
Prologue : A new Dawn

[NewLordOfHorizon : did a new chapter just drop? Well author it seems like I'm going to have to read more of your five-star meals!]

[Theonewhobreeds : Yo author, just a reminder that anytime you need me I am here to give you tips on how to write a harem!]

"...YES!! 10-power stones off the bat? I'm finally moving up the rankings!"

Hiroto, a dude in his twenties who had just finished college a couple of months ago yet was discovered to have held cancer was also a writer on the decently popular platform known as 'Webnovel', we're all sorts of popular and amazing books could be found.

"This is around the 1000th chapter... It's crazy how this is all free! I guess I'm still just that unnoticed..."

Staring at the ceiling from his bed inside the hospital room, Hiroto proceeded to contemplate multiple ideas of what he could write next.

'Next ark should probably focus on someone else... Never mind I've already had three of those, maybe a visit to Ryuujin? No that was two arcs ago... A beach episode?... A certain harem loving maniac would be way too happy if I were to write that."

Contemplating all remaining ideas he could push out before the end of his novel, the writer of so many destinies finally decided :

"What about the beginning of the military arc? I've been pushing the existence of the adventurers guild and many other organizations for way too long, there have been a couple of comments about it too..."

[DafuqLooking : I think you've been pushing the existence of the IDTA (interdimensional travelers agency) for a bit too long. I think next Ark we should probably focus on that]

[TheOneWhoIsPure : First off author, ignore TheOneWhoBreeds, and second off, I agree with the top dude. I think we should focus on all of the overall organizations, I unlike the top guy would love it if you focused on the 'Pillar of purity', especially because of the fact that a couple arcs ago, some high ranking adventurers were destroyed by a singular person from that organization. A conserve as a base for our MC and other characters to get stronger]

[THEGLAZEMENTOFHEAVEN : Author, Don't listen to anyone else, ESPECIALLY TheOneWhoBreeds, that man deserves to be worldwide hated! But seriously though, I don't really care as long as the next arc has something to do with organizations, military maybe, possibly even some kingdom building... The possibilities are Limitless.]

'Dayum...TOWB is that hated by the community?... I should probably ask for his birthday so that I can make a fanfiction about a beach episode.'

Contemplating for a little bit over 3 seconds, Hiroto went back to his computer and started typing, like always.

The only difference was that, the experience was...Strange—


"THE F—"

'Is that a....Black hole?'

—–— —–— —––

"Hello citizens of America, today we would like to talk about the recent incident of 'Hiroto Inugami', someone who originated from Japan but shortly after birth was transported here.. A strange incident occurred of a decently large amount of struggle while Mr. Inugami himself seemingly perished to an unknown type of cancer which not only left the entirety of his body constantly deteriorating, but it also made it so that it leaked an energy is similar to radiation. Multiple of our top tier scientists are constantly researching the cause of what could have happened!"

"Another thing along with that fact is the fact that Mr. Inugami was near a for some reason still active book when he was found dead along with contents that for some reason are erased and cannot be accessed, further research is being done on said computer and currently all we found out is that it's just a normal apple computer."

"Anyways.... (Blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blaaah blah blah blah blah blah—blah blah blue blah—blah blah blah)."

A man wearing pure golden armor along with eight wings (separated into four pairs) of angelic nature attached to his back stared at the person he considered a 'worthy opponent'.


"...Huh...What just happened..."

"Well if you're really as powerless as you say then I shall explain. I am Orius, the 5th vanguard of Origin Divinity, or what you mortals would call a Olden One. Trust me when I say that I occurred upon your existence by pure coincidence however the mere fact that you released such a... Sealed presents sort of shocked me. With some of my priests I attempted to look into your future of which it didn't show anything which meant that it was being distorted by some sort of entity stronger than me!"

As the angelic figure continued on his rant of explaining everything, Hiroto was just figuring out the fact that he had just...Died.

"You're probably having a hard time understanding what I'm saying, which makes sense considering the fact that you might actually be a normal human after all. Well even if you can't hear me I might as well tell you these things."

"I'm going to be sending you to a planet that I personally along with hundreds of other Oldens favors because of the select people inside. Keep in mind that you will lose most of the emotional connection that you had with your original world, so when you wake up again you might as well be joyous as a person who found upon billions of gold coins. I will also be tempering with your looks and how you remember yourself to look like, and due to simple conveniences I will also be largely tempering the memory you have with your parents and any connection with any familial entities...So, If you're actually letting me put your soul in a whole another body then I suppose you're a normal mortal... Well either way I hope you grow you strong enough to fight me, along with the fact that I also hope that I can find out what is so special about you and why you're fate holds...An end yet none."

"Along with that, The story that you were riding would you strangely similar to the world that I'm sending you also for some reason had all of its contents completed Plus the fact that your memories were filled with said contents... I might as well have you keep that."

"Welp, may a New Dawn welcome you!"

Sorry that this prologue came out so late, I was now just having ideas so I thought to actualize it and if this needs rewriting please tell me!

I also found this as a way to explain some of the things that he does later on in the novel as it might seem unexplainable or not sensible by the normal mental state.