisfying way with no problem of Azazel fighting back! Again the leader who was the first corruption in this world will be reborn and deaths will fill this continent and I will-!! T-there is just a need to be more cautious papa."

Sakura quickly calmed down before she could continue her hypothetical rant. She knew if she talked anymore, Mihkael will ask what else she knew. And that is the one thing she doesn't want happening the most.

Mihkael noticed where she stopped, he knew she did so because she didn't want to discuss anymore of the topic of the future she hasn't told them yet. He knew it would be important information, yet as well understood she wouldn't like to be forced to discuss it.

"... Sakura, I have shadow guards around him if such a situation would happen. I understand how critical it is to keep him safe. Right now, the rulers of all the races know how important it is to keep him away from such a possibility. You can trust that we will put our utmost to keep him safe."

"... Have you guys ever discussed of disposing of him."

"! Sak-."

"I'm not a naive child father."

Her tone changed and her eyes held a glint of coldness to them.

"I know if there is a possibility that he is captured, then rather than a rescue mission, it will be an disposal mission."

Sakura understood that she took advantage of the kindness of everyone who knew of Azazel. She knew because he was a child, they would be soft hearted and wouldn't kill the boy to keep the world safe. But that wouldn't be the same if they spoke to their respective councils. For the safety of the nation and their people, a vote to kill off Azazel would mostly happen.

However she as well knows that all who hold a leading position over such large empires didn't keep a hold of it just because they were benevolent and kind, but because they held the mindset of a ruler who hold the lives of millions in their hands.

'But I learn my lesson to always have a plan for the unexpected. Making them swear that oath made them decide Azazel's fate in the most humane manner, rather than the rational one that was influenced by the choices of their subjects. '

"Sakura... you are right, there was a moment that was brought up, but we didn't even think of it after bringing it up for just that moment. We understand it isn't the boys fault his fate was decided in such a tragic outcome. So we made sure to have precautions when deciding where to place him. We gave the boy and his father a barrier crystal as well as a alarm crystal. The boy was already taken by Gabriel to the magic tower to test his magic capabilities and Adrik is sending one of his generals to be his teacher in dark magic. Because it appears the boys abilities are mostly shadow as well as dark manifestation magic."


Sakura already knew his abilities because that bastard would always boast how his vessels was quite the best, only she could rival his vessel in being the best tool out there.

"Still. I can't trust it will be fine. Have him beside me, I feel more secure it that happens."


"I can't feel assured unless he is right there beside me father. Please understand. I just have to see it with my own eyes that it wouldn't developed how it did in the g-future. I need to be reassured to know that if something happens, he will be beside the most safest place. Me, the crown heir to this empire."


Mihkael remained quiet. Raphael arrived halfway through this conversation and understood what Sakura meant when she said him being beside her would be the safest place.

Mihkael ordered half of his shadow force that is to guard him be placed beside her after the whole revelation of her possible death in the future.

'That each time she will have her afternoon snacks and tea or time to eat we would have only the most trusted chief of our palace make it separately from the rest and then have a personal purification mage check, especially a rare mid-tier stage 3 purification mage who was made to only be used to check her food. Reducing the number of the already scarce purification mages we have to help with corruption cases.'

Raphael walks beside Mihkael and rests his hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe it is best to keep the boy beside her Mihk."

"! But Raph!"

"Think about it. It is truly the safest and guarded area if he is beside her. Besides-"

Raphael leans forward and whispers to him the next part, out of earshot of Sakura.

"She will be calmer and less jittery if she has him beside her. I can see her worries were eating her up this last few months and we shouldn't discourage her after she finally asked about his whereabouts."

Mihkael glances toward her when he heard Raphael's words and noticed her eyes looking disappointed. Her hands clasping her dress in worry and her habit of clenching her teeth in distress when she feels like the situation isn't in her favor.

Over the years Mihkael was able to be beside his daughter, he quickly noticed habits of hers he doesn't think she even knows of. And he can see all the signs indicating she is afraid to hear him say no, she is panicking and is loosing her cool.

Mihkael sighs and can see that she doesn't trust them as much if she feels like she should personally have the boy beside her.

But the mistrust isn't what hurts him, it's the pressure she places over her shoulder that does. He can see she was overwhelming herself with many negative possibilities if she isn't there to watch him. It must have driven her insane with knowing the many future outcomes and each one being worse then the next.

'She carries a heavy responsibility that she feels she can't trust us with. I wonder how many times she must have seen the future of her placing her all in us and us disappointing her again and again that she now subconsciously feels the need to do it all on her own.'



Sakura bites her lip anxiously. She understands she can do nothing more to get her idea through. She just hope's whatever Raphael said can convince her father.

"... fine."

"!! Really! Oh thank you papa!!"

Her feeling of worries and jitters disappeared and she silently sighs in relief while showing a truly joyful smile.

To make him see how happy she was with the decision she jumps off the chair and runs to his arm.

"Just make sure if anything does happen, you leave it to the adults to fix it. Just run as far away as you can. Can you promise me that?"

"Of course papa! I promise you."

Mihkael smiles warily to hear her readied reply. His grip tightens and he can feel she may not be serious with her answer. Especially when he knew she would place herself in danger if it means to save others.

'Please gods and goddesses. Please protect this children. Please don't late fate condemned them all.'